Let's Talk - Cobra Kai

Fan Appreciation - Vol. 07

February 15, 2023 Just Curious Media Episode 132
Fan Appreciation - Vol. 07
Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
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Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Fan Appreciation - Vol. 07
Feb 15, 2023 Episode 132
Just Curious Media

Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Episode 132: Fan Appreciation - Vol. 07

Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez thank all the Patreon supporters as well as the fans that have shared 5 Star Reviews on Apple Podcasts (Nov 2021 - mid-Nov 2022) and much more.

Recorded: 02-09-23
Studio: Just Curious Media






#justcuriousmedia #letstalkcobrakai #mrjasonconnell #salvadorlosangeles #cobrakai #thekaratekid #daniellarusso #johnnylawrence #mrmiyagi #senseikreese #ralphmacchio #williamzabka #patmorita #martinkove #allvalleykaratechampionships #martialarts

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Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Episode 132: Fan Appreciation - Vol. 07

Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez thank all the Patreon supporters as well as the fans that have shared 5 Star Reviews on Apple Podcasts (Nov 2021 - mid-Nov 2022) and much more.

Recorded: 02-09-23
Studio: Just Curious Media






#justcuriousmedia #letstalkcobrakai #mrjasonconnell #salvadorlosangeles #cobrakai #thekaratekid #daniellarusso #johnnylawrence #mrmiyagi #senseikreese #ralphmacchio #williamzabka #patmorita #martinkove #allvalleykaratechampionships #martialarts

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Jason Connell:

Whoa, just curious. Welcome to this curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.

Sal Rodriguez:

And I'm Sal Rodriguez.

Jason Connell:

All right. So we are back for another episode. And a very, very special one at that.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, because this is where we give thanks to the people who have essentially given us things they're given us. Thanks. So we give them thanks back.

Jason Connell:

That is right, because this is fan appreciation, volume seven. It's been a while. We have some catching up to do. So. We finished season five, literally released it yesterday. The YouTube came out earlier, but the audio, you know, the podcast version came out yesterday, which was February 8 2023. Now, this blew me away when I found this out today. Beloved musician, Burt Bacharach passed away yesterday rest in peace. 94 years old. We referenced Burt Bacharach and the episode that released yesterday of all the episodes to ever bring up Burt Bacharach he passed away on the same day like I don't know what that is. Let's just call it special. What though world needs now? Is Love? sweet love?

Sal Rodriguez:

The only thing there's just too little love.

Jason Connell:

I jumped in here the singer. I got inspired.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, no, I try. I tried. No, no, it's it's a sweet song. It was a wonderful sentiment that we all need right now. We all need love right now. And yeah, rest in peace, Burt Bacharach and we happen to mention him on Let's Talk Cobra Kai. Coincidentally, yeah,

Jason Connell:

I give you credit because you brought his name up the first time because I got

Sal Rodriguez:

I refused. I confused Burt Bacharach with Paul Anka. Sorry, sorry, it's sorry to give

Jason Connell:

Burt Bacharach credit for my way

Sal Rodriguez:

I did I did it my way. Sorry,

Jason Connell:

Frankie. Sorry about oh, blue eyes Sinatra. Anyway, so that happened. I thought that was just really special. But this is a special episode as well because we are thinking our fans and let's start with the ones that have been with this for quite a while not to say other fans haven't but the ones we know about our Patreon. It's our Patreon supporters. And I'm going to run down the list here. Some have been with us for a long time, others less but hey, we love a Patreon supporter. We call them superfans. And sometimes these Patreon superfans pop up on the actual podcast, which is really amazing. We've had like four on thus far. So gonna run down these and you'll see the level that they're at because we came up with the Karate Kid Cobra Kai type level. So Lindsey Bebo joined March 28 2021. And her level is strike first. And she did strike first. She was the first the oh, gee, full credit to Lindsay. She was fantastic. She's actually been on. Let's talk Cobra Kai, check out that episode, if you haven't. Next, Brian Ron fola joined June 23 2021. His level is

Sal Rodriguez:

no mercy. collinear favorites. That's always so fun. It's like everybody should say no mercy. You've got so much fun.

Jason Connell:

So and Brian has also been on Let's Talk Cobra Kai. Fantastic. Great guy. So check that episode out. Then Adam Oelrich joined October 14 2021. His level

Sal Rodriguez:

is Black Belt.

