Let's Talk - Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai - S05E07 - Bad Eggs

Just Curious Media Episode 127

Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Episode 127: Cobra Kai - S05E07 - Bad Eggs

Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down Season 05 - Episode 07 (Bad Eggs) of the Cobra Kai series and much more.

Synopsis: Terry and Kim issue a brutal challenge while Chozen teaches his students a different kind of lesson. Johnny and Daniel demand answers from Kreese.

Original Episode: S05E07

Recorded: 11-29-22
Studio: Just Curious Media






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Jason Connell:

Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.

Sal Rodriguez:

And I'm Sal Rodriguez.

Jason Connell:

All right, so we are back for another episode.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, very special. Not just that it's special where we're at in the season. But very special for the number episode that we're on right now.

Jason Connell:

minutes. Right. Lots of specials. We are back for season five, episode seven of Cobra Kai, super excited about that. Also, this recording right here right now, under the just curious media banner, which encompasses now four shows used to be one than it was two. This is the 200th episode. When it confetti, tools, a big number

Sal Rodriguez:

that is a big number. Because in years past, another podcast ventures F 50. Yeah. 50. Yeah, things, things start dying. And that's

Jason Connell:

what to be clear. The majority is let's talk Cobra Kai, I believe this is 127. We hit the 100 mark for this show alone not that long ago, several months ago. And we celebrated that but we're this is 127. So our other shows that's a crime is pushing 50. Let's talk movies is pushing 30 Dog on one out of the gun. It is just give me a minute. But still, it's brand new. But together collectively 200 episodes, it speaks volumes. We started this in 2019. And I couldn't be more proud. I was just telling Sophia before I came on. I said, remember this moment, remember this moment. And we'll add another zero at some point in time. It's

Sal Rodriguez:

magic moment,

Jason Connell:

you got to enjoy the race you have to enjoy. You

Sal Rodriguez:

know, believe me, I'm a big fan of enjoying the journey. The big fan of that, especially the last few years.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, we're in a hurry to go nowhere. We love this. And what is keep coming back. So. So kudos to us and all of our fans and listeners of all of our shows. Thank you for helping us to keep coming back. You know, no one, there's a voice out there. And speaking of fans, knowing that there's people out there listening, communicating, we're getting even more five star reviews on Apple podcast. They keep coming out, oh, my gosh, it feels so good. Salary them a minute, I get one, I take a screenshot. And I sent it to you and Sophia, because we can all revel in it. And we will be doing Fan Appreciation episodes after this season and Cobra Kai season that is and we can read these aloud and dissect them and keep them coming though fans because it means the world to us. And it only helps our show stand out in the blue ocean of shows.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, that's true. Because that's one thing that you're that you and I are happy. Yeah, we're happy. But it does affect the algorithm. We're all anybody online is now at the mercy of the algorithms. So all these five star reviews do indeed help the show. Thank you very much.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. And I think it validates the show to other people. I don't need it for self gratification. I like to know that we're doing a good job and it's appreciated. And we're helping other people. That that's what I need. Jason, I'm

Sal Rodriguez:

laughing because I need it. Oh, sorry.

Jason Connell:

I knew I give it to PSA. I defer.

Sal Rodriguez:

i It's not that I I'm not expecting it. So therefore when I get it, that's really good. Besides myself, really. It really is heartwarming to read these reviews to hear what people are saying about us. People out there, we'll probably never meet. Unfortunately, I know. But you know what? It really it really makes me happy. It makes me smile. It really does. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

well, you may meet them. It may be virtually but let me reframe that. I don't need it. It's not the fuel. I need to keep going. But I probably do need it on some respect. It does. Yeah. warmed me up inside. It truly does not from an ego standpoint, but from Oh my gosh. And when some of these messages were which we're going to go over and we've already done some historically, how we fill their day. They're excited. They feel like they're hanging out with friends. That just warms my heart. That's something I didn't even anticipate and doing this journey. That's just a win that just keeps giving. So what's it mean? We're getting old with no,

Sal Rodriguez:

it means we're touching people. Yes. I never thought I'd touch people out there. And yeah, and you and I are all legally, all. consensually, touching people. Jason, I want to thank you really I mean, I'm happy to be here as your co host and let's talk Cobra Kai, but just curious media as your venture. And I'm proud of you. I really am.

Jason Connell:

Thank you, man. Thank you. Thank you for being on this journey with me. So without further ado, a word from our sponsor. Support for let's talk Cobra Kai is brought to you by manscaped who is the best and men's below the waist grooming and offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels. Join over 4 million men worldwide who trust manscaped and with this exclusive offer you'll get

Sal Rodriguez:

20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code Cobra kai@manscaped.com

Jason Connell:

Perfect. All right. Netflix is the company that brings this Cobra Kai Thank you Netflix. They released the entire season. This season season five, September 9 2022. This again is season five, Episode Seven bad eggs. I love that title. And it's very fitting.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, lots of eggs in this episode.

Jason Connell:

Lots of eggs and the rating for this episode 8.0

Sal Rodriguez:

on IMDb gone down a little bit, right.

Jason Connell:

I'm not going to haggle. I think it's an incredibly strong episode with some things that we don't get to see very often. So I loved it. The second viewing was like, oh, yeah, that's what happened in Episode Seven. Because you tend to forget it's been a few months. Like, what timeline it happened. And I love this episode. I truly, truly do. And I'm so excited to get into it

Sal Rodriguez:

with you. Yeah, lots have chosen in this episode too.

Jason Connell:

That's why I'm loving it. Yeah, absolutely. The synopsis for this episode is Terry and Kim issue a brutal challenge, while chosen teaches his students a different kind of lesson. Johnny and Daniel demand answers from crease. All right, that sums it up perfectly. But through that there's lots of details to get into. And now for our scene by scene breakdown. So are you ready?

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm ready.

Jason Connell:

All right. We open with a montage. I always love that and there's voiceover but I'm gonna give this setup and you'll do the voiceover. But this is an unusual montage because we hear from different voices. Yeah. And I like that. So let us go through this. We're gonna break it up as opposed to make it one big cohesive thing. So we open with Cobra Kai signs people wearing Cobra Kai merch, people recruiting students. Obviously, Cobra Kai is growing.

Sal Rodriguez:

And then Daniel says, Cobra Kai has taken over the valley. All that anyone knows now is Cobra Kai karate, Terry Silver's karate. Oh, that's brutal. I

Jason Connell:

can't believe that Terry silver karate boy have viral changed viral. So now we see Sam on her phone looking at a Cobra Kai post on Instagram. The account, Cobra Kai underscore official dojo. So there you go. That's the official Instagram handle. And the Post says join our championship team locations opening all over the valley. And then we have some hashtags are hashbrowns however you Yes. Hashtag. I won't say the word again. And again. No Mercy, Cobra, Kai karate. Come join us new locations opening soon. And here's the one that stings. All Valley karate.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, it's like

Jason Connell:

a ship. Exactly. It's like,

Sal Rodriguez:

I didn't catch that. Yeah, that's making a statement for sure. It's like ownership. Yeah. And continue the VO then Amanda says new dojos new senseis. We may be back in the fight. But Cobra Kai never left it.

Jason Connell:

And now we see Carmen and she's at the mailbox. And there's a Cobra Kai flyer, very similar to the post online it's just a physical version of it. And then so I saw some discrepancies. Oh, I have to mention here

Sal Rodriguez:

No. Is it about Atlanta?

