Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
A humorously nostalgic podcast covering all things in The Karate Kid & Cobra Kai universe. Hosts: Jason Connell, award-winning documentary producer & martial arts guru, & Sal Rodriguez, comedian & toy expert/collector.
Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Cobra Kai - S05E01 - Long, Long Way from Home
Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Episode 121: Cobra Kai - S05E01 - Long, Long Way from Home
Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down Season 05 - Episode 01 (Long, Long Way from Home) of the Cobra Kai series and much more.
Synopsis: Daniel's new ally-turned-housemate tests Amanda's patience. Miguel searches for his father in Mexico. Terry starts to transform Cobra Kai.
Original Episode: S05E01
Recorded: 09-21-22
Studio: Just Curious Media
#justcuriousmedia #letstalkcobrakai #mrjasonconnell #salvadorlosangeles #cobrakai #thekaratekid #daniellarusso #johnnylawrence #mrmiyagi #senseikreese #ralphmacchio #williamzabka #patmorita #martinkove #allvalleykaratechampionships #martialarts
Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
Sal Rodriguez:And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
Jason Connell:All right, so we are back with season five of cobra kai.
Sal Rodriguez:Oh my god, I can't believe it. It's here. I can't believe we're actually here. You know, it's one of those things where you finally make it to your destination. Yeah, you're like, Ah, here we are. Yeah, we are.
Jason Connell:What do we do? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, we gotta do.
Sal Rodriguez:Where do we go with
Jason Connell:our recaps? Well, this is Season Five sound. Let's go back in time, the Wayback Machine. And we started this whole journey with Season One. Season two was under the radar. Right? I lured you into this mad idea of let's talk over chi. Yes. And here we are we I mean, after season two, I had a feeling that had a good run in front of it. And we're still in the midst of it. But I didn't foresee season three and four and five and becoming this ginormous hit in America and beyond the world. And Netflix embracing it. It's just incredible. To be here with you.
Sal Rodriguez:And not just the hit Jason. He's sure it's a hit. But it's been a journey. It's been a journey journey for everyone, especially you and me. Yeah.
Jason Connell:I can't believe it. And I was just looking at some numbers because I like numbers. And we have to date before tonight done 120 episodes of Let's Talk Cobra guy. Wow.
Sal Rodriguez:I lose track and I can't believe add is amazing feat and 20.
Jason Connell:That's it. We're coming up on 200 for just curious shows, you know, just curious media shows all together. But of course we started with this show. We've done the most episodes, but that's quite a few events. So I am super excited to be lined up and ready with you in sync for the next 10 which we'll be covering season five of Cobra Kai. And we're starting tonight with Episode One.
Sal Rodriguez:I'm big time excited and I am ready to rock and roll.
Jason Connell:I can roll but before we do a word from our sponsor. I'm ready support for let's talk Cobra Kai is brought to you by manscaped who is the best in men's below the waist grooming and offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels. Join over 4 million men worldwide who trust manscaped. And with this exclusive offer, you'll
Sal Rodriguez:get 20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code. Cobra kai@manscaped.com
Jason Connell:Yes, indeed. So as everyone knows, Cobra Kai is brought to you by Netflix. And this episode, along with all others was released on September 9 2022. Which that was a changeup for us out we were expecting January. And I'm literally just getting settled in this new home and living in certain parts of the house as we do renovations. But hey, we are here, buddy. We perservere
Sal Rodriguez:I want our listeners to know I was like, Jason, let's just you're busy man. Yeah, you're moving in. Let's just wait a while. And you're like, No,
Jason Connell:yeah, why don't we wait one week is killing me. It's like we gotta get in studio. And my new studio is actually being constructed. So I'll be in there. And maybe a month or so super excited. But I'm just excited to be here with you for our viewers and our listeners.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, I'm all set, and I'm ready. And it's like a reset. To me. It's like, I love our special episodes. And I'm proud of the fact that our show, let's talk Cobra Kai, we go down these rabbit holes that no other show goes. Sometimes
Jason Connell:we get stuck.
Sal Rodriguez:We're all over the damn place. But when we come back, it's sort of like a reset for me. Yeah. So here's where we are. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is the actual show analysis of the season.
Jason Connell:Yes. And this is season five episode one. Long, long way from home. The rating is 8.4 on IMDb. Pretty darn good. I gotta say it's good. Yeah, very, very good. The synopsis for this episode is Daniels new ally churned housemate test Amanda's patients. Miguel searches for his father in Mexico. Terry starts to transform Cobra Kai says it all that's it. That's all we got. That's alright, folks. So let's jump into our scene by scene breakdown. So
Sal Rodriguez:Oh, season five episode one. Yes,
Jason Connell:I guess. So. We start with this state of the art Cobra Kai commercial south and it's it's incredible. I gotta say, it's like footage from all valley. A quick shout out to Tori who is the all Valley champ female champ first. First ever
Sal Rodriguez:forgot about that on camera shout
Jason Connell:Oh, yeah. It was a really interesting video and a long commercial, very expensive for Terry silver, but he's got the budget. And it reminds me a little bit of rocky four as well when you're seeing Ivan Drago training, because they're like hitting bags. Insane percentage signs. Yeah, they're really tapping into some of that which I love. And they are high tech, high tech. And then you see century it's like on the mats that they're punching and kicking. I know that brand. They're out of Oklahoma actually, and they're well known in the martial arts world. And if you go to Century martial arts.com There's a whole special Cobra Kai section now they're selling merch on their website. So I didn't know check that out. I went on there today as like I know century very well. They used to have GIs that I would buy but anyway, love that quick shout out to century and then as we end this commercial, we learn that the Encino Dojo is the flagship Dojo for a Cobra Kai. Sal. What do you think this thing is like next next next level? We weren't even thinking this in Karate Kid part three. I mean, this took it to a whole new stratosphere.