Jason Connell:

Ooh, that sounds legit black. Next Level. Adams also been on the show. So that's three super fans in a row. Boom, boom, boom. Next we have one of our super super fans from back in the day from social media. We discovered this guy. He's fantastic. And there's a special thing coming here for him in just a moment. But a Keto con at Nicklaus, Vic strim joined November 4 2021. The level is Black Belt black belt now in real life. The keto con ad is a black belt. Nice, runs a dojo, and he is a super fan slash power fan. And he says that sometimes and he's from Sweden. And this I'm going to pipe this in today because we're having a lot of fun here and look behind my shoulder and you will see yes, our superfan. There he is at Vic's show Makita Kennedy and he has our logo. Let's talk Cobra Kai on his Volvo exceeding 90, which is a Swedish car, mind you the same. That's him. That's it right that awesome shout out. He has made swag for us. We are lacking swag and merch. He did it. He saved us the trouble.

Sal Rodriguez:

So I like that one of our superfans has merged that we don't have we don't have this

Jason Connell:

just printed out, but I love that he's done this. And that's not it. There's more. This is a Keto cons, workstation. And look at the wide shot. There's the wide shot now let's take the closer Oh, wait, is this it? There's a closer shot. Look at that. He has that our logo at his workstation. What's his workstation? What is that? Well, we'll have to have mine to figure that out. But I love and there is a tighter shot of him Akita. So, there's the workstation. It looks like all sorts of tools you got, you know, like a craftsman would have a love it, you know, a caulking gun. A clock, gotta have a clock. And then you gotta have let's talk Cobra Kai. Very cool. That's Thank you. acuerdo con shout out superfan. And moving down we have two more. Stephanie McClellan joined November 10 2021. The level she joined at no mercy. There it is again, nailed it. And then Eric Williams joined on a very special day in our country, July 4 2022. And he is strike hard. strike hard. I think we've run the gamut. If you put those in order, I think we have the end. Thank you, Eric. But I think we have them all. I think we have strike for us strike card, no mercy and a black belt. I love it. We've covered it. It's awesome. So thank you all Patreon. Really, it means so much to us. You know, if we're giving $1 or more just to be with this, just that little incentive. It's just It helps it helps offset some of our costs. We'd love more patrons, but we're not going to balk at the ones we have, like, oh, we need more. Now. We are so happy. And we're going to invite more of you on if you can come on the show as we open it up and have some of those fun episodes, which we will and those who want to join us on Patreon. Sal, tell them where to do that.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well hang on, you throw me for a loop. You're saying that if anybody wants to join the Patreon for let's talk Cobra Kai. Yep, I know you would start at just curious media, I would imagine

Jason Connell:

well, or you could just go to patreon.com and type oh, let's talk Cobra Kai.

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, just go to patreon. You don't have to go to just curious meaning.

Jason Connell:

Generally, you don't. And you could also just go to patreon.com backslash. Let's talk Cobra Kai no spaces that'll take you there are just search for us on Patreon and you'll find us so it's so fantastic. It's amazing. They all found us Lindsay found us when I didn't even know the thing was operating correctly. And there's some other fun things coming very soon. I gotta say. I don't want to divulge it because I'm making some decisions but Patreon are live on. And there's some other cool things I'm looking at doing maybe early access to stuff, premium content. Some fun things are coming because we are back in studio and we're here keeping the lights on I'm not moving anytime again. Sal. So staying put have built a new studio.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason's movie, Jason's moving to Ireland next as well.

Jason Connell:

I may visit my move I don't know. So I want to give another shout out to is not a Patreon, but he's a superfan as well. And he had his own episode one time because we took his voicemail and we did that really fun episode and that is well yes. Caster dinos

Sal Rodriguez:

Yes, yes. He's like Next Level Level his his relationship with our show is almost like next level, the next

Jason Connell:

level at a new level. And it's the caster level and he was a contributor for season five, he helped us put some notes together and things you know, because we go through every episode, it was more like helping with an outline. I still had a ton of work to do trust me on that I still do my own thing. But it was good to get someone else who was Oh yeah, I can help you guys and it was very helpful because what I was doing during Season Five was just to nuts. And so I want to give him a shout out and I've told him even today I dropped him a line because he's an other side of the country but said not this country sorry, other side of the world and said hey, we got to have you on the show, not just your voicemail so look for a cost to episode at some point in time to happen, which will be a lot of fun.