Jason Connell:

No, surprisingly No. Carmen Diaz we see a bunch of mail so I look at this mail closely. Addresses there says Carmen's address 7428 A static boy street what receipt a California 91335 Now a few things to unpack with inside this and I know I knew your radar is going off right away as a born and bred in Los Angeles and in the Valley at that. Okay. Let's educate everybody again real fast. Those who don't already know if you're already there, great. South Seas apartments. That's not where this is. They live at receita apartments but the South Seas apartments address is 19223 South

Sal Rodriguez:

saticoy Street in receipt of California 91335.

Jason Connell:

That saticoy assez address. I see oh, why? They wrote statical. Now, again, it's not trying to be the same. So just there's that and let me Explain the receipt apartments they only use an exterior and LA. The exterior is it's a real place but when they go in their apartments, yes, they're in Atlanta no bashing that. But that address for the facade is 18555. Burbank Boulevard, Tarzana, California 91356. Now, I'm only pointing this out because they obviously were just like, well, who cares where it is? We'll also do saticoy, which is what Sal sees apartments is but they went with static Koi. So it seems like a mistake of flub, okay.

Sal Rodriguez:

Hang on. Do you think it was an unintentional mistake? Well,

Jason Connell:

it's a it's a real one. I think there is no static Koi, right? I think they would have done saticoy. And like, oh, it's adjacent to South Seas, apartments, it feels because they could easily just take in the receipt, apartments facade address and just use the one in Tarzana. But the second point, which I have issue with, is that Carmen and Miguel live in number one, not a Jonny lives and to not be now I don't know, it just seems the inconsistencies continue in these ways.

Sal Rodriguez:

Hang on. That may be the post office though.

Jason Connell:

Maybe that could be the you have the well, if someone's gonna mail you something, right. And I say hey, Sal, yeah, I'm over here at static boy. And I live in one, you're gonna go one, got it. Boom, boom. So that's what they did. So it seems like you know, whatever. Just point that out. Have fun with it.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason, I think statically syllabaries static.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, it's funny. Anyway, okay. Now that's the visuals. The VO for this same is

Sal Rodriguez:

Johnny says, If this continues, all the we fought for wanting to be a memory.

Jason Connell:

And now we see Chris, Nate and Bert bouncing down the street all hanging out and they see Mitch also known as penis breath. Checking out the Cobra Kai merch like hang on, Jason.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, I don't feel guilty saying that NORTH Yeah, I feel like Yes. Penis breath. There we are.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, he's checking out the merch and like, wow, yeah, check this out. And they spot him check it out. And they give him you know, they rise him some

Sal Rodriguez:

and chosen says, Snake grows larger every day, swallow everything in its path.

Jason Connell:

And now we see Terry and Cam train a packed class, I mean, packed class of Cobra Kai students.

Sal Rodriguez:

And Johnny says, something's cooking over there. We have to make our move. Now. If we don't, every kid in the valley is going to be forced to choose. But does it really boil down to choosing between two dojos there are still multiple dojos what happened to both Japan karate now

Jason Connell:

he's he's acquiring Yes. Okay, so Bali is just Cobra Kai and anybody else?

Sal Rodriguez:

And you know what this really happens for you UFC fans out there, you know, the UFC acquires a smaller organization has a few shows, then trashes it. The UFC acquired WEC trashed it the UFC acquired I don't know if they acquired pride, but they acquired StrikeForce and trashed it the UFC acquires things trashed it, well meaning that the UFC buys StrikeForce oh

Jason Connell:

not not and not trashed it and then walked away they just acquired gobbler that becomes there

Sal Rodriguez:

and then at the dentist it's

Jason Connell:

very straightforward that goes away but they take it over

Sal Rodriguez:

yeah there's a karate it's not like you know to peg a karate brought to you by Cobra Kai. It's like no, I go to paying a karate is gone. So yeah, you're right, Cobra Kai is absorbing everything. So therefore it will be Miyagi dough against everybody else. And that everybody else is Cobra Kai,

Jason Connell:

one huge snake in the valleys. So now we see Anthony lo Russo walks up and sees Cobra Kai emerge as well and there's recruiters and so we're like, Well, is he pulling a Mitch and then

Sal Rodriguez:

and Daniel says, side with Cobra Kai, or feel the pain.

Jason Connell:

Now back to Anthony takes the Cobra Kai shirt flings it on the ground churns. Kenny Kyler and crew grab him. Anthony can't catch a break here. Grab him. Take him into a restroom stone. I don't know if this restroom is inside Cobra Kai or some random place? Either way, this goes so far beyond that it should have I'll just say Yeah, but why don't you describe what happens here?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, unfortunately I've heard of this in years past I think at my junior high school Sepulveda Junior High School on Sepulveda. Hey Kunkka doors Hello after. Supposedly when I first joined the ranks of support at a junior high school, we would hear that some of the eighth and ninth graders would take seventh graders and use them as what they call toilet washers and dunk their head in the toilet Which from the time I heard of this, I thought this is so horrific. I mean, I was probably a germaphobe at a young age as well.

Jason Connell:

There's something that makes this just beyond grotesque. It's not just which is bad, you know, a flush toilet. At least there's water in there, but still, it's still disgusting. This is not that. This is an unflushed toilet after somebody has used

Sal Rodriguez:

said toilet. I saw that it was terrible. It made me I nearly gagged. I'm almost gagging now. Yeah, well, you

Jason Connell:

don't have to keep talking there. It's not good. It's not. They flush.

Sal Rodriguez:

They grab Anthony Russo. And by the way, just to be clear, it's not just a grab a random kid. This is Anthony LORUSSO, the son of Daniel Russo. Doesn't that have a greater impact on what they're doing? They grab him they put his head on the toilet. We don't see it, thank God, but we know that they stuck Anthony Russo's head in a filthy toilet. And I'm almost about to gag.

Jason Connell:

Now as he LORUSSO 3.0 are 2.1 2.5 I don't know what he is, but he's a little Russo so let's leave that disgusting moment. For now have visual and now we're in a war room. And Daniel, Amanda Gianni and chosen are strategizing as silver takes over the valley he recently bought one or open one in Toluca Lake

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh Toluca Lake shout out shout. Lake where you let's talk Cobra Kai originated folks

Jason Connell:

well yeah the yeah we were doing our the studio the first 10 episodes were a in Toluca Lake. Our first 11 No, no, the first 21 What we did the Karate Kid. Right. And that was the first episode that we recorded. And then we did season one, season two all it's looking like studio. Wow. Shout out.

Sal Rodriguez:

Wow, that's I love that. So yeah, we get a shout out to Toluca Lake in Cobra Kai. And we started this show in Toluca Lake.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. So So I love the scene. And the lighting reminds me of a Jerry Bruckheimer movie, like it's just lit. So cool. And you have the lit display. And there's flags because this is what they would use at Lusso Auto Group, that's where they are. They're in some sort of conference room or meeting room at the Russo auto group. So they can strategize where they have all their, you know, their shops, but it looks amazing. And then Amanda mentions creeks because they don't know how to stop this snake from growing. And she's got a good idea, but nobody wants to hear it. Right. So

Sal Rodriguez:

it's the old phrase, which comes up in the cultural lexicon periodically. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. There you go. You ever heard that? So that's where they're at. Now. They're like, hey, we both hate we all hate Terry silver. Christmas. Hey, Terry silver. Let's talk to trees about defeating Terry silver. So yeah, it makes sense. And it is a strategy that just might work. We'll see.

Jason Connell:

Well, I also love it. A random guy wants to buy a car. And he opens his door and say, hey, now I'm thinking where's Louis and Anoosh? But hey, maybe they're really busy selling cars already. But funny way to end the same with a little button there.

Sal Rodriguez:

I like that. And by the way, it since you mentioned them. Yeah. Can we all agree? We want more Louisiana news? Just a little more. Give us a little more Louisiana news, please, will you?