Sal Rodriguez:It just now hit me like why and Cena? Was he trying to rub that in? Daniel?
Jason Connell:Right across the street from the Russo Auto Group.
Sal Rodriguez:Imagine? Yeah, right across the street. That'd be hilarious. Yeah, I
Jason Connell:thought this is a really good team. And you still how big the dojo this flagship is. There's lots of new students. Everyone has black GIS black belts. Now there's Kenny Kyler has got a whole new hairdo. You know, it's a well oiled machine and what little times bar, they've got a juice bar. So I mean, you are you're a gym guy from going and working in. You got a juice bar, you got something?
Sal Rodriguez:I like juice bars. They they don't usually last if you pay attention. They don't usually last they're eventually going to shut down the Juice Bar most places. That's a sign but Oh, but I like him. I do like
Jason Connell:what it also know that silver is firmly in control of Cobra Kai now like crease jail. And he's come in and his master plan is in motion. So yeah. Which is amazing to see. And then we cut to a man swimming in a pool. And so did you see this coming?
Sal Rodriguez:No, you know, of course right away. You're assuming it's Daniel. It's it's obviously looks like Daniels House House. Yeah. in Encino. Yeah. And so you assume it's Daniel. But if you look closer, no, no, no.
Jason Connell:Well, so who is it?
Sal Rodriguez:It's chosen. And how does he swim? He swims in the nude, which, by the way. Anyone who's ever swam in the nude? I mean, there's no going back. I feel so good to swim in the nude.
Jason Connell:Well, he swims in the nude during the day. And Amanda is startled to see all have chosen as he gets out of the pool, and he's unaffected. So he's like, Oh, bashful Atul. Yeah,
Sal Rodriguez:he did not seem concerned at all and shout out to Seinfeld. He just got out of a pool. Yeah,
Jason Connell:no shrinkage. Yeah. No, speaking of shrinkage,
Sal Rodriguez:or no, no. That means chosen can have shrinkage and still he can afford shrinkage.
Jason Connell:Exactly. Maybe the pool is heated though. The GA we don't know. And that's true. So chosen is living with them. For those who don't remember chosen showed up at the end of season four. He is living with them in this time and space. And Amanda is not happy and tells not chosen she tells Daniel and she's saying he could be naked at the YMCA and swim elsewhere. And so I was thinking I don't think chosen could do this at the YMCA either. I just don't think nude swimming is something you can do. At the wire anywhere else. It's public.
Sal Rodriguez:No, the only thing you could do is maybe be in the sauna nude if it's not a koa.
Jason Connell:Exactly, exactly. I agree with that. But Daniel is really concerned and he was afraid of crease. I think he's terrified of silver. Because of the history.
Sal Rodriguez:Right? No, I was just gonna say I mean that brings to mind in a scene or two from now we're gonna see what Danny does. Daniel does something that surprises me based on what his plans are. Yes, right. He's still has the plan to take down Terry silver.
Jason Connell:Exactly. You think he's gonna hang it up here? They lost all Valley you move on but the end of the season for you know chosen shows up because he realizes in these hands that Cobra Kai could be more dangerous than ever.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah. And also Jason don't keep what is it? Don't honor a commitment to men who have not?
Jason Connell:Yeah, yeah. And he's now trying to convince Amanda like, I know this stuff with Johnny. Sure. And then there was the crease. Sure. But now I convinced her no, I really gotta go after silver. I mean, this is the way he's crying. This
Sal Rodriguez:time is different. This time is different. A man she is like no,
Jason Connell:tournaments over this is crazy. I want to have my ties by the pool this time of year. This is nuts. And speaking my tie sound Are you a fan of my ties?
Sal Rodriguez:I do enjoy my time. I mean, actually, as I've gotten older, well, as I've gotten older, I prefer you know, a whiskey meat. Yes. A MacAllan? 18 Allah Daniel. Yeah. But I'll take up my tie by the pool. Absolutely.
Jason Connell:The last time I had a Muy Thai was in Hawaii, actually. And it was that's kind of where you have my tie. And that was it's been a while. I'm not a big Muy Thai guy, but maybe I should try just, you know, an homage to tip of the cap to this show. So now we cut to Mexico and this town Do you want to pronounce this town? For us?
Sal Rodriguez:Is it SUTA? Yeah, I
Jason Connell:think it's a suit. I think that's right. That pronounce correctly. And Miguel is I should know this. Yeah, I was just trying to throw you a layup.
Sal Rodriguez:My dad was probably from my dad. Just go with it. Yeah, let's
Jason Connell:go. Let's follow you on your journey. Well, Miguel is searching for his dad. And South not two minutes after getting off the bus. He is getting scammed when asking for directions. And I got asked so have you ever been a part of such a shakedown on either side?