Sal Rodriguez:

You know what makes me so excited as he's literally like, invited us to go visit him. Yeah, yeah.

Jason Connell:

Well, Island, not you. So

Sal Rodriguez:

you just you. I'll be here. I'll be here. You'll be on the spot reporter Yeah. That sounds so fantastic that you and I are invited to go visit a Greek island. I know Oh, so amazing. I want to take it up on a take him up on it. Absolutely.

Jason Connell:

If we get enough Patreon, we may just be able to, if we do, yeah, we'll record there, I'll have a studio. So now let's pivot to what I didn't even give this away in the lead. But we want to give a shout out to a lot, we have some catching up to do our apple podcast, five star reviews, there was a point in time in the season, when I gave a call out to our fans, hey, please support us there if you can. And they listened and responded. And I was so blown away that I said this a few months ago, we are going to do a fan appreciation episode as soon as we finish the season. And here we are true to form. But we also have some from before that call out because we have not done one of these in a while period. So we're gonna do I think 11. And we're gonna go back and forth. And just, you know, these are great. There's a five star reviews, people took the time and energy to write this. They're also fans of the show, they probably listen to every episode, probably watch some two on YouTube. So before we jump in our five star rating, we have 169 ratings, and let's talk Cobra Kai is holding a 4.8, which is awesome. So kudos to all of you that vote. That's just that simple, five star voting. So we encourage all of you to do that we need more, we need more people to hit that five star rating. That would help we know we have a lot more listeners. But hey, more often than not people don't you know, they don't take the time. But we'd love it. If you do that. The reviews next next level, it takes a lot of time to write a review. And these reviews are going to start from November 2021 and go up to mid November 2022. Because we got so many in November, we had to break it up November 2022. That's when I put the call out called arms. So I'll jump in, I'll start and we'll ping pong back and forth, Sal and have a lot of fun with this.

Sal Rodriguez:

You know, the thing of it is, I've been very guilty as a YouTuber, of asking people to leave reviews and leave likes and leave comments and all. Yeah, but it does affect the Creator, whoever you're a fan of. When you leave reviews, when you leave positive reviews, when you leave five stars, it affects the creator's algorithm, it really does. We're all at the mercy of the algorithms today. So when you leave five star reviews, it does enhance your experience, our experience, it puts us in a better position.

Jason Connell:

Absolutely. And I didn't think this at first, you know, but then you start to see the difference and how you got to stand out in the pack. And even during the pandemic I was reading there was an all time high of brand new podcast emerging. It's throttled back in the last two years. So the numbers have waned, which is good for podcasters who are staying the course. But these reviews, five star the rating the little hit the you know, the button rating. It's huge. Otherwise, they don't know how to base anything off of it. Except for downloads, which is also good. But these mean a lot to me personally, they give me that fuel to keep going on. I'm just plugging away on notes and post production and recording episodes with you or on other shows. But this is a real treat to go back and forth with these and I'm ready to jump in. We'll start with the name of because there's like a name a title then the actual review. And then who wrote it that's kind of how Apple lays it out. So we're going to change the order from historic historically done so. Best around. So good. What a start. Alright sow we are back for another five star review. I love how Jason starts every show, so I borrowed it. I like that. I enjoy every episode. The deep dives into the original Karate Kid movies are fantastic. The special episodes are hilarious and allow us fans to geek out this podcast has everything Cobra Kai fans need. Wow. Love it. Love it. Love it. I haven't like getting, you know, using my intro which slowly became my intro. Because I don't know why I'm a creature of habit. And this comes to us by altra mod. I love it. Is it ultra modern? I don't know. I love the name. I love the review. Thank you. Thank you altra mod.

Sal Rodriguez:

You know what's funny is every time we get a positive review a wonderful review like this. I say to Jason, do you know this person? Like oh, is this like Is this your cousin? Yeah, I'm paying no it's not your cousin. It's like people out there listening to us. I can't

Jason Connell:

tell you how good it makes me feel. You know, it's like wow a Is this thing on appeal. People listening Yes, but they're also liking and then a lot of people can like something, but to take the time to write a review, create an account all these barriers that make it hard for people. So I greatly appreciate it Ultra mod. And thank you and bye hope you keep listening and enjoying as we bring you more and more content.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, thank you altra mod. What an interesting name is that? They're like a transformer. I love Trump Mottram second transformer name.