Jason Connell:

I'm telling you spin off these guys. The new odd couple. They live together and they hang out. They work together and they're always bickering. I love it. So now we're at Miyagi dough. And students are stretching, you know, as students do. And Sam and Anthony talking this is becoming a theme sound. I'm liking this little brother sister and they're getting along. It's nice. But so Anthony's got a new nickname, which is

Sal Rodriguez:

oh, this is terrible. Probably worse than penis breath. Honestly, probably worse than penis breath. More accurate. Yeah, yeah, definitely accurate. Anthony's new nickname shithead.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, we do not need to revisit the passing but it's tonight is his new nickname, at least with certain people. And now we see Miguel Demetri in Ely chatting. And they're talking about Robbie. Oh, sorry. They're talking about Sam. I should say. This is how these three are always operated like gotta get Miguel back in there. What's going on? Now Miguel is at peace with the situation with Sam. He really is it but they don't know there is buddy and they're like she started over there. And then I see Robbie come in. And there's this kind of mutual hatred, at least with Dimitri and he like they because they've not bonded with Robbie. We know that Miguel has.

Sal Rodriguez:

I've been there, Jason. I've been in your shoes. You're at peace with your ex, but for some reason your friends aren't Yeah, they can't let it be. No, no. I've been there.

Jason Connell:

And then chosen starts class and So, right out of the gate, you realize that the students don't know a lick of Japanese.

Sal Rodriguez:

You figured Daniel would have taught him something. I mean, why is chosen having to tell what? Yeah, right. This is just a simple bow.

Jason Connell:

It's not they don't know attention, and they don't know when to bow. And he's just, he's so good. I mean, he's incredible in this scene, and in this whole episode, and in the series, but his comedic timing, he's just annoyed like, this. Come on, in attention bow. Daniel and Johnny are not there. And they're just like, what's going on here? And it's like, they're not here. Let's just jump into this. No, here. No, here. He's got to come up with a strategy. And this is where that show this show. Our show that we love is really bringing in that Miyagi flavor. We don't have Mr. Miyagi. Listen, they gave us Johnny last episode, like the Benjamin Button version, they could bring in Miyagi, in certain ways. I mean, they could but I know it'd be very expensive to listen, we know he's passed away. We've already it's been well established. But we like a CGI a CGI Miyagi. They could do like some sort of spit, whatever, but fine, I get it.

Sal Rodriguez:

We didn't. We didn't go You're right. They could go there. But they don't thankfully, even if it's a

Jason Connell:

flashback, and we get more visuals, but Chosun is here alive and well. And he comes from the same town that Mr. Miyagi grew up in. And he's really, he got kind of a clean slate. They're bringing us a chosen that didn't exist and quite a kid too. And they've done it masterfully. So here he is, he's got a little Miyagi game, but he's also a little bit chosen. And he's got to come up with a strategy like Mr. Miyagi would. And this is great. He's going to teach the kids young bar, who Ina? And it's like, what's that? So want to tell us what that is.

Sal Rodriguez:

He's teaching them about a bird, an endangered bird that can't fly. And the moral of this is about protecting these special eggs. And these eggs represent the eggs of this endangered bird. And its students.

Jason Connell:

Yes. And in English, it's called Okinawa rail. And you're right, that's exactly it. Here's this bird. It can't fly. It's endangered. These eggs are sacred. protect these eggs. And we've all seen this before. I'm sure you've seen this before. Like, hey, protect the snake. Or you throw an egg to someone and they gotta learn how to catch it. Bring it in. Oh, it's like a pickup game.

Sal Rodriguez:

I've seen it. That is

Jason Connell:

this is a whole other level. Yeah. And it's smart. This is that Miyagi and Daniel has this too. He thinks outside the box as does of course Johnny, but he's got his own versions. And then chosen we didn't have this bird's eggs of course, but he hands out what

Sal Rodriguez:

I love this a chosen hands out Trader Joe's eggs at which are 329 a carton and by the way, obviously that is surely you saw the parallel with Miyagi talking about his belt. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah. JC Penney. Yeah. So there you go. So that's where at that moment is what I saw there

Jason Connell:

is that those connections are strong. It's not lost on me or you obviously, I'm sure all of our fans and just fans of the show in general. But he's got that and I love it. Kudos to the writers and the showrunners. But the object is to protect these eggs from Kumi Tshuma Habu and that is a poisonous snake. And in this example, in this game in this exercise, who is that poisonous snake?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well be Cobra Kai Yes. Chosen. Oh, chosen is the snake in this. Yeah. chosen as a snake representing Cobra Kai. And now the Miyagi those students have to protect the egg of the endangered

Jason Connell:

from him. Yes. So I love it and all of them get an egg. And it's a big class. I mean, it's not as packed as a Cobra Kai class currently, but it's it's all the players that we know.

Sal Rodriguez:

I don't know if Miyagi dough has an Instagram? I don't think so.

Jason Connell:

And it's true. It's not thriving like Cobra Kai. And so that is the drill chosen makes them take an egg, each person gets an egg and then protect it. So like run off and do what you're gonna do. Now, what would you do? So if you had said egg and you had to protect it? Well, there's some bad decisions which we're gonna, shortly

Sal Rodriguez:

I'd want to know the parameters and the rules. You know, one thing I believe in is that if you're going to play a game, know the rules, so that you can know how far you can push the envelope, you know, so I think my instinct is oh, you've given me an egg to protect. Thank you. I'm out of there. I'm down the street. You know, that's where my I'm happy to stay in the yard. Okay, well, that's another story. I try to hide it. Try to hide it somewhere. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

Robbie had a good idea of I don't want to get ahead of ourselves. I liked his idea. It was the timing was poor, but we'll we'll save that. Yeah, got it. So now we're at Cobra, Kai. And Tory and Devin are talking that talking more but they're also bickering per you. Is your wall and so Devin wants a shot at the title or so it appears but Tory's trying to warn her.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, Devin is impressing me by the episode after it really is. I mean, she is down for whatever as IceCube would say. She really is she's ready to kick some ass. She wants to be a top dog. Yes. Can I say dog? Yes. Is that even a word? Dog? Yes, I'll take it. She wants to be up there. She wants to she wants to challenge Tori, and she wants to be top dog along with Tori.

Jason Connell:

Much like Kenny wants to be. And he wants to be top dog of the males. And he's telling Kyler and Kyler is like, Hey, I'm reminding you. He's always reminding him that. He's number one. And slow down in your training. You're making us all look bad.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, like he like he's raising the curve or something. Is that will Kenny still Yeah,

Jason Connell:

it reminds me of that movie Rudy, which I love really, by the way, Rudy Rucker, he just had all heart and you would make people who are loafing look bad, even though they're more athletic. I'm not saying that's the case here. But a hard worker makes people who don't like to practice look bad. And listen, I'm a guy on all the sports I played and still play. I love practice. That's where you perfect things. You've got to give your own practice and that will only translate to bigger situations, actual games or matches. And yeah, so I'm 100% gamer in that regard, so I respect what Kenny is doing. And I don't respect Kyler loafing. I like his little punches. He's just he's just go through the motions, you know, yeah, he this. Um, number one, I'm gonna stay here. Yeah. Anyway, so both these people are getting, you know, bucked by these up and comers. But meanwhile, which I like this kind of shot. We see silver and Kim watching in the office on the like the flagship surveillance cameras, the FL G. SHP as if we didn't know we're at the flagship, their own surveillance has to have flagship surveillance cameras. And they're watching them trying it's kind of a tight shot of Kenny. And they have this back and forth sound Why don't you play both roles.