Sal Rodriguez:I was almost I don't know. It was a weird situation. Stop me if I ever told you this. I went to make stops my sister. Okay. I went to Mexico with my sister and her older friends. I was very young as about 12. Okay, and we all went, they all went to sort of fun and so forth. So I'm hanging out with them. We're at a restaurant at one point. I think I went to the car to get the camera. So I'm gonna get the camera go up to the car. As I'm grabbing the camera and walking back to the restaurant. I'm surrounded by kids my age. So I'm about 12 I'm surrounded by kids man, which is scary. Yeah, I mean, I mean, I'm we were in Rosarito, Rosarito Beach. And this is where it gets weird. I'm surrounded by these boys my age. I'm thinking I'm gonna get jumped. That's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna get jumped. They're gonna steal my camera, right? They started hugging me and kissing me. That's a true story. It's the strangest thing that ever happened to me. And I broke free. I ran back to the restaurant, told my sister and her friends of course they died laughing. You know, in hindsight, it's funny. I was not harmed. How many were there? Five or six, five or six hugging and kissing? Yeah, it was the strangest photos of this. No, but every time I tell that story, I always say to myself, strangest thing. Don't have any explanation. Yeah,
Jason Connell:I'll take that over. Probably punching and kicking. And there
Sal Rodriguez:you go. I will take that over been punched and kicked. Absolutely.
Jason Connell:Well, Miguel was not so lucky. Not a lot of hugging and kissing. These surfer punks, the main guy from Australia with a great accent great look, as well. Yeah. And they have this system down sounds like oh, hey, pal, let me let me know. Of course Miguel has no signal. He wants to get directions. And they got a map and X marks the spot and they have this thing in motion. And you want to describe how this Shakedown went?
Sal Rodriguez:This is where they do he does a fake map or not. It's not a fake? No, he's
Jason Connell:got a map out. Right?
Sal Rodriguez:He's got a map. He tells him where to go. Yeah. Right. And then he charges you for it. Yep. extorts money basically.
Jason Connell:Pay for that. I'll pay for that. Okay, pay for information,
Sal Rodriguez:right? But then his buddy stole your bag. And then he has to buy the bag back from from the other guy.
Jason Connell:And then they basically give him a little bit of money back. But you know, what's he gonna do? These are four big guys. And Miguel is not even in the mood to fight. He's just like, hey, guys, you speak English. And then he just, he just knows he's the heel. He's been had. And he's just embarrassed. Right? So why to start your journey in Mexico?
Sal Rodriguez:Unfortunately, I feel like Miguel, like if this were Robbie in that very scenario, Robbie, I feel like would have a little more of a sixth sense about him. Street Smarts. I feel like Robbie's like, yeah, yeah. Now Miguel is a little bit a little bit too trusting maybe? Yeah,
Jason Connell:I agree. Yeah. Well,
Sal Rodriguez:I don't think Robbie will
Jason Connell:carbon protected him from a lot of that stuff. You know, shielded him from some of that stuff. Doesn't even know his father yet. Yet. Yeah. But yeah, that's how it begins. He pays his fine. He's not off of his course. He doesn't deviate from his plan. He's gonna go off just broke now.
Sal Rodriguez:Broker. Well, they left them some money. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. Yeah. Love it.
Jason Connell:So now Johnny leaves a Mexican store with a Cinderella shirt on which I really liked. So looking pretty cool. And I believe if I'm not mistaken, I'm hearing a Spanish version of poisons track on skinny up. Is that what that was? Because it was?
Sal Rodriguez:No, I was trying to figure that out. I think that's what it was. Yeah.
Jason Connell:How does it go? How does the normal English version go? So?
Sal Rodriguez:Skinny? Pop pop up. Right. Yeah, that's
Jason Connell:it. Very good. Yeah. Great sequence there. And he comes out and so he's got Mexican Cokes, Mexican candy, and Mexican cell phones. Yeah. And then he goes on to say what?
Sal Rodriguez:I love this. This is funny. I just picked up this badass cell phone. It's got 60 manoussos on it. That's like 300 American minute. Hilarious
Jason Connell:writers room was doubled over who came up with that one that is gold.
Sal Rodriguez:What the conversion rate? It makes sense. That was so
Jason Connell:funny. Yeah. I
Sal Rodriguez:did love that I love and then he has a little chihuahua with a sombrero on it. Yeah, yeah. All the typical stereotypical stuff. It was
Jason Connell:Robbie's like, yeah, they're just coax Mexican.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, in Mexico they don't call a Mexican coke.
Jason Connell:And then sow there's gift Number two, which is
Sal Rodriguez:FBI shirts, and FBI stands for female body inspectors. And this is a throwback to my sixth grade.
Jason Connell:Oh my gosh,
Sal Rodriguez:that's what that's when it came out. For me. That's when this idea of female body inspectors and guys running around kids running around saying that they are in the FBI. That's I was in the sixth grade.
Jason Connell:I too, was in the sixth grade. I learned that joke. And it was a nice lapper for me, well, I'm 11 years old. So then one day, I'll never forget this in civics class. They're like, write up a question, you know, and then you'll ask the class the question, you'll know the answer. So I'm like, I wrote FBI and I was I had it already written out like I was going to do the real FBI, you know, Federal Bureau of Investigations. But right now, I'm gonna throw a changeup that new joke I just heard on the bus. So I wrote female body inspectors. Needless to say, my civics teacher did not find it funny. And it was like straight to the principal's office. Oh, really? I got a little scolding a little talking to with my jaw. So forever I see this I'm I cringe a little bit. I got to know the audience I shouldn't know in the crowd, and I got busted. So
Sal Rodriguez:well, back then you only got in trouble. Today, you will be completely canceled. Yeah,
Jason Connell:totally. So now Johnny and Robbie are working together and are in hot pursuit and determined to track down Miguel. And so I love this. I love seeing these two guys working together. I don't think we've seen this before. I'm not to this level. I mean, at one point in time, he stayed with Johnny Robbie did for beat and then it got crazy, you know, but this is like, it's nice. They're coming together. Kind of like when we saw Johnny and Daniel working together the Tango and Cash days. This is really great stuff. And together to go find Miguel. Now Robbie doesn't know everything yet, but I'm liking this direction.