Jason Connell:

Okay, the next one, Sal is all yours, my friend.

Sal Rodriguez:

It's titled it's five stars, and it's titled phenomenal show. Hey, guys, you are so awesome to listen to. I drive one hour and 15 minutes each way to work every day. And I listened to your show every day. I enjoy you guys so much. I will definitely check out your other shows. Can't wait to get involved in those shows. Thanks for being there. By random 50000000. That's random January 3 2022. Random zeros.

Jason Connell:

does say the day till the stuff that doesn't matter. It's in between that window of time. But yeah, random. That's awesome. An hour 15 each way two and a half hour driving. You know what? Random, we need to make some more content for you, don't we? We can't have gaps.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, you know, Jason, you and I have talked about this because we've shared Jason I've shared how we consume how we pod yourself. You know? Yeah, how we how we deliver podcasts how we consume podcasts. And I tell Jason all the time, like I like to listen to a podcast undisturbed. Yeah, I want to be undisturbed. So I want to be either driving along way, or I want to be cleaning put some earbuds in. That'd be vacuuming for two hours. Yeah, like I want undisturbed listening experience. So when I hear that people can enjoy us on their drive. That's totally cool. Because I totally relate.

Jason Connell:

I can totally relate to Yes, I listened on walks, walks with my dog passed away. But I was driving like you say cleaning. It's a very intimate thing. podcast, I rarely listened to a podcast with someone else unless I want to have Sophia hear something just really briefly. But it's really just for us, whatever we're consuming. And I get it and they get used to our voices and how we interact with one another. And then we become kind of like their friends. Like I have a connection to other podcasts that I listened to. And same for you. So I am touched that we fit inside that we're doing for others what we get from other shows as well. So it means the world to us to both of us. And random. There'll be more we're creating more content. I don't want to over deliver under promise or over promise under deliver sorry. Yeah, we hit kind of patchy spell there. But now we're grounded and look for a lot more shows to come out and listen, check out other shows. Like you just said, we have that's a crime. Let's talk movies. Now we have doggone and those shows are hitting all cylinders as well. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Random five. How many zeros is that? So

Sal Rodriguez:

123456 I think it's seven zeros. Random five, seven zeros. Thank you.

Jason Connell:

Love it. Love it. All right, the next one, and they're all five star they are but I wasn't saying that every time. Amazing. I started watching Cobra Kai and I'm on season three episode two. I've been watching these podcasts and understand better about Cobra Kai and what they us think about them this is just amazing. By now this is hilarious. bores sMk Deez Nuts Is this your friend? Do you know?

Sal Rodriguez:

I was in Hobby Lobby recently. And they have these like, like stickers of letters. And somebody somebody put out deez nuts in hub hub.

Jason Connell:

It's always good. Always good. And I wasn't trying to say the first part because it is broken up. It's B ORYSMK space d easy. I know this part space in UTS. But the first part I wasn't sure but also I should mention from the UK love international fans. Well done level. So I also like that you know deez nuts is into season three episode two, but really like feels like learning from us. Like watching the episode listening and like getting a little insight I liked I liked it. We can kind of help be a roadmap because some people start shows late. There's been shows historically that I started late. I started breaking bad late, not when it was over. But I think it was Season Four was winding down and I'm jumping on the first one and everyone's already talking about it. So when you're playing catch up, it's kind of nice to Have another like supplemental material us. So I think it's really cool. So thank you, Lord. No, I

Sal Rodriguez:

think it's, I really do. It's another perspective. It can be another perspective. I just listened to a podcast you and I have covered on Let's Talk movies. We've covered An American Werewolf in London. Yes, we had I had the pleasure. And I really mean that I had the pleasure of listening to two women cover and American worlds in London. And I was like, Oh, wow, I never I never thought of that. Like I'm hearing all these things that I never thought about you and I never considered because we're two guys covering the movie. These are two women covering the movie. They had all kinds of opinions and slants I never thought about I loved it. I liked

Jason Connell:

it. Well, we could do Monty Python we could act like women if we wanted to do a podcast I'm just kidding. No, I'd like to check that out. There was a several podcasts to women I listened to they did true crime. Before we were doing that's a crime. So I liked that combo are a guy girl doesn't matter if they're engaged, entertaining, love what they're doing. I'm invested. But it would be good to hear a perspective of a movie that we've covered. So I haven't heard yet particular episodes. It

Sal Rodriguez:

was very interesting, because it was a lot of stuff I'd never considered before. I liked

Jason Connell:

that. I liked that a lot. Okay, so take it away a longer one. Look out.