Sal Rodriguez:

Silva says the only thing better than a full Dojo is a whole valley of full dojos. And Kim says, the quantity means little for where we go. Next. We need leaders.

Jason Connell:

Right, and Kim's plan is to test Tori, their number one student and the other potential leaders to see who rises to the top.

Sal Rodriguez:

I liked that. I really like I mean, in this instance, is my leftover lunch, too. Yeah, I mean, it's evil. But I liked the idea of creating leaders. I really do. I think a lot of people who are leaders don't like to create other leaders, but you have to create other leaders if you want to grow and explode, you know, so yeah, I'm into Kim strategy here.

Jason Connell:

Kyler does not want to create a leader and Kenny a slow down man quit trying to lead. But meanwhile, we're not going anywhere. There are also some leaders who shouldn't be leading. They're just there. Because a they assign themselves

Sal Rodriguez:

there. Kyler assigned himself as kind of as leader

Jason Connell:

is me. There's no keen there's no Miguel. It's me. It's me. By default, I'm

Sal Rodriguez:

going to step in. Yeah, there's

Jason Connell:

no Moscowitz I'm good. So yeah, that happens more often than not and businesses a lot. But I digress. So now we're in prison. And Daniel and Johnny talk, because they've taken Amanda's advice, and they are going to visit one crease, who arrives. And before there's an exchange sale, I like that Gabriel beat up the teller guy so quickly, like shows his allegiance. So they're seeing like, wait, and he calls him since a it's a so here's Daniel on Johnny gun, man. He's in prison for like five minutes. students, students, what's going on here? And so crease knows Silver's plan. But ain't talking to Daniel. He's not happy about Daniel. But they'll talk to Johnny

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, I didn't get that Why does Chris want to talk to Johnny just like about their because of their legacy is Yeah, I think so.

Jason Connell:

I think he knows that he can manipulate Johnny. Oh, our thinks that he can. Daniel just never.

Sal Rodriguez:

I liked I didn't think about that. Yeah, that's true.

Jason Connell:

So now we're back at Miyagi dough. And Sam and Anthony talk because they're in the middle of this process. This drill this exercise, and Anthony's nervous about the challenge. Like he's just so new to martial arts or anything like that. Yeah, yes. And they have this kind of quick exchange and I wanted to bring it up because just the references, if you will.

Sal Rodriguez:

Sam says, Dad didn't teach you wax on wax off. And Anthony says actually, I paid a guy to wash the cars. I just want to comment real quick on Anthony's as an actor his delivery very imitatable his persona is such that he'll grow it as an actor as a celebrity. And somebody can do an impression of Griffin Santo Pietro. Yeah, really? I can. He has a he has a distinct persona, which is fantastic.

Jason Connell:

It's amazing. And they cast him when he was this young kid went to this heavyset little guy, and they don't know which way this kid's gonna go. And now it's like, wait a second, what's happening before our eyes. So this show is just blessed

Sal Rodriguez:

like that. We're, we're seeing somebody graduate. It's fantastic.

Jason Connell:

So I liked that experience, because it's referencing wax on wax off and he didn't learn it because obviously Sam did and maybe Miyagi tots. And we don't know. But we do. And he tapped out that one episode and I heard the TaskRabbit. So I love the call back great stuff. And then Robbie joins in because he's got no real crew, no real flock right now. He's just kind of getting back into the swing of things. And he joins in and he's catching up with Sam. You know, just to just a little quick powwow, they're all kind of have their eggs and they don't know what to do. And Anthony is nervous because he doesn't know anything about defending himself and what to do. And then we cut over to Miguel Demetri and Eli as we do, we cut over to this threesome. And they look on at Robbie joining Sam. And Elie offers to beat up Robbie.

Sal Rodriguez:

Good friend and Miguel,

Jason Connell:

I'll beat him up. And Robbie's like, Listen, he's not concerned. And I love that. I love that Miguel is turn that corner. He's not threatened. And we do we know I don't think everyone knows that. They fought it out. And it's in the past. And they have a new baby on the way courtesy of Johnny and Carmen. And so their focus is elsewhere.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason, you brought up a very good point. Miguel, and Robbie fought at the receipt apartments in front of Johnny, not on statically not aesthetically. It was on static way. But it should have been. But nobody knows about this except for the three of them. Right?

Jason Connell:

Yeah, they kept it in the family.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, maybe it's good. Maybe it's good that other people don't see it. But yeah, I just realized that just now that yeah, there's other people don't know about that fight. No.

Jason Connell:

And then sound we hear chosen. Start the exercise. I mean, it's already started, but I mean, his role the poisonous snake is now coming out.

Sal Rodriguez:

I like Demetri, he's fully jokes still, Dimitri says, looks like The Hunger Games have begun. Luckily, I've executed the perfect plan. When I when everyone will have egg on their face. There'll be shell shocked, the yolk will

Jason Connell:

he would have kept going great stuff Dimitri killing it per usual. Love the Hunger Games call out. It's like okay, now and they are they are going to be Hunger Games. But really funny all the jokes as Dimitri does, and he shares how he's protecting his a bag with his college prep book, dental floss, and his left shoelace. What does he like MacGyver? So he's all proud of this, like shell that he's built for his egg? micelle what happens to his egg?

Sal Rodriguez:

It was like something from like a science project. Right? Yeah, science fair or something. So he has this wonderful little thing to protect the egg. But chosen says one of those things. One of those even called

Jason Connell:

like a throwing knife is a knife. Okay. Throwing starts, it's definitely a knife, and

Sal Rodriguez:

it's got a front and a back. And yeah, it goes right through that egg and we see the yolk just

Jason Connell:

right. He's out. He's like the first casualty. And then we see Eli and Miguel scatter. Really funny. Dimitri was like, Oh, okay. So now we're at Cobra, Kai, and Silva talks to the students. And I really like this. He says, The world is made up of two kinds of people, leaders and followers. Cobra Kai, like a military unit needs both to function successfully. And we were just talking about this. And I do agree, there are leaders and followers. I played so many sports growing up, it's evident in that it's obviously evident in business. And when you get it right, you can be successful, but if the wrong people are leading, or, you know, you have leadership by committee, Sal, I heard this on the other day, I listened to a podcast at football podcast at GM of the NFL podcasts really good. And he's like, no one ever made a statue of a committee. And that's true. It's one person one vision if it's the right person with the right team underneath them or with them collective. That's how you have success. So I really liked this. Now I don't really love Cobra Kai and where they're headed by any means. But the mentality is right. And of course, he's dialed into the military, as we know, it's part of his DNA. And then this pivots to A partner drill, the boys the girls and Sal, why don't you explain this to us?

Sal Rodriguez:

Park and pain are set up to fight against Odell, right who works. Kim and Cobra Kai and Terry silver. And let's not forget this gentleman Odell is played by Tyron Woodley, former UFC Welterweight Champion. Yes, so I have no problem with the fact that Kyler and Kenny both fall to Odell.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, but they're bickering while they're doing. Yeah. They don't know who's leading. Nobody wants to follow. And so they're getting in their own way, despite the fact that they're out manned by Odell.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, Kyler started declaring himself as a leader, right, but we have no he was never tapped as leader. He just declared himself as leader, right? Yeah, I'm later I've been here long enough. I'm leader. Yeah, I got my hair sticks up. So that means I'm the leader. We have no evidence of Kyler like kicking ass ever. Right?

Jason Connell:

No, but he's done some good bullying and the

Sal Rodriguez:

bully hasn't done well in the valley, but he has bullied nominee.