Sal Rodriguez:I think sort of a common theme every time we speak to fans of the show. About what do you hope for in the next season? Yeah, everybody says we want Daniel and Gianni to finally settle all differences and just be on the same team. I think I could speak for everyone. When when I say we want all the Yeah. Reconciliation to happen among everybody. We want everybody to lay down the baggage and be friends.
Jason Connell:Spoiler alert. Keep watching the season. Sorry, sorry. Yes, I agree with you. Sal. You are speaking for all of us when you say that for sure.
Sal Rodriguez:So yeah, I would love to see a reconciliation with or at least a piece an olive branch with Robbie and Miguel for sure. Yeah.
Jason Connell:So now we're Miyagi dough. And Daniel addresses the students with a shout out to Eli the all Valley champ boy champ male champ, which is great.
Sal Rodriguez:Not exactly a television commercial.
Jason Connell:television commercial. But so he's shutting down Miyagi dough as agreed upon with the crease silver pact that they all made and Johnny's part of that. And it's just sad to see.
Sal Rodriguez:No see Jason, this is where I got confused because at the end of last season, he's making that vow in front of me augis tombstone. Yep, I'm gonna honor Yeah, choses there. And this is where this is the route that he's taken, and then chosen still, they're ready by a side. Why is he shutting down the aisle? You know, I don't know why Daniels doing this.
Jason Connell:I'll tell you to protect the students. They have an mark on their back x on their back. As said in the previous scene, X marks the spot. He wants to protect them from any retaliation that silver could do to the students, while Daniel unchosen go off and play, you know, renegade cop, and they go after silver. So I think it's just that and it's hopefully just for a short while, but it's so hard to see happen.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, very hard to see happen. But now, yeah, that makes sense. I let them off the hook. I let that slide. Okay. So I understand he wants to protect the kids. They are all kids. I forget they aren't exactly their kids see? Yeah, because the actors are not kids. But the characters are kids. Yes. So yeah, I gotta remember that.
Jason Connell:So I'm gonna test your Spanish again. Oh, we show up at a bar. This next scene, Miguel. And what is the name of the bar? Gus steel. Escondido. That's pretty good. So
Sal Rodriguez:I'm trying to work on and this bar is located at 103 Seattle Abbulu sent to say,
Jason Connell:and that is the address that the guys the surfer punks, you know he was looking for and they X marks the spot and that was the real address.
Sal Rodriguez:I'm sorry, Jason. That's not Atlanta. Is it? Are we in Atlanta here?
Jason Connell:I just took this from the show. I don't know if this address is a real address in Mexico, or in Atlanta, Georgia. We don't I don't know.
Sal Rodriguez:If they use Georgia. What are they using the fake Mexican
Jason Connell:would have done that. That's hilarious. So Miguel is going to this bar because he believes his father. Heck, Dora Salazar could be here in this very Barcel. But his plan though, so doesn't really unfold the way he didn't Shouldn't
Sal Rodriguez:you see a room like that this this like it's a back room with a bar
Jason Connell:right enters a bar and then he's got to go to the back room and there's guys playing poker there. So rough crowd back there, by the
Sal Rodriguez:way, it's one of those rooms where you're like, I should not go in there. Yeah, yeah,
Jason Connell:he's brave and he's called Brave in the scene. You know, he's, he goes in here and he confronts more or less a gang leader who's got goons all around him seems to be and he says this kid and ascent backpack he just got, you know, taken for a bunch of money by four other people. And he has to bust out some karate, some martial arts here to defend himself and I really liked the risk grab he does on this guy. And so he defends himself still thinking it's his father, but not for a moment. Do I think that's his dad?
Sal Rodriguez:No, I didn't think that in the teaser trailer. There's a there's a trailer that kind of alludes.
Jason Connell:Here Yeah. And he's a bad guy. We know he's a bad guy, but he's not this bad guy. He's not bad like this, like sinister bad at least. Well,
Sal Rodriguez:you know what it is? He's not obvious. He's not obvious but obvious.
Jason Connell:Exactly. So we find that it's not as father the guy takes mercy on him because he really takes this guy kicks him in the knee. He sees he's brave. He's outmanned, and he lets him Miguel retreat and get out of there and a lot of Spanish flying around like this idiot. What's he thinking? He was lucky to get out of there. I gotta say that that could have gone south in a hurry. You're in Mexico, who's gonna know who's gonna see what happened to you?
Sal Rodriguez:You know what can also happen? I think we've seen enough news stories to know that not only is what he's doing dangerous, he may not come back. If they don't kill you, or kick your ass or rob you recruit you and make you become one of them. Oh, that's to do is take your passport. You know, they take your passport. They do this all over the world. take someone's passport, their stuff back. Good
Jason Connell:luck. Good luck with that. And he also mentioned that Carmen erosive the town, they grew up in Ecuador, go ahead and say that name. Guayaquil did that, right. Yeah, it was interesting to learn a little bit more about them. And you know, he was kind of filling it out, but none of those names registered with this guy. And so
Sal Rodriguez:he was like, I didn't know any comedies. I don't know when he Carmen. Carmen Diaz. Yeah, he's
Jason Connell:like, she sounds hot, though. You know, it's kind of so that ends the scene. He escapes with his life and his backpack and no more money stolen. And now we're in the eagle thing van, which is gone south of the border, and we learn Johnny's big plan. It includes asking if anyone saw Miguel at the bus stop, and maybe just maybe Sal checking the Mexican phonebook. Yeah. Robbie hates this plan.
Sal Rodriguez:And it's a horrible, horrible.
