Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
A humorously nostalgic podcast covering all things in The Karate Kid & Cobra Kai universe. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & martial arts guru, & Sal Rodriguez, comedian & toy expert/collector.
Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
On Location - Julie Pierce's House (The Next Karate Kid)
Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Episode 111: On Location - Julie Pierce's House (The Next Karate Kid)
Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez visit and discuss Julie Pierce's House in Newton, MA, which was the actual filming location in The Next Karate Kid.
Original Episode: S04E23
Recorded: 06-26-22
Studio: Just Curious Media
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Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
Sal Rodriguez:And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
Jason Connell:All right, Sal. This is a unique episode. We've never done this before. These roles that is the role reversal.
Sal Rodriguez:It is a role reversal. I am the news anchor and you are the on the spot report.
Jason Connell:This is true. I have made it finally south to the home Julie Pierce's home to be exact, Be precise. And The Next Karate Kid.
Sal Rodriguez:Wow. This is this is surreal. It really is
Jason Connell:very surreal. So I'm sitting here literally in front of the house. I can look to my left I see the door. The address for those of you who want to combine join me 59 Hide Avenue Newton, Massachusetts, and beautiful neighborhood trees everywhere happens to be a super hot day this weekend. A little bit of a heatwave on the East Coast in New England. It is 95 As I sit in the car here, but again, shade Windows slightly cracked. And I've been here for about 10 minutes. So I'm wondering if the homeowners are curious. Just curious what's going on?
Sal Rodriguez:Well, it depends on on the color, make and model of your vehicle. That makes a big difference. I'd like Are you are you in a van that makes it
Jason Connell:Yeah, one of those white vans like in movies, nondescript van, no, I'm actually Sofia's car. If she hears this She's gonna kill me. Mine was stacked behind her so I I'm in a nice car. It fits the neighborhood I gotta say. And this is amazing, though. It looks beautiful. They've kept this neighborhood and his home up to date. I'm actually sitting facing the direction as the pizza delivery man zips down the street and Julie jumps on the hood. I could be the pizza delivery man.
Sal Rodriguez:No way. You're right in that path. They're
Jason Connell:right here. I'm stopped right here with Mr. Miyagi comes out and has a few words. I might be like two feet in front of that. But I'll get some images. But here we are was about a 2025 minute drive because I wasn't sure where I was going exactly. Newton's like 20 plus minutes outside of Boston and fun drive. I didn't take the highways. I wanted to learn the route. But yeah, I wonder how they pick this house. But they did great. The neighborhood, like I said is wonderful. And this house has a lot of character to it.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, I was gonna ask you how's the house in comparison to the surrounding houses,
Jason Connell:it matches, they all look good. But this one's on a corner. And it just has a really pleasant front, like you've seen the movie, it really is attractive. It's got that side of the house that also was on a main road or just not a main road that's on Garden Street. And that's where Mr. Miyagi was waxing on waxing off the car, and the film. So I think it was just a lot of reasons, good vantage points to shoot from accessibility is really good. And you know, I know it's hot today, and people are probably hiding inside. So I'd love to get some neighbors involved. If I see anybody like did they live here during the filming? But maybe that's next level? Maybe that's the next visit?
Sal Rodriguez:No, you know what, I think you should go ahead and knock on a couple of doors. Just yeah, ask people if they know the history and the legacy of that particular street.
Jason Connell:I like that. I like that. Or they're, they're familiar with let's talk Cobra Kai.
Sal Rodriguez:Ask them that too. Well, you know what, Jason? It's like when I was in Sedona talking about the portal motel over there. Yes. Zone? Oh, yes. Absolutely. And then I went to the Chamber of Commerce. And when I went to the Chamber of Commerce, I said show me a list of all the movies that were filmed here and, and karate kid was not on there. And I gave a sermon to the chamber of Congress in Sedona about the history of that particular What is it 89 189 A or 170 Yeah, I
Jason Connell:have to look yeah,
Sal Rodriguez:yeah 89 A going up north and nobody there knew nobody there knew where they were they did not know about it. So I kind of feel that way you could go up and down that street ask neighbors what they know about that legacy. Yeah, cuz how
Jason Connell:many were here in 94? Yeah, there probably be some but there's probably so many people who came after that and they have no recollection because it's also a movie like I know that we've talked about it a lot lately because we've been leading up to doing an episode you know, since a jam since a Chris on we talked about the trailer recently. I had some interviews recently and I brought it up in the mix because we've also talked about the Karate Kid critical part to critical part of 3d Cobra Kai so much and now there's this you know, they're dangling potentially bringing Julie Pierce on so now it's more Canon to discuss So by no means should our fans get the wrong idea that we endorse this movie with two thumbs up. But it does have Pat Marita his portrayal of Mr. Miyagi ins here and I'm literally at the house that we say goodbye to that chapter. So there is some special mystique about it. But it is you know the stepchild cousin to the Karate Kid franchise.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, now that you met Jeanette again, I think it is very important to consider that that it was Patna Rita's final performance as Miyagi and I think that alone makes the movie very special.
Jason Connell:Absolutely, yes. And you see someone in their young acting, not debut, but definitely starring debut who would go on when to Oscars. And that's, that's something not many actors do that. And it's really just kind of like, wow, they chose wisely and she is fantastic. And I do believe that she has a place in Cobra Kai if the show runners and her want to make it happen, I believe they could easily slot her in in some capacity.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, Jason, now that you mentioned that, who else besides Hilary Swank in the Cobra Kai Karate Kid universe. Oh, could
Jason Connell:have played her?
Sal Rodriguez:No has an Oscar.