Jason Connell:

So that's happening. Great setup. The women are also doing their own version, which is

Sal Rodriguez:

that is Nichols. And Devon. That's Tori Nichols and Devon Lee. are going to fight Kim sensei Kim. There's no other women I guess to fight, right. There's no version of a female Odell. There's no female O'Dell now there's not everybody we're fighting the top, the queen here effectively.

Jason Connell:

And they also lose the respectively but they're bickering as well. Because, Devon again, we've established this in earlier scenes wants to be on top or at least a shot it on top. So why am I following you I don't even like you. So they're doing the same thing? Well, two on one isn't advantage. But if you're fighting with each other, it's a disadvantage. So I like that this we're going this whole episode deals with kind of the same message Miyagi dough is dealing with it as well. We'll get to that we don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but protect the egg and everyone's their own island. And in this drill, it's like here you two go together, who's the leader who's following. So they're getting in their own way, but they're both getting and when they say bested, they're taking some shots. These are some bad people to deal with. Since I can since I owe Dale they're gonna kick in the face. They're gonna take you down. Yeah, so they show mercy but they're gonna hit you.

Sal Rodriguez:

These are still minors also. So theoretically, these are still will go back home at the end of the day and say, Hey, Mom, yeah, and my sense they kicked me in the face.

Jason Connell:

Right? Well, while the girls are down, Nicholson Lee Kim says What?

Sal Rodriguez:

What was that sound? Was that pain? Pain does not exist. We know that. We know that. We were

Jason Connell:

waiting for the rest of that last sentence, weren't we?

Sal Rodriguez:

If every time I hear it, I'm liking this stojo Yeah, I

Jason Connell:

just don't want in there. But they couldn't do it. Because it maybe it Kim wouldn't have said that. So but I inserted it myself.

Sal Rodriguez:

I think everybody did probably Yeah, exactly.

Jason Connell:

So now we're back in prison. And Daniel, Johnny crees are talking now. But Chris will only share Silver's plan if Daniel can help get him out of prison. And so I love how crease in reference to Daniels lawyer because Dan is playing this, you know, like, tell us and I'll get my lawyer to potentially help you blah, blah, blah. But he says to Daniel, I want a top guy now one of your greasy cousins. I left when I was so good. Because why Sal because I know you know, so please enlighten us. You

Sal Rodriguez:

have to kind of leave the Cobra universe a little bit. Because we have been talking about Daniel, Daniel and my cousin Vinnie. Yep. Which had Joe Pesci.

Jason Connell:

That is it. It is my cousin Vinnie reference. It didn't even have to be there. It was obviously on purpose. Well play the 1992 comedy saw in the theater. Let's not forget Marisa Tormey won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress lover lover but really really funny. And yes, they do strike a deal and Daniel does leave to call his lawyer and that allows us to see Johnny increase interact in a future saying not just yet. So now we're back at Miyagi dough and chosen scares Mitch and Sal. What happens

Sal Rodriguez:

look is that was Mitch just trying to like sit on the egg like a ham.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, he's got the egg. Exactly. He's just sitting there but of course, chosen comes down with some weapons and does what?

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, all of a sudden we had forgotten that. Chris was up in the tree. And so he's knocked down how do we how does he do that? How does chosen do that?

Jason Connell:

So it shows and knows he's there and hits him with those those weapons as we hit some Yeah. And then he just knocks him out. He He falls out of course, perfectly done by chosen on top of Mitch and two eggs break both of

Sal Rodriguez:

their eggs break yes to in one shot.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, really funny. And then chosen says

Sal Rodriguez:

birds of a feather must flock together. Now he's got lots

Jason Connell:

of these little things which is great throughout this whole exercise and then chosen continues kind of a Rambo style like there's fog and the light and he's just like, you barely see him come and go. And then he goes up to Burton now he's kind of floated in the water the pond, right? Yeah. And he knocks Burton aid off of the floating platform, which is fantastic. It's kind of a montage if you will. Yeah. Then he goes by because Robbie has literally just buried which is not a bad idea. Yeah, he buries his egg. But far too late in the game. Yeah has chosen had seen him Barrett, Robbie turns around, there's chosen and then remember where it was like a game of concentration is because it's buried, but chosen stabs

Sal Rodriguez:

at how he aimed how he couldn't see it. It was buried yet he went right to it. He

Jason Connell:

has no question. He could smell it. And then he comes across Eli and he nunchucks Eli's egg, which is great because he throws it in the air hits it like a baseball bat, but it doesn't break there. It breaks on what car sell. Oh, I

Sal Rodriguez:

like that. Yeah, it went to break on one of Miyagi. Those are one of Miyagi scars. Right? Or should I say Daniels Carson Wentz? From the Karate Kid. Yeah, it was originally one of Miyagi his cars that he gave to Daniel and Anthony sitting in it.

Jason Connell:

But let's sell it's the Deluxe. It's the Super Deluxe. It's the Ford Super Deluxe. Yeah,

Sal Rodriguez:

it's the car. You're right. That car one of the cars in the car. You're right. It is the Karate Kid car. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

And Anthony is in the car. So he sees the egg explode on which I don't even know how that happens. If I hit an egg with a nunchuck, it's just going to split on the nunchuck. It's chosen Scottsville you know, he's like, it'll blow up over there like a

Sal Rodriguez:

bunch and then it goes, then it hits. And what the hell is Anthony doing? And

Jason Connell:

he he's panicked. He's just in a car. And then he's so nervous. He gives up and he holds

Sal Rodriguez:

his hand and I like

Jason Connell:

the egg and then I love it chosen comes by and just

Sal Rodriguez:

taps like a ceremonial crack. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

it was so good. So then we see that the losers all stand together. Yeah, like this losers club. And South all with egg on their face. Oh, all with egg on their face. Nice job, Dimitri. And then Rabine. Like, get into it. Sell and what happens? Wait, wait, I'm

Sal Rodriguez:

missing this.

Jason Connell:

Well, Robbie calls out Eli? Because they're kind of bickering. If you remember, if not, I'll keep going. But good. So Robbie calls out Eli. Hey, man, you were in Cobra Kai. It made you an asshole too. Let's not forget that you attacked me and Sam at the mall. You broke Dimitris arm and you trashed Miyagi dough. It's like, oh, yeah, all these things pop back

Sal Rodriguez:

reminding him of what he did. You were

Jason Connell:

in Cobra Kai and Cobra Kai can turn you into this person. And it's great that Robbie just kept his composure and shared facts.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, this is just Dimitri saying. Yeah, you're both ex assholes.

Jason Connell:

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, guys, chill out. We're on the loser side here. Now back to the game. Only Sam and Miguel are left and they're hiding in the dojo like inside. And they're talking because they're, you know, kind of buying some time. Just chit chat, all good, all aboveboard? And then who arrives and what happens?

Sal Rodriguez:

I love this. They're inside chatting and then chosen, walks in. And he sweeps Miguel sweeps him of the speed, the egg breaks.

Jason Connell:

He hasn't like in his pocket in his pocket. It

Sal Rodriguez:

wasn't anywhere special is in his pocket, like a pair of keys. And then he takes Sam's well, he had it. So at some point, he took the egg from Sam's backpack at some point, prior to the scene without anybody's knowledge. Yeah. And then

Jason Connell:

she thinks it's in our backpack. And it's in his hand. It's great. And once you do,

Sal Rodriguez:

and he crushes it in his hands, and he says, One bird in hand, helpless.