Jason Connell:First of all, it's a terrible plan. But what does he add to this great plan of Johnny's?
Sal Rodriguez:Robbie says, might as well put Miguel's face on a milk cart. And Johnny says, they still do that.
Jason Connell:He thinks that's a great idea. You know, let's do that. Like girls been missing for a just a few days or not even whatever. But yeah, that's kind of funny exchange. Robbie's like, that's a big plan. And now he just doesn't have much of a plan. But at least he's showing initiative action. He's going, you know, in the face of danger. Johnny is also very brave. Nothing ever scares him.
Sal Rodriguez:He's proven that.
Jason Connell:But during this exchange, they begin to bond even more so. And Johnny tells Robbie, he can go home on the bus if he wants, right, the next stop, he can go home, and he can just leave. It's no big deal. He wants him to stay. But it's okay. If you go home and things kind of get back on track. Robbie's taking this in like, you know, my dad's trying, you know, he's not perfect, but he's trying to he's there for me and he's actually showing, you know, love and concern for Miguel as well. But out of nowhere, it's out boom. What happens
Sal Rodriguez:Jason I swear I just saw a movie last night where the driver was talking to the pastor and then looking at the passenger. Yeah, you cannot you gotta keep your eyes on the road wherever you are. But yeah, Johnny nearly hits the other vehicle and then the van comes to a doesn't hit it. It doesn't hit anything. But it comes to a screeching halt and there's a flat tire. Yeah,
Jason Connell:the van is put together with you know, duct tape at this point in time. Robbie garden and Johnny has this car has been running in the ground.
Sal Rodriguez:I was gonna start delivering a spoiler and I shut
Jason Connell:slow down on the splitters we go one episode at a time I gotta go one scene at a
Sal Rodriguez:time. Well, because like I said, I would love to watch an episode do a podcast watching Episode Two a pocket. That's what I love to do, so that I could literally be on Episode One and be in the dark about episode two and three. I would like to be in the dark. Yeah, I would. But here we are.
Jason Connell:So now we're at the LORUSSO house and Daniel shows chosen silver on TV must have DVR this commercial or something. And he shares what they need to do to him exactly, which is
Sal Rodriguez:cut the head off the snake which leads
Jason Connell:chosen to take it more literal as he pulls out the size that Samantha also knows. And there's a funny exchange here.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, Daniel says, hey, whoa, whoa, no, no, I didn't mean literally cut his head off and chosen said they are not for cutting they are for blocking and stabbing and clawing and gouging.
Jason Connell:Yeah, I think that's fine. That's fine. Don't kill, but just do those things chosen. I love it.
Sal Rodriguez:Well, hang on, I gotta hand it to Daniel for showing restraint, because exhausted wants to go. Let him Let him if he wants to do it.
Jason Connell:I mean, Chris was going to the death not that long ago. And who's to say silver wood and so yeah, exactly. The master with
Sal Rodriguez:if chosen were to at this point, stab Terry silver, he would merely add them to His correction.
Jason Connell:So Daniel really is determined not to kill silver, but to expose him for the crook he is because he knows. Right? He doesn't even know everything. But he knows enough. He's been around enough. The guy's a bad guy, sinister guy. And South chosen wants to meet Terry silver. I love that. Take me to Terry silver. I love it. I'm loving chosen Sal. I love it. He's come back to the show. And now I have forgotten how much I despised him. And the good part too. And now he's becoming one of my favorite characters on the show. Like only the show can do this to me. Amazing.
Sal Rodriguez:No, I forgotten about all that too. I'm on his team. He's on our team. Yeah, chosen is a good guy now. Absolutely. Who would have known who would have known not even chosen would have known he wouldn't have known Sato Imagine if Sato were alive to
Jason Connell:sell proud. So so proud, but he was him in the
Sal Rodriguez:chosen, chosen so proud of your chosen proud of you.
Jason Connell:He said that off camera and we didn't see it and when that chosen took over the whole Miyagi dough. So now we're at LORUSSO dojo, this is you also call it Miyagi west or some other name for it. But it's Encino Miyagi, but it's also dojo. It's been there since season one. And Sam is training and Sal, she is obsessed with the loss to Tori and is literally replaying it on her laptop over and over how she lost the fight, replaying it in her mind. And while that's going on, Miguel calls, snaps are out of it. But that doesn't go well.
Sal Rodriguez:No, because, you know, he needs support, but she also needs support. So it's one of those things like, and believe me, anybody that's been in a relationship, I think has been in this exact scenario. Yeah. Where you need them at the very moment. They need you. So it can be a little awkward.
Jason Connell:It can be and she's upset for his disappearance. A they're worried about him. Right. And also, he left during the middle of the valley. He could have waited to
Sal Rodriguez:the end of a few hours.
Jason Connell:I got I got that bus and I got that ticket. I gotta go. So yeah, there's a lot of resentment. And you know how to say I'm in this phone call so
Sal Rodriguez:well, it wouldn't be the first time a young lady has hung up on a young man. No. And Natalie, I know what's happened to me. It's happened to me she Hey, yep. But when that
Jason Connell:happens, my gals focus shifts and he spots who could be Hector adore his father. Yeah. Because
Sal Rodriguez:he hears somebody call this guy or sir. Hector. So by the way, at this very moment, this guy's dumping some garbage into the trash can. Yep. So he's not doing anything highfalutin?