Sal Rodriguez:

This is a bigger one. Hang on. I'm losing it on my screen. Hang on. I got

Jason Connell:

it. Yeah, you gotta get a bigger monitor for this review.

Sal Rodriguez:

ere we go. Five Star Review. Love this show. I've been remiss in not writing this sooner. been listening for quite a while now. And love this podcast as well as other just curious shows like that subscribe. That's very nice. When Cobra Kai seasons are released, I try to watch one episode per week so that I can time each one to be a day or two before the breakdown provided by Jason itself. But as Sal notes, it's hard to avoid spoilers. In any case, it's great to relive it with these guys. I always pick up things I missed, or learn more things that fans want to know. When life is hard. It's fun to watch Cobra Kai, and it's a joy to listen to Jason and Sal. And that is by Mindy signed Mindy and her username. M M 2331. There we go. Got that out there. Thank you so much, Mindy. I totally get what you're saying. Because you know, sometimes in life we need I guess we need escapes, right. But we need to go into some other realm

Jason Connell:

he's now

Sal Rodriguez:

is love. sweet love. Yeah. So when Mindy says, avoiding spoilers, yeah. Because you want an episode. You gotta watch out for spoilers. Yeah. Totally. That's great.

Jason Connell:

Thank you for being a fan of the show, as well, is that a crime and maybe others. I love it. I love that. Mindy also felt bad for not writing sooner. So don't feel bad. You wrote and love this show. What a great tag that is a great title. And you know, it's awesome. And I love that we can give it a little behind the scenes bring a little color, maybe things they didn't see from before. So a little perspective. I love it. I love it. You enjoy our break downs, there's more to come kind of hard to watch an episode wait for our break down. If it doesn't come for a few weeks, we get it. You got to binge the show, and then come back around and enjoy it with us some point in time. Of course it's going to end next season. Maybe sound I could do an episode tit for tat. Well, we don't get early releases. Hey, who knows? Maybe season six, we get them early? I don't know. I can't wish

Sal Rodriguez:

early early because we would have them all diners,

Jason Connell:

we would have all done and we could just go. But thank you so much, Mandy. It means a ton to us both and very touched and honored.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason, I just want to add, you know, it's one thing that we have fans, that's fantastic. I'm assuming there's going to be guys along for the ride, you know, but when I hear that women I'm assuming Mindy's a woman, I'm assuming that that means a lot really It means a lot that we have women listening to our show. We're a couple of guys talking about Cobra Kai, which is, I don't know. I mean, although they are female characters, all the leads are males for the most part. So I'm very honored when when I hear that a female listens to our show and enjoys our show. I really am honored by that.

Jason Connell:

Well, I am too but I'm honored if anybody likes our show, so, way to go. I don't care. No judgement just we love fans. We love them. Any moms out there any dads. Parents listening. All right. All right. So the next one is again, they're all five star favorite podcast. Love it. Chalk it up as neck. No. I have listened to every episode three times since I found the channel two months ago. The two of you guys are amazing. And by the way, there's a lot of exclamation points on this page. I love the chemistry between you two. I'm addicted. And thank you for motivating me to get back to martial arts and After over 30 years, also tell Sal I'm an avid Toy Collector as well. Smiley face times three. Very cool bye for Oh, state warrior. Thank you so much. I think that might be Oklahoma State.

Sal Rodriguez:

If so, I was gonna ask you is that like an homage to something? Well

Jason Connell:

Oh state is Oklahoma State. Pretty much. It could be Ohio State, but oh states, usually Oklahoma State so and I love warriors. And I went to Oklahoma State. Thank you love. I love it. You listen to every episode of ours.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason I don't know if I've listened to each of our episodes three times. For sure. once, maybe twice, three times on. This a true fan.