Jason Connell:

And there's the lesson so read into that. But now we're back a Cobra Kai, while they're having their own exercise. And Kyler and Kenny are fighting ODell and the beatings continue. But Kenny's not playing second fiddle anymore. And he's fed up with it. And what happens?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, because Silva had that little chat with Kenny. Well, this is that chat, right? Yeah, so they're having a special chat where silver is having racially questioning what Kenny's doing. Why is he doing it? Why is he letting Kyler just assume leadership? Yeah, right. Because he never said that. Terry silver never told Kenny that Kyler is in charge

Jason Connell:

this Isn't Kyle's karate? This isn't Kyler parks karate, but I like when Kenny goes in the office like he's in trouble. And the room looks like something out of a shark tank episode. Like, again, the lighting is very deliberate that the colors it's like, oh my gosh, look at this production value.

Sal Rodriguez:

All those swords, right?

Jason Connell:

Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Well, that's not Shark Tank, but I just I just It looks cool. And then you're right Silva mentioned he goes deeper you mentioned his military father, not his Kenny's. And you know when he was deployed, who was there while Shawn was there, his brother in juvie. Then Robbie was there mentoring him. And now Kyle has taken on that role. It's like, wow, yeah, you're right. You know, this is like a crease move. Silver's like manipulating Kenny like thinking yeah, I'm always second in line. This is making me think about things question things. And then he goes on to share sow that silver that is that he listened to his father, his captain, his best friend, which was John crease, John crease. And it wasn't until he listened to his own instincts. But he was able to reach his potential. And he goes on from there. This is like, I love this scene. Although it's the dark side. It's Darth Vader manipulating this young student but Silva says I've seen King Moscowitz Diaz. And he tells Kenny that he's got more potential than all of them. If he's ready to be a leader,

Sal Rodriguez:

who Yeah, and Kenny is eating it up every day eating

Jason Connell:

it up. Big time. Very powerful saying I really like it. I mean, I don't like it. I like it the same time from from a filmmaking standpoint. Great job great writing great acting. But Kenny is getting stronger. He's taking it and he's taking in that negative dark side that energy.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, as though he's already not there any. Yeah, exactly. Now, this is an additional push.

Jason Connell:

And so now we're back in prison. And John and Chris Do talk. And crease blames Miyagi and Daniel for what happened in 84 because they didn't fulfill their destiny because Johnny was when they don't get into this but it would have been three time all Valley but Sal, I think it was when Chris tried to kill Johnny that really ended Cobra Kai I hate to say it and hate to bring that back up. But I don't think it was Miyagi Daniel. If I'm not mistaken. One Johnny Lawrence help give said trophy to Daniel. So he was kind of over it and, you know, accepted the fact that he was bested. So that's where I diverge on what creases a spill in here

Sal Rodriguez:

is the word acquiesce back with. So Johnny Lorenz aqui asked at the end of the valley 84 Yeah, presented the trophy today. What do

Jason Connell:

you say to Daniel?

Sal Rodriguez:

You're right, LORUSSO.

Jason Connell:

That's exactly right. Yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

But yeah, Chris did not accept that though.

Jason Connell:

No, no, he's still Becker and from 84. It's great, though. I love that we went there. I do. And then Johnny shares because Chris Biden expect this. He wants to erase crease from his memory.

Sal Rodriguez:

Wow, who? Those must have been painful words to create. Yeah, it's like, I don't know why every now I don't know. Maybe it's because of his age. But every now and again, I feel sorry for crease every now and again. Because I'm stupid sucker. Yeah, in this instance, I kind of felt bad for him, you know, because essentially, Johnny was saying something very painful at that moment increases already in prison for a crime that he did not commit. Let's say let's acknowledge that's priests for this crime, did not deserve to be in prison. So he's in prison for a crime he didn't commit. And then his number one student of his lifetime, is saying a horrible thing. So it's a lot to take. So yeah, I had a little bit of sympathy for Chris in this scene. Now.

Jason Connell:

We shouldn't follow the sympathy meter on you. It's up a little bit. So then Daniel returns with a phone number from his attorney because he's agreed to talk to crease it's on a note. But he holds it. He holds this note he's holding back because he wants crease to share Silver's plan. Yep. So now we're Miyagi dough and chosen cooks eggs. What I love so I love that he is cooking these eggs obviously not Samantha's egg are some of the eggs because some were on people's jeans and such or windshields but at least cooking a few

Sal Rodriguez:

well he bought two dozen so three that's true. Yeah, he bought he bought two dozen eggs. And by the way, I just want to say shout out to Trader Joe's has chosen mentioned I take for granted you know I live in Los Angeles. There are certain chains here like Trader Joe's. I learned from here do you okay? Because I we have the 90 90 cents only stores that are now called a 99. Store around here. Have them for like the last 30 years around here. I have a friend that's like he's never heard of the 99 store like just they don't have it. Yeah, so are there places don't have not only 99 but other places don't have Trader Joe's. So when they see this, they're like, what's Trader Joe's? I never heard of Trader Joe's. They've made

Jason Connell:

their way across the country. When I was in Oklahoma. They had him I thought, Oh, wow, it's everywhere. It's in Rhode Island. It was in Massachusetts. So they're, they're all over the states. But okay, I'm

Sal Rodriguez:

happy to hear that because I do like Trader Joe's. Well, why chosen

Jason Connell:

or after he cooks eggs or whatever he does say to the students, snakes will take you down. One by one. He's not happy. They're not listening. They must adapt. And let's run this back. New eggs for people. Yeah, the lesson has not been learned. So this is great. It gives them another chance and there's some great dialogue by yours truly. Demetri

Sal Rodriguez:

Demetri says sensei Taguchi is real cryptic like Mr. LORUSSO, but aggressive like sensei Lawrence. And Chris jumps into like this. Chris says. It's like the hardest part of both styles.

Jason Connell:

Exactly. Right. Yeah. He's exactly right. Yeah, it's very, very good, funny stuff. And then this is great. Everyone's coming together. Because chosen has given them a moment to figure some things out. Strategize. And Anthony. Sal has figured it out. That working together is one is the way and they all start to kind of get with it. Samantha immediately, like, oh, yeah, Robbie. It's a great idea. And that is the lesson here. And Dimitri though, is unsure that they should put all their eggs in one basket literally, literally. Yeah. Which is quite funny. And then chosen attacks. And what happens?

Sal Rodriguez:

The students gather around these eggs defending these eggs. The eggs are behind them in the basket. They're all they have united kind of in the middle of them too. But yeah, it's in the middle of them. There's their surrounding it. And Choza is trying to make his way through. Yeah, and the students all defend the eggs. Yeah, they're really going at it. There's like they are and they're fighting against shows that he's got the both staff and everything. Yeah, I was very impressed

Jason Connell:

when he comes sneaking up was hilarious. Yeah,

Sal Rodriguez:

I think even one of them said like, Oh, shit. Yeah, it was good. It was fantastic. Until finally chosen as the snake does concede. Yeah, right. And he gives

Jason Connell:

us your nose. Now I gotta say, I love the sequence. I did. It's fun. You understood? You know what they were after here. The idea clicked. They I mean, if chosen was really going all out? Yeah, sure. But he was being defended or fended off by them. It was a little mighty duck esque. Like in the way it all just worked out perfectly. And this is the plan and these kids are going to out. So a little bit of that. But hey, I thought it was great. And he does concede because they understood they must work together. That was the point of the exercise. Had they not gotten this, I don't know. He might have blown his top. But way to go into the LORUSSO showing some leadership qualities there. Yeah,

Sal Rodriguez:

it also goes to show that on any given team or any given group, everybody has their specialty, everybody has their skills and talents. So here's Anthony Russo. Obviously, he's not a fighter yet. No, but he was able to help them win this exercise, just by using his mind, not by his fist.