Jason Connell:No. So maybe the hang up was serendipitous. He heard the name. And he's got a new target, not the guy at the bar. So now Robbie, and Johnny fix the flat tire and talk about the past. You know, like how Johnny and Daniel went searching for Robbie things he didn't know. So
Sal Rodriguez:you'll he didn't know about the fight? He did when? Mr. Anneke
Jason Connell:fight? Yes, yes. Yes. Yeah. Didn't know any of this stuff, which was a great sequence and a great bonding experience for Johnny and Daniel. And then Johnny calls Carmen to check in who shares that Miguel is alive and well, courtesy of Sam Of course, who just hung up on Miguel, but she did tell Carmen that she got a hold of him and he's okay. So this is good. It kind of lowers the concern right now. He's okay. You know, we're gonna get him. We're gonna get him.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, he is alive. He is alive. Yeah, so
Jason Connell:now we're back at the cobra, Kai dojo and Daniel unchosen are on a stakeout. And so did you ever see the movie stakeout with Richard Dreyfus and Amido estimates?
Sal Rodriguez:I never saw that. They even made a sequel stick out to I know I heard of it, but I've never seen it. Is it good?
Jason Connell:You know what, I can't say it holds up because I haven't seen it about 20 years, but at the time, I loved it. So I probably have to revisit that to see if it belongs and let's talk movies. And maybe bring you on if it is. But anyway, I had to ask.
Sal Rodriguez:No, what's funny is I couldn't really imagine, like, to me that sort of an odd choice of CO stars, but okay, I'll give it a while they were hot
Jason Connell:in the 80s. You know, and, you know, there's a love interest. There's a lot of things going on. It's funny, but it's like a buddy picture. I'll check it out. So now chosen so they're sitting in the car, looking and they're seeing all these new students come in, like look at this, this place is blowing up right frickin. It's like a 24 hour fitness or an equinox or something like it's just been flooded with people going in, and then chosen through the window from the car, sees Silva and studies his fighting style. And he spots it immediately. And there's concern because he recognizes it as a style taught by Kim Seung Yong, Kim son Young, who is mentioned by Terry silver, and the Karate Kid. Part three,
Sal Rodriguez:what a great flashback. Great fun.
Jason Connell:He walks into the Miyagi dough garden and he throws that name out write that in there. And then Daniel was like, that person's real other was a made up name because everything else he said was a lie like cruces dead and this, that and the other. So I love that this show goes back and does these connections. Oh my gosh, it's just it's rich of history. I just love it.
Sal Rodriguez:I always love that scene, too, with Terry Silva approaches because that's, I think, for me, it was that very scene, which really showed me what a horrible person Terry Silva is it was that very scene.
Jason Connell:Yeah, he was just terrible. I thought he had other things to do. He's running this huge business but he's got time to go torture a teenager and trick an older person who's doing nothing wrong in the world. Yeah, this guy is despicable. Him increase though. Maybe worse increase? I would say
Sal Rodriguez:yeah, I think Terry Silver's worst increase top dog, top dog.
Jason Connell:So now we're at the Lusso dojo, this conversation continues to the dojo. I like that this is kind of jump cut us to the dojo and they're in GIS, bowing in and sharing and shows and talks about Kim son young how he taught American soldiers martial arts during the Korean War, and was a master of Tang pseudo. But sow that's not what He taught.
Sal Rodriguez:I guess he sort of did like an evil version of it is that exactly, exactly.
Jason Connell:And he demonstrates on Daniel is like, let me show you. And what does he do?
Sal Rodriguez:He takes him down. He doesn't have his hand on his neck
Jason Connell:grabs his neck. Yeah. And then like, dislodges him?
Sal Rodriguez:Well, because he did something that Floyd Mayweather once got in trouble for where you Touch gloves. And as soon as you touch gloves, Floyd went in for a hit and I think knock the guy out. So in this instance, you bow and as soon as you bow you're not expecting as soon as you bow to show respect. Going for the kill. Exactly. Yeah, so that's what we see here. It's like I said a style based on deception. No honor no mercy. Yeah.
Jason Connell:And that was the early slogan for Cobra Kai but they changed it
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, deception is no honor. No, no mercy.
Jason Connell:We got to work on that. So yeah, that's exactly what it is. They're gonna pull no punches if you think something's come at something else. It's always devious and then Chosun goes on to share what and a way to capture silver
Sal Rodriguez:to catch serpent you must think like serpent we will use his style against him.
Jason Connell:Love it.
Sal Rodriguez:I like that I'm a fan of that
Jason Connell:shows in is filling this void that we've had during the whole show which is Miyagi and he is coming from the homeland. He now runs and takes care of Miyagi dough. And for all intents and purposes, he is the lineage to Mr. Miyagi through Sato his uncle and they you know, all the way back to the teacher, Mr. Miyagi his father. So he is representing him and now he talks like him and these little like dungeon master like to call it you know, little proverbs and such an I freaking love it. I'm a sucker for it so
Sal Rodriguez:well, except unlike Miyagi chono He's got gouge you in the eyeball with a sigh
Jason Connell:he's a little more Yeah, loose cannon. Yeah, he's still chosen. Yeah, exactly. You're not gonna trick Miyagi. We're, you know, chosen get wound up and like, we're gonna cut his head off, but in a comical way, and it really works. You know, I really want to go back and watch Karate Kid. Part Two again, just to see if he was always a little bit that yeah, he was jokey. But he was always such a prick. He couldn't look past it. You know, but I didn't know his character. Really. So yeah. So anyway, I love this. And now we're back to Miguel. And he's following Hector through an outdoor market and notice his Wazza.
Sal Rodriguez:He notices his Hector guy has a woman with him. And a little boy of would you say about four? Maybe? Yeah. 4566 Yes, most small, small young boy. Yeah. He sees them walking around. And yeah, that might be tough because if you think that's your dad, you think that's your dad and then you see a woman, you can go in and go, Okay, well, obviously he's not with my mother, obviously. But then you see this little boy like, it's one of those things where the actors in the audience of the play like that should be me up there. Exact one of those moments.