Jason Connell:Oh, well, Merida came close. Yes, but but still not right. But still not RAF Macho has not yet William Zabka? No. Martin Cove? No. But hey, it's some people from Cobra Kai. They're quite young. You know, they have time. And not that you can't win it when you're older. No, I mean, even the old guard the OGS from the Karate Kid could but yeah, no one to this point. So what would take the show to just another level?
Sal Rodriguez:Well, because you know, you and I have talked about the unfortunate truth that the show is going to end at some point. Right. And so are they going to wrap things up with Julie Pierce? Are they not going to wrap things up with Julie Pierce? I mean, you know, so many people have come back. I mean, look, Darrell the doll is Darrell the dog gonna come back, you know, so. Barnes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, there's that it's looming. There's that looming. It's like the end is near we we all see the end in sight. Right? You don't see the end in sight? What's going to happen before that happens? I hope to see Mike Barnes I hope to see Darrell the doll. I hope to see Julie Pierce.
Jason Connell:Yes. Well bring it back to The Next Karate Kid house of which I'm at now currently. Here's some information on the home. I don't need to give the value. But it is a 5000 square foot home. It was built in 19 105 bedrooms, five bathrooms. So you can look at the film and realize they shot on location. It wasn't like we're gonna do the exterior, cheat the interior somewhere else? No, this was really the backdrop for so many scenes. And more often than not, Sal is you know, living in California and Los Angeles to be exact. That's not often the case. They don't usually do that. In this day and age, they usually cheat it for a studio for time and space and everything else. And I love that the Karate Kid really did that. And now we know The Next Karate Kid as well.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, that's the truth. That's a little behind the scenes. Most of the time you see an exterior or you see an interior than an exterior, whatever. It's usually not the same place. In fact, most of the times it's not the same place,
Jason Connell:right? Yeah, it's more expensive. You can't get the right angles. Well, this home has tons of space, there's the little like circular front where the rooms that they danced in, which I'm looking at right now. And it creates lots of space. I even go back and watch the film now just to see like, wow, look at that. The winds blown, the curtains are flying. And now that I live in New England, and I can really appreciate things and the trees and lots of trees, lots of colors. You see that throughout the movie, especially when they shoot here on Hyde Avenue. It's just it's actually gorgeous. And so I encourage anyone to go to netflix put it on because so many reasons. But Sal and I have been doing our homework on the movie and very soon indeed we will delve into the movie as a whole.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, that's that's got to happen. I think I think at this point, especially now that you're literally at Julie's house, yes. I would say that people are expecting that and we have teased that aplenty so we will be delivering on that we will be talking about the entire movie, the entire movie.
Jason Connell:How about this for MATA. I get to know the homeowners. I go inside and we do the full episode from the house.
Sal Rodriguez:Have some tea have a have an Arnold Palmer? This is so meta because you know what? This is so significant that you launched. Let's talk Cobra Kai in Los Angeles. Yes. And you and I both have been to all or most I think you might have been to all the locations from karate kid I've been to most Yes. And now here you are in New England, sitting in front of Julie Pierce's house. I mean, what's going on here? This is craziness. There's
Jason Connell:bigger powers at play sound or something moving us around. I mean, recently, I've talked about how I wound up at another location of The Next Karate Kid unbeknownst to me at the time where the monk monastery, which is an incredible location, but yeah, here I am. And this was on my radar. The minute I knew I was relocating here like you know, they did make that Karate Kid film. They're the one that no one talks about. And here I am in front of the house and I didn't come here before I waited today. This is the first time I'm setting my eyes on the house. I wanted to make it genuine in the moment with you and share that reaction. And with our fans and yeah, it's just stunning. And so as I sat here for about 1520 minutes as I pulled up there was a gentleman, an older gentleman walking his dog, but he disappeared. He didn't live in the house if you did, I was all over him with questions. But no one's come by only one cars past me. So unlike when you were at Ali's house most recently, and you have people running stop signs non stop, right? That's right. Yeah. A lot of action over there. And Encino hills. Not much action over here. very sleepy in Newton, Massachusetts.
Sal Rodriguez:So the house itself, there's just no activity there. Well, no, there are probably
Jason Connell:people inside. Like I say, it's a hot day. So people are like, inside. Right. But outside.
Sal Rodriguez:I mean, I mean, do you know that there is indeed activity in the house?
Jason Connell:Someone lives there? You can tell it's occupied? I don't know if anyone's home right now. Yes. This is not the type of neighborhood where people park all their cars out front. Yes. Right. So So you do stand out when you're a car sitting for as long as I have. But again, you know, I impose no threat. I'm just a podcast are doing my job.
Sal Rodriguez:I'm kind of thinking the Newton PD is on their way as we speak,
Jason Connell:probably. And then I got some splainin to do with all this gear in the front seat. But anyway, this is so much fun. And before I leave the area, I'm gonna get some shots and some quick video for the YouTube. Just something just something small. You know, just like selfies.
Sal Rodriguez:Selfies Yeah,
Jason Connell:I'll give you a selfie did prove that I was here. Evidence. Evidence. Well, that's about all I got. It's a short and sweet episode, but I am on location. And so this is a lot of fun. I liked this role. I may do it again.
Sal Rodriguez:You know, being an honest spot reporter is is really fun. It's really fun. Like being the anchor. That's fun. That's fun. But I want to being out there in the field. Yeah, out there where the action is no to me. That's, that's where it's at. That's where it's
Jason Connell:at. So stay tuned. We have so much comments so much more in store beyond just the next credit card stuff. But this was something to check off our list. And Sal, thank you for making the time today. Super exciting, and I'll let you take us out with your usual ending.
Sal Rodriguez:No Mercy