Jason Connell:

Well, he also brings a different perspective, not a fighting of logic. He's a video game player, the younger generation amongst his older peers. So yeah, very good, very clever, and chosen, elated and goes on to say what,

Sal Rodriguez:

this is what we have that Cobra Kai does not their movement mile wide, but only inch deep, but our movement, inch wide, but mile deep.

Jason Connell:

That's pretty great. Oh, he does say inch deep. He always says it like into deep. And then he really emphasizes mile. I thought this was amazing. Really, when I saw this the first time I was just becoming more and more fond of chosen. And this episode just pushes that forward. He's such a good person. Wonderful for this series. I'm so happy that he resurrected his character. And we have this amazing person here. When will there be chosen action figures?

Sal Rodriguez:

I was gonna talk to you about that because they just released a company called Icon heroes just released the new Daniel Russo and Miyagi action figures. Wow, I myself in Los Angeles YouTube channel. I have done Daniel and Johnny Action Figure reviews and little sketches that you've been part of. And I just stumbled across these new action figures of Daniel and Gianni. They have hand different hands with sponge with Sanders with paintbrush, so it's a whole pay With the fence sand the floor action figures set just released by icon heroes I know we are not sponsored by icon heroes so just want to give a shout out since you mentioned it

Jason Connell:

right so cool labs as it walks off right so I love it I love it but my point being Cobra Kai fingers are coming Terry silver since a Kim since a O'Dell all the kids all the young fighters the Cobra guys the Miyagi knows the eagle fingers. I mean this could just look out man you have a lot of reviews in your future. I

Sal Rodriguez:

know I believe it because you know what we have the only Cobra Kai action figures we have from the students are the original Cobra Kai action figures. There was a set released recently it was alright some sort of Con exclusive. The old school Cobra Kai's? Yeah. It's who it was from Karate Kid. But yeah, if they were to release some new ones. playmates did release some some figures with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They have Miguel they have creased, they have Johnny they have Daniel. But yeah, I would love to see a hawk action figure with Mohawk. I would love it

Jason Connell:

optional. Elon Musk awaits or hawk. Yeah. Two

Sal Rodriguez:

different heads. You

Jason Connell:

could put a grim reaper or moon or what are it's a lotus

Sal Rodriguez:

a moon action figure hell, I'll take it.

Jason Connell:

Okay, there you go. There you go. So now we're back at Cobra Kai, and Kim challenges the female students again. So this is the second coming, they get a chance to redo their drill much like Miyagi dough did. And Torian Devin, try again. And so what happens this time?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, they fight as a team, but they lose again. But it does create a bonding moment for Devon and Tory and I really liked seeing this. They came to a common ground. Yeah, they lost the exercise. But there is sort of a Yeah, bonding taking place. And we saw in last episode, right. Devon has her pain. She has her anger. Yeah. He has a grief that she carries with her. And so her and Tori are bonding over that. So I am liking that. And they both need it. They both need each other. Meaning like these characters as friends as young women, they need each other and I'm happy to see them. Yeah, Tori

Jason Connell:

kind of defended her or didn't throw Devon under the bus like you could have scored had you not looked out for your teammate. Well, yeah, but that was her choice. Tori as a good leader didn't leave her behind in that fight and take a point because all you have to do we didn't talk about this is score one point on these masterful senses ODell and Kim one point and you win as a team. Can you work together and get that one point? So they didn't. But they came a long way. And silver recognizes that of course, as does Kim. And Sal, this leads to the male students and silver addresses them and it's Kenny and Kyler. Again, as they go up against Odell now, they're not going to get silver. It is interesting, but Adele's fantastic. And so what happens this time?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, as soon as they start, Kenny pushes Kyler Yeah, he rather even though it No, yeah. So So right away, Kenny is asserting dominance over Kyler. Or at least attempting to Yeah, he's letting him know. No, I'm in charge here. And Kyle's like, oh, what? And then he jumps? And he kicks Odell right because Adele was because what happened was they started fighting. Yeah, kinda fighting him. Yeah, good tactic. I don't know if Kenny plan that. But it happened. They start fighting. Odell was like, Hey, knock it off, guys. Like let's get back to the exercise. And Little does he know. Yeah, he receives a kick.

Jason Connell:

I think he jumps off of Kyle he jumps off. Tyler and

Sal Rodriguez:

Tyron Woodley, former UFC welterweight champ and the handsome and they win. They want to put yes in the face. Yeah, yeah, I gotta had an eye he

Jason Connell:

held back he got scored on and that's it. Point winner, Kenny. And he's proud about that. Well, we will come back to that. Well,

Sal Rodriguez:

we don't get to see Carter's reaction. You know.

Jason Connell:

I've seen Kyler but we do see it shortly. And it may surprise you. So now we're back in prison, and crease shares the plan with backstory. And sound. We're back in South Korea and night teen aid. And we see Master Kim son Yong Yong crease. Young Silva. And young Kim Dae Hoon, the same since a cam that we're getting to know her now. She's very young because she's much younger than silver and Chris. So she's like, What 678 years old. And crease and silver are fighting training. And this is like a no mercy sparring. This is like you hit him again. And we never really get a good shot. of Master Kim, just little bits like you'd see in these kung fu movies or these old classic ninja movies. And it's a great sequence mysterious after they're done spar, because this isn't a fight to the death, it's two friends. They're training in South Korea learning the way of the

Sal Rodriguez:

way of the fist. And they're like in the jungle. It looks like oh, yeah, this isn't like right. So like the forest. They're not in the city. They're like, Wow,

Jason Connell:

no, yeah, way out there. Yeah. It's kind of like that movie. What was it? kickboxer? The John Claude Van Damme movie Bloodsport. He goes and fights in the illegal thing but kickboxer his brother gets injured and he goes and trains with this great sensei in a place like this in a place just like this. And he makes him strong enough and good enough to go avenge his brother's beating.

Sal Rodriguez:

I gotta tell you, Jason unfortunately, going back to Rocky for going back to the mom. It all goes back. But from what at when I was a kid and they'd have like Rocky was training out there in Siberia with the with the wood and all that. Oh, yeah. And then you have Drago with the high tech and the digital. I was like oh, I want that. I want that high tech. So when it comes to working out I like Tech High Tech. I do I like it. It's fun. You know, so you got to take what you can get but I would always prefer the high tech over been out in the sticks.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, not a lot of high tech in South Korea 1980 and the sticks

Sal Rodriguez:

probably not. But wait a second one was one was rocky for that wasn't so far before rocky for

Jason Connell:

No, but I think at this location Okay.

Sal Rodriguez:

South Korea

Jason Connell:

in the woods in the woods. I'm not saying they didn't have technology they probably did Sure. But not in this spot. Yeah, this guy doesn't even have a landline master Kansas like he's old school. He's old school. So after they fight silver with Ascot

Sal Rodriguez:

That was hilarious.

Jason Connell:

Tie. I think that one guy Fred on Scooby Doo always had to ask yourself not yet, but that might be my new go to for Halloween. I don't I could

Sal Rodriguez:

I could see you on a boat with the deck shoes. Oh,

Jason Connell:

my goodness. I do live in Rhode Island now. So well, Silva wearing the tie, declares Cobra Kai is the best dojo in the valley. This isn't like some big thing. This is what he believes right here now 1980. Apparently, Cobra Kai was the best dojo in the valley in 1980. I get it. Okay, super. But now it's time for something that blew my mind and was also a little revisionist history. But we'll talk about that. And that is, say chi Tai Chi. And that is the top karate tournament in the world. Never heard of it before. Apparently, it's the Super Bowl of karate. Sal, there's no mention of this in the credit card. Part Three. Cobra Kai, we're gonna make it you know, the best around top dog. That was the plan. Cobra Kai is all over the nation. But no one talks about, say chi to CHI. So they've invented it. They've slotted in here. And of course, it plays a role. And this season. I don't mind it. I don't. But it's like, ah, there's that loose end because someone probably would have brought it up in the Karate Kid. Part Three.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Or at some point along the way. Yeah. Or at some point along the way. They would have brought that up. Sure. So it was sort of a what is it? Something odd just coming out of left field.