Jason Connell:I didn't have this scene. When did we ever go to the market? I mean, maybe I was Yeah, yeah, a lot going on.
Sal Rodriguez:He never played soccer with me ever. Well, then
Jason Connell:the son, Hector son, who we think it's his son, his soccer ball rolls to Miguel because he's got a little soccer ball you know it kind of he's a young kid rolls to him perfectly. And Miguel does his best Daniel impression from the Karate Kid you know, messing with the ball a little bit quick juggler quick flip up and gives it back and there's a nice exchange. And you can see I
Sal Rodriguez:talked a little boy he asked for the little boy's name little boy was kind of shy, very shy. Not sure.
Jason Connell:I believe there's a song about that. Which I like to talk to strangers. Don't talk to strangers. Yeah, yeah. I'm Rick Springfield, man. I had the record.
Sal Rodriguez:Nice. So I You're dating yourself talking about yellow.
Jason Connell:And McGill's mind is racing, as we just talked about, like there's a lot going on, even when he's connecting with like, Is this my brother Is this my stepbrother? A lot spinning. And now we're back to Johnny and Robbie, and they make it in a town. Finally, the cars work in tires on and Johnny buys Robbie, a bus ticket and goes to look for Miguel. So basically like hey, sorry. Here's your ticket. But I'm trying I got to do this. That's it's really nice. It goes off. But of course how he is approached by the exact same surfer punks, because someone said, yeah, they think he was talking to these guys over here. And he's going right into the trap the belly of the beast. And what happens?
Sal Rodriguez:You know, I gotta hand it to this Australian guy because something about the Australian accent is kind of disarming Yeah, I think because whenever we hear Australian Crocodile Dundee, Paul, Steve Irwin, yeah, yeah, see, Olivia Newton John. Rest in peace. All these good pleasant good good folk, you know, Thor, so you're not expecting that some guys just gonna try to Jack you. Absolutely. With an Aussie accent.
Jason Connell:Yeah, road warrior. Yeah, yes, Max. So a great fight sequence ensues and it's not this giant well, he goes over there and they do their whole thing. But what didn't have a backpack like Miguel Miguel takes his backpack off for whatever reason sets it down. Well, they start fishing through Johnny's pocket pickpocket or he catches them grabbed his hand not a good idea. It's on and he threatens the big guy the Australian like, I'll stick that surfboard or is it gonna stick itself
Sal Rodriguez:they'll stick that surfboard so far up your ass your friends will be riding surfing you surfing you. Riding would be different surfing will
Jason Connell:be whatever that means Johnny but I like it. I like the call. So it's on. He's fighting these four guys. And one guy comes up from behind, like, you know, put this noose around him and like yeah, take him out and Robbie comes flying and with a kick. Hits the guy. It's father and son duo at work so it's fantastic. A great fight sequence. Johnny never seen this right never seen this these two. He breaks the surfboard and a half doesn't follow through on his threat. But but it has a family show on the show and knocks him out with it. So yeah, he should have taken Miguel's money back but he didn't know. So he doesn't know that. So great stuff. Love it. Back to Miguel. He's continuing to follow Hector and his family until what happens?
Sal Rodriguez:Well, suddenly the soccer ball is the boy has I guess the boys lost it again. Knee. Yeah. This boy needs some lessons. The ball goes into the street. He goes to grab the ball. And then he nearly gets hit a car comes. does not stop or slow down. Yeah,
Jason Connell:it seems a pizza guy from the kid.
Sal Rodriguez:Miguel goes in, saves the boy grabs him, puts them back on the sidewalk. literally saves this boy's life.
Jason Connell:Unbelievable. Yeah. saves him. Thank goodness he was stalking them. Right. Thank goodness this kid. We don't know if he would have been killed but he's gonna get hit. And that's very, very sad and scary. But we do learn that this is Hector. Played by Lewis Roberto Guzman. I don't know the actor who was in a show Narcos which I do know that show no of the show. But I hadn't watched it but fantastic job but this again, I'm going to never make calls again because every time I make a call offered the show it doesn't come true. I had other actors in mind. Oh, yes, I named plenty of them. I had three and my I don't want to go down that rabbit hole anymore. It wasn't themselves. It was Guzman, who does a fabulous job so great. And he's overwhelmed with joy to see that Miguel saves his son, and invites Miguel. Over that night for dinner.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah. And that would be sort of a traditional Yeah, exactly. thing to do. Right. Yeah. Somebody does something fantastic for you and your family. A wonderful favor saves a life. You invite them to your home for dinner. us
Jason Connell:Americans would say can I pay you anything? Do you need, you know, they want to give you some monetary reward? somewhere else? They come over for dinner. We'll break bread with you. You're part of the family now.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, that probably. That's an international thing. Can
Jason Connell:I tell you how much for the kid?