Jason Connell:

That's awesome. I yeah, maybe I have three times but I'm doing post production. I hear you more than I could even ever admit when you're editing. Sure. But fantastic. I love it. You're addicted. Stay addicted to good things in life. Let's talk Cobra Kai are all the offerings from just curious media. And hey, Toy Collector. Maybe this is a fan to bring on the show and see what kind of toys they have that would fit inside our universe who you never know. So a toy off

Sal Rodriguez:

if they have Yeah, if they have Cobra Kai or Karate Kid Toys. He'll help me get into that. In a future episode. We're going to talk about some of the Karate Kid Cobra Kai collectibles. Yes. And especially some of those toys that were available when the original movies were released because some of the toys recently were from Cobra Kai. Like I would call them new era toys from Cobra Kai. But there were original Karate Kid Toys. So if you have some of those definitely love to talk about that. I love

Jason Connell:

it. Okay, do you have the next one.

Sal Rodriguez:

The title is review. It says love the show. Keep up the good work and that is by selling author, author co ll th er selling author, five star review. Thank you.

Jason Connell:

I love it. Now this probably came out during the mid if it's November are after my call out my call to arms for the fans. And so thank you for taking the time. A five star review means the world to us. Love it. You love the show. We're absolutely going to keep up the good work. And shout out to you for chiming in and taking the time. It means a ton.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yes, thank you so much. And yeah, the future is we've all heard the news that season six will be the final season. So there's a lot to be said for a while. What are we gonna do after that? Well, we're gonna keep going, whatever that means. Whatever that involves. We are going to keep chugging along is what that means.

Jason Connell:

Because you know why Sal? Why? Because let's talk Cobra Kai never dies.

Sal Rodriguez:

I have a tremendous say we're the best around with

Jason Connell:

no, that's for you. That's all you. Okay, the next one is love these guys. He's talking about us. Five stars, of course. I listened to all caps, a lot of podcast reviewing movies and TV shows. And this one is hands down. My fave. If you guys are ever up in the Seattle area, cougars banquets on me. Sal, it sounds like we have a trip to go on.

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm totally a little further for me now.

Jason Connell:


Sal Rodriguez:

I wouldn't Yeah, exactly. It is a little bit further for you. But I would love to meet some of our fans and have some corps banquets. That sounds fantastic.

Jason Connell:

And maybe if we do that we could meet one Mike Ola fat. Big time fan. He's definitely chimed in before on social media. Yeah, this is a review of five star review from superfan Mike and much appreciated man that's awesome. Just even throw it out there Coors banquet, of course that would be great. There may be a time that Sal and I go on the road and do shows on the road. We might do a tour. So you never know man. You never know and it could be whatever happens with Cobra Kai whatever it morphs into and some of our movies we could do some of our let's talk movies live. We could do some crimes. We could really have a whole we could get an RV sound just hit the road man.

Sal Rodriguez:

Live the van life.

Jason Connell:

Just for a little tour. Just a little tour. But thank you like that. You

Sal Rodriguez:

know? Just to be clear, I am more of a LORUSSO. MacAllan 18 Guy me too. But I will happily have

Jason Connell:

my expiring so you know you gotta you gotta keep it you know, lean because

Sal Rodriguez:

whatever Mike is buying, whatever Mike is buying.

Jason Connell:

I'll take a short Island. Nice to actually come to think of it and you'll have a white claw.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, yeah. 5% Alright, so I'll take the next one. Five Star Review. Very informative exclamation mark. I love listening to these guys. Their format is a beat by beat review of the show, which I appreciate. They usually interject facts, recite lines from the show to help the story and sometimes include their own experiences. If a moment from the show is relatable to them, I always look forward to the next episode slash review by Bo 96080. Either bill or Bo. II A you spell it 96080 Thank you so much. Yeah, I one of the things I pride ourselves on when it comes to Let's Talk Cobra Kai, is how our lives might intertwine with karate kid might intertwine with Cobra Kai, the locations or the experiences. It's not just that we're talking about Cobra, Kai and Karate Kid. Sure. But we're trying to intertwine our own experiences with this universe, our universe with their universe. And we're definitely proud of that. We have visited many locations. We've met people on the show, we've been kind of on the sidelines of everything as it occurs. So very proud to be involved in this podcast and how it relates to the Karate Kid corporate guy universe.