Jason Connell:

It does raise the stakes and I do appreciate that because Silver's plans already working. And yes, you could keep the already on the valley. They're gonna take over Los Angeles they want to go nationwide but then this does give it like a sense of whoa, this could go big time the world stage. So I mean, I get it are your fighters they could have taken in another way the Cobra Kai fighters could start being in the Olympics. Right and then that but that's a whole other thing because it's not usually just one Dojo goes in the Olympics. You have to have fighters that qualify. So I don't mind it. I think it's great but it's like oh, that one beat but I'll let that rest. But Chris also that's it rest he declines, he declines this opportunity to take advantage of this tournament to make Cobra Kai huge because he wants to focus on his students current students. This is 1980 and he's got a young student that may or may not share his name his first name itself. Who is that student?

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, also kind of a tender moment because we see

Jason Connell:

oh, there's those mirrors that meter there it

Sal Rodriguez:

is there me feeling feeling for crease. Rumor though at this moment says young producer says young crews at this moment in time Chris is a good guy. At this moment.

Jason Connell:

I'm with you.

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm with you. Actually, it kind of you know, you have to think about it then from 1980 to 19. Ready for what happened to crease? How did he become some evil guy? In those four or five years kind of

Jason Connell:

a leap? I was thinking the same thing like why by 84 He was creased, sweeping the leg show no mercy. Yeah. And it almost feels like that would have been a 10 year run. Yeah, a four year

Sal Rodriguez:

yeah. How does somebody go from good to bad or bad to good particularly from good to bad? Over a four or five year period of time? Where you almost unrecognizable exam I mean, Karate Kid crease unrecognizable from 1980. South Korea crease.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, cares about a student's here's this young protege could be the best he's ever had. That's 1980 Oh my god. No, no.

Sal Rodriguez:

Never, never gotta keep it down.

Jason Connell:

So it's 80. We know that he fights for doll loses and 81. He's champ by 82. He's repeat champion 83 He's on the verge of a three peat and 84. So this is the Yeah, we're about to see John his run. And he wants to be there for them rather than get distracted with the huge tournament, the SE chi tech guy. And, yeah, I really appreciate that too. He wants to dig in. And you know what? They throw the pamphlet down and they move on. So he's got enough stuff going on. You know, he's working, making money where an ascot ties

Sal Rodriguez:

are now it's gotta be enriched from dad's money, right? You think it's working dad's business? We don't know officially what the dad's business is yet,

Jason Connell:

right? No, but we don't really know Borneo. And he's doing a lot of toxic stuff.

Sal Rodriguez:

Right, suddenly with chemicals, I guess.

Jason Connell:

So now we're back in prison. And Daniel and Johnny. Understand Cobra Kai is going global. They've just learned this, like all of us, because it never came up before. And I don't think Chris is pulling their leg. I believe this is all true. And this incident, some some sort of like figment of his imagination, like, well, you know, I'll make this up. No, it's all real. And it's fascinating. So they realize the stakes are that high. And this leads into another montage. And I'll do the beats here and then it's really just silver doing the video and what we're seeing While this video is happening, we see Cobra Kai and Torian Devon are training together. They're getting along and Kim's watching. We see Kenny has emerged as a leader. And everybody's following him as he's walking through the dojo he's got all these fans are all Cobra Kai students Kyler among them, so patting him on the back. Kyler truly does like to follow somebody he was only pretending to be a leader.

Sal Rodriguez:

He was like a placeholder. Right placeholder.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. And then we see the Miyagi dough students training and they're all in unison doing some sort of Kata drill. Because after they learn how to fight together are come together as a team chosen is going to teach them how to defend themselves and other moves. So all great stuff. And we hear Chris

Sal Rodriguez:

Silver has taken the valley. Now he's putting together the pieces to take everything else. You may have found the will to fight, but you're outmatched, and outnumbered. Silver is on the verge of getting what he's always wanted. Oh, my good, not good. Not a good place.

Jason Connell:

Good. Not good at all. So he is shared. And they have all this knowledge. So crease then ask for the lawyers number. It's the deal that we struck.

Sal Rodriguez:

Sure we agreed on this.

Jason Connell:

But Sal, this is pretty epic. Yeah, please tell us what happens.

Sal Rodriguez:

The note that Daniel slides over that we think is going to have this high profile attorney. His number instead says no mercy, motherfucker. Wow.

Jason Connell:

I read your back cover and

Sal Rodriguez:

Daniel. Daniel is gangster. He is sometimes he really is. Um, you don't think

Jason Connell:

we will think about his wife? Think about all it's happened to him. Man. Oh my gosh. Now I knew something was up the way they just played this whole thing out but I had no idea would say this.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. I'm I'm remembering a previous season when that guy wanted to buy LORUSSO auto. Yeah, remember, the guy wanted to buy lunch? Oh, yeah. Oh, and they sent them right. Didn't they put something in there too? Yeah, they did him up, right. Yeah, so this is what Daniel does, Tom.

Jason Connell:

Oh, man. Now you're asking for scores. You're asking me it's like yeah, he was gonna.

Sal Rodriguez:

He was gonna file a risotto. Yeah, but anyway, Yeah, yeah, this is not this is not new. But when that happens you're like, oh yeah, that's what Daniel does. He does stuff like this.

Jason Connell:

Oh, yeah, exactly. See you making me look this up. Tom something Tom call Tom Cole. Yes. And they did it. You're right. It was something wasn't this heinous. No, but of all people, Chris can take this and he's been burned.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, Chris deserve this. i My My sympathy meter was low at this moment. Yeah, Chris deserves as he does he's, he's one of those things, you know, he made his bed. So now laying it right.

Jason Connell:

Well, that is the end of this great episode. bad eggs, season five, Episode Seven sow that only leaves three in the books to finish the season. And there's so much in play here. Both sets of students are getting stronger. But things are a Bruin crease is stuck in prison. But he'll have to just keep running Gabriel around and collecting all the jello that he can. And like, stay tuned on that front. I like jello. I'll take it like great, great episodes. So so so much fun and a little bittersweet or close to the answer. It is bittersweet

Sal Rodriguez:

being close to the end. And I just want to say for the record, I believe this deserves more than an 8.0 This deserved at least an 8.3 8.4 I would say at least. Yeah, so I think it's a score a little bit low on that rating.

Jason Connell:

And let's not forget number 200.

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, our number 200th episode for just curious media. Awesome. I love to calculate how many of those episodes I was on. I was on at least 100 About 160 of those.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, well you the 200th of Sal Rodriguez. That will really celebrate. So unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscaped

Sal Rodriguez:

get 20% off and free shipping with the code Cobra Kai and manscaped.com

Jason Connell:

So thank you so much for listening and please be sure to subscribe to the let's talk Cobra Kai podcast as well as the let's have Cobra Kai YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast.

Sal Rodriguez:

And for all you listeners and enjoy sharing your thoughts you can leave us a review on Apple podcasts, send us a direct message or post a comment on any let's talk Cobra Kai social media platform.

Jason Connell:

If you're a dedicated listener or viewer of Let's Talk Cobra Kai, please consider supporting the show on Patreon. We also highly recommend checking out our other podcast and visiting just curious media.com

Sal Rodriguez:

No Mercy

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