Sal Rodriguez:That kid was worth at least a couple 100. Let me go to
Jason Connell:Sal Rodriguez with the underscore. Okay. Yeah, but I like this. I like this style. And of course, it plays into everything right. It's perfect for this show. And Miguel, he's just like, whoa, okay. Great. And he's also broke. So he's got a couple of bones in his pocket.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, cuz we don't know. What was he planning to do? Was he planning to like get a cheap motel? What
Jason Connell:was his long term plan here is him and Johnny this they're not well thought out plans. He better find Hector fast cuz he's gonna be out of money. Now Johnny and Robbie share a Karate Kid Part Two moment here. So and I mean, when Mr. Miyagi and Daniel are on the shore. Now. Listen, the scene from Karate Kid party was much sadder Mr. Miyagi his father had just passed. But it's a beautiful scene, they're looking at the ocean, there's a palm tree there. This has hints of that. But it's not the same, but it just kind of reminded me of it. And I'm sure Same with the show runners. And they take in this scene, they had just teamed up and knocked out these four guys bested them all. And they're having a father and son moment and also kind of licking their wounds with their bottles of either beer or soda on their eyes, because it took a couple shots. And we've never seen these two closer, so never
Sal Rodriguez:know. So this is one of those times where you're like, please just keep it here. Yeah, exactly. Just exactly. Keep it there. We don't need another blow up in the next episode. We don't need it.
Jason Connell:And then of course, Robbie ends it with X marks the spot right then. And that was of course X marks the spot was what the Australian guy used for Miguel and him on the map, because Robbie shares the fact that he's staying not going home. He's in it to win it is with Johnny on this quest to find Miguel. And it's fantastic.
Sal Rodriguez:Yeah, I think well, also, it's one of those things where Robbie wants to go home, right. But at the same time, he may learn in that little fighting sequence. My dad maybe needs me. My dad needs me. Yes,
Jason Connell:exactly. I'm needed and wanted. I'm staying.
Sal Rodriguez:We don't know what would have happened if Robbie hadn't have jumped in when Robbie? We don't know for certain that Johnny would have would have been able to take on all those guys. Yeah,
Jason Connell:to fend them off the whole time? Maybe not. So that's the end of the episode. No, there's a montage and beautiful montage to end this first episode. Long, long way from home. And in this montage we have Terry silver doing a beautiful crease type voiceover and monologue and wild mushrooms. I'll give exactly I'll give the beats and then I want you to deliver Silver's amazing speech. So we see Daniel locking up Miyagi dough covering up the sign with a tarp. Johnny and Robbie riding in the eagle thing van having Mexican treats like Robbie sharing, bonding wonderful stuff. Miguel having dinner with Hector and his family. Amanda goes to the pool and sees Daniel with my ties their weak side. And it's great. So he's listening to Amanda giving her her needs. And then Silva addresses his new students while he's doing this the whole time but we cut to Silver, who is addressing all these new students and we see different Gisa we see a GI from cutting edge karate crunch karate, which we've seen in all valleys. And then we see a student from Locust Valley Karate Club, which is also the dojo from one Darrell the
Sal Rodriguez:doll. Nice but wait a second. That wasn't Darrell Huddleston
Jason Connell:was not Daryl of a doll. Okay, wish it was wish it was it wasn't. And then he stops in front of a new recruit. We'll leave it there and please give us your best Terry silver.
Sal Rodriguez:I would love an awesome ponytail first. I need a ponytail. Love it too. De is a turning point at Cobra Kai. Our competition has closed up shop. And the valley now looks to us to lead the way. We have a long road ahead. This is just the beginning. Right now we're strangers. But I can tell you, we won't be strangers for long. This is the start of something special for everyone else that summer vacation. But for us, the real work is about to begin. Cobra Kai now has more students than ever before. That means we'll need more senseis I'm going to ask you to do more than what's expected. Which means I'm going to pay more than what's expected. But first, you must prove yourself in the way of the fist. It's time to see if you're worthy. Welcome to Cobra Kai.
Jason Connell:Wow. Great job. And when he says this last part he is standing and looking straight ahead at chosen.
Sal Rodriguez:I love that mic and the camera when the camera finds his face. I'm like, Oh my God.
Jason Connell:Oh, my God. And then of course, the burn in Cobra Kai. It's back baby. Season Five, episode one. And it's like, of course. So I immediately watched episode two because that cliffhanger. What if we had to wait a week for the next episode of in too much? Like that is such a great ending. Chosen infiltrated Cobra Kai to be on the inside. Pull the Trojan horse method. I love it. I love this plan. I can't wait to see where it goes.
Sal Rodriguez:You know, didn't I forecast something in a previous season? I could have sworn I talked about somebody infiltrating a dojo and being a spy. I know I said something about that. Well, anyway, here we are. And yes, I love the concept. I love that whole spy infiltrating.
Jason Connell:I got to toot your own horn in season two. You predicted Terry silver and chosen we'll come back. There'll be big flip. No,
Sal Rodriguez:I'm just kidding. No, you're serious. So I would have
Jason Connell:been blown away as you call it. All those things. Amazing stuff here folks. This really great set up for an amazing season to come. And I'm just so happy we've made that next step together. Anything else now before we wrap up and move on down the road to the next episode?
Sal Rodriguez:No, I just want to say this was a really exciting episode which made you thirst for more. There's no way even if you're not a fan of binging. And always for the record. I'm not the biggest fan of binging. You want to see the next cast after this cast. You have to you have to see the next episode.
Jason Connell:That's all I got my friend. So unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscaped and get
Sal Rodriguez:20% off and free shipping with the code Cobra kai@manscaped.com
Jason Connell:So thank you so much for listening and please be sure to subscribe to the let's talk Cobra Kai podcast as well as the let's talk Cobra Kai YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast.
Sal Rodriguez:And for all your listeners and enjoy sharing your thoughts you can leave us a review on Apple podcasts, send us a direct message or post a comment on any let's talk Cobra Kai social media platform.
Jason Connell:If you're a dedicated listener or viewer of Let's Talk Cobra Kai, please consider supporting the show on Patreon. We also highly recommend checking out our other podcast and visiting just curious media.com
Sal Rodriguez:No Mercy