Jason Connell:

Absolutely. I couldn't have said it better myself. But I'm gonna try. No, no, you've nailed it. Great job. And bow if that's the right saying but wonderful. I love that you illustrated some things in there that mean a lot to us. We love our format. I think it works for this show. And then we do special episodes that are Any Which Way But Loose, but beat by beat review. I love that you appreciate it. And we interject facts of course. And we kind of fell into reciting some lines because there's so many key lines as the show grew. And of course, they bring in guys like silver and crease and they the writers are fantastic. So when we're like doing notes, I'm like, how do we not include that? And now that we're at season five, it's like you're just carrying so much more but it's just a beautiful show. It's amazing to cover and so there are more locations around that we're going to be hitting up I mean I live very close to the Lighthouse Point Judith lighthouse that Johnny references and Cobra I've been by there many times I rode my bike there two weekends ago. I'm going to do a live remote there I'm going to send you over to Miyagi his old house in Canoga Park that I've been by many times that's no longer there but that you know, the space is there the spot is there the block and do a remote from there. I love those remotes. They are the school that I used to walk and eat go by all the time that was in Karate Kid, you have to do some more because the credit card was filmed and your stomping ground. So you have that at your disposal. But yeah, anyway, I love it. Thank you for the kind review. And so this is still in the middle of November because our fans stepped up to the plate for us. And I don't ask for much. But when we needed it, they were there to give us more five star reviews. Yeah,

Sal Rodriguez:

that means so much is like you know lately in my personal life, not to TMI overshare. But like, I'm really learning the power of asking for help you ask you need help you ask someone. We asked our fans for help. Give us those five star reviews how important they are. And they delivered and I could not believe it. I cannot believe it. Thank you so much.

Jason Connell:

Thank you. Okay, the next one. Love it. I love how excited y'all get about the show. Y'all get fired up. You also have very interesting insights helped by your knowledge of the Karate Kid world. Thanks for entertaining me while I am working or doing dishes. So it says you like this one.

Sal Rodriguez:

I don't like doing dishes I love I love doing dishes.

Jason Connell:

And this one's by Tori LD 20. I love it. We do get five times. Yeah, Tory, yeah. Tory Nick Nichols. But thank you Tori, it's we do get excited sometimes, of course. And I love that you love our insights. And we do have a lot of knowledge of the Karate Kid world, no doubt. And I love how you take your podcast, how you take your podcast, I'm working or doing dishes. That's great. That's how I take my I'll take two podcasts ago, please. I need that. Fantastic. And thanks for taking the time. This is not something easy. Most people use Yelp, or Google reviews or or Google Maps to go, where's that restaurant, but 90% of the people do not leave a review after a great experience. If they have a bad experience. They're more apt to leave a review. So if you love something, it's like oh, yeah, I love it. And it's always there. For me. This is how you help us and help the show.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason, you know, let me just mention this. You know, this goes back to like, when all of us first started using the internet. I don't care how old you were or whatever. When you first got online, right? Yep. It's like, you're a consumer. Right? But I and I think Jason feels the same way. I'm going to put stuff on there. Like I'm going to be a participant. I'm going to put my voice on there and put my name on there. I'm gonna put my quotes on there. Like I'm going to put stuff on the internet not just absorb stuff on the internet. So when it comes to like, you say like, you know, we get fired up and we have our was in the credit world, because we're trying to put stuff on the internet. Yeah. And not just be a person who only past watches the internet or uses the internet like, oh, yeah, passive user. Yeah, that's what it'll be a passive user of the internet versus yours. Jason and I both years of putting stuff on the internet. We want to be creators. We want to be participants. We want to be builders of content is what we're trying to do.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. And that's very true. So awesome. Thank you. Thank you, Tori. Thank you, Tori.

Sal Rodriguez:

This is five star if you love this show, my son and I love this show, exclamation mark by Romo. 24. This r o m m o 24. Romo. 24. My son, and I love the show. Thank you so much.

Jason Connell:

I just asked if there's any dads out there and our moms and parents and there we go. I love it's a combo. I liked. I liked the family. Family Show.

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm not like Mr. Family. But I liked that our show. Appeals can appeal to family, and then everybody feel safe to play our show, and have our show involved in their family life. I really appreciate that.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, absolutely. So this will be the last one. For this fan appreciation episode. There'll be another fan appreciation episode sooner than later. So trust me on that we have to catch up. We're still on that November that when we just got overwhelmed. It's like, you get all these letters to Santa. And I gotta open them all up. You know, that's how I felt like, oh my gosh, and this is ketchup time. So this one is of course five star. Really fun. Good start. This show completely feels like you're hanging out with your two buddies chatting about a great show. And all things involved in the Karate Kid Cobra Kai universe. I can relate to the host a lot and enjoy the show a lot. I look forward to every episode. Check out I love this promoting us. Check out their other podcast on just curious media and go to manscape.com and use their code Cobra Kai at checkout to help Jason and Sal out. Are you shouted Do you buy this one? I love I swear to God, Jase. I

Sal Rodriguez:

swear to God, I manscaped the other day and I shouldn't be thinking of you when I'm asked, but I

Jason Connell:

don't think

Sal Rodriguez:

are we still involved with manscaped?

Jason Connell:

And this is by I'm just going to spell it WYOUSSE F if you want to take a shot at pronouncing it. Go for it, Sal. Well, I

Sal Rodriguez:

think it'd be w Yousef.

Jason Connell:

There you go. I didn't want to let you bias W Yousef. Yeah, thank you. Yes, what that is, I love it. And I love the promo. Sometimes your fans can be your greatest evangelist. It's very true when I would go to film festivals when I was with my own films. And typically my early films when you're just so green, and I'm not a guy that would go because when you go to a film festival sell like one that's multi day, multi venue and your because my festivals, I never really competed against myself that much. But a lot of times you go to a bigger level where there's like lots more money in logistics, but you have a choice of seeing five or six different movies at one time, right? So you're competing against other movies in the festival. So you're always like at an event meeting other filmmakers, people handing your card out like your, your postcard of your movie. And I just had a very hard time with that. It's like they'll read it about it in the program. They'll hear about it, they'll come see it. But when I took people in one of my documentaries, certainly background comes to mind. And we would go to like the Newport Beach Film Festival. Well, they will go around and be just, it didn't bother them at all unfazed, they'd walk around and promote and some people are hardwired for it. But your fans are like, Oh no, you got to see this movie. It's fantastic. Let them sell you, not you sell yourself. And this is what fans do. Because this is now on the internet, as you were just talking about others will see it and they're singing your praises. Believe you me when I go look at a new podcast, I check out the numbers. And if I see a bunch of one or two star comments one after the other to the other, it speaks volumes. I will skip that show all together. So if all they see is a bunch of fives you're like well, okay, there's something to this. So this is what we need we need and we need more. But this is incredible. So thank you w Yousef and also love the plugs. They're gonna just cast me Lucky

Sal Rodriguez:

another shows Yeah, cuz there's a lot of love it. You know, just curious media is let's talk Cobra Kai. Yep. And other shows. We've got a whole bunch of other shows. Unfortunately, they're not all involving Sal Rodriguez some are just Jason Connell. If you love Jason Connell, you're gonna love the some of the other shows. I'm on some of them. I as a guest, Jason is kind enough to let me get on some of the show as a guest but He's primarily in charge of the other shows. So yeah, it's it's definitely if you love podcasts, you got to tune in to just curious media. Really. It's not just that if you just love, let's talk Cobra Kai, you just love Cobra Kai. That's fantastic. But there's other stuff there. There's there. We're launching new shows lots of great stuff happening with just curious media, I would definitely recommend it as a destination to podcast lovers.

Jason Connell:

Absolutely. Thank you. So thanks for singing our praises. I love it very kind of you and thank you, all of you for leaving five star reviews like you did incredible. Thank you to Patreon. Thank you to our contributors. And thank you to you. So thank you to you. You're the other half of let's talk over KY much appreciate it. Thank you, Jason. So thank you so much for listening and please be sure to subscribe to the let's talk Cobra Kai podcast and the let's talk Cobra Kai YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcasts and you may just wind up on an episode or two.

Sal Rodriguez:

And for all your listeners that enjoy sharing your thoughts you can leave us a review on Apple podcasts. Send us a direct message or post a comment on any let's talk Cobra Kai social media platform.

Jason Connell:

If you're a dedicated listener or viewer of Let's Talk Cobra Kai, please consider supporting the show on Patreon. We also highly recommend checking out our other podcast and visiting just curious media.com

Sal Rodriguez:

No Mercy

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