Let's Talk - Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai - S05E09 - Survivors

Just Curious Media Episode 130

Let's Talk - Cobra Kai
Episode 130: Cobra Kai - S05E09 - Survivors

Jason Connell and Sal Rodriguez break down Season 05 - Episode 09 (Survivors) of the Cobra Kai series and much more.

Synopsis: Tory pays a price for defiance. Stingray does battle with his conscience. A celebratory night on the town takes a turn for Johnny, Daniel, and Chozen.

Recorded: 01-19-23
Studio: Just Curious Media






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Jason Connell:

Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk corporate guy. I'm Jason Connell.

Sal Rodriguez:

And I'm Sal Rodriguez.

Jason Connell:

Alright, so we are back.

Sal Rodriguez:

I came back from the dead.

Jason Connell:

From the nearly back indeed. season five episode nine survivors. We are survivors. So we hung in.

Sal Rodriguez:

We are, we are the living embodiment.

Jason Connell:

Yes, we were on track we were gonna get you know, right after eight we're going to do 910 be done with the season right in time for the holidays. But make a plan and things change.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, life happens and

Jason Connell:

life happens right before the holidays. Just very quickly. I'm not going to get into too many details. But family issue, health scare changes things you gotta leave town, check on things. Everything's okay, stable. And then the holidays were upon us. And you and I were going to be done before the holidays. So I'd already kind of factored being gone. We had some other things were out of town. So it was like, Oh, we missed that window. And here we are in mid January to finish up. So sorry, fans. Thanks for hanging in there. Hopefully you're still listening. And we're back to finish the season.

Sal Rodriguez:

Is there anybody out there?

Jason Connell:

It's just you and it's just and that's okay. It'll be fun. But,

Sal Rodriguez:

but here's the good news, Jason. Okay. And this is God honest truth. I watched our episode today. season five episode nine survivors. Yes. And I was just sitting back going, Wow, this is really good. It was like it was almost like a reaffirmation like, wow, this is a really good show.

Jason Connell:

There you go. That works.

Sal Rodriguez:

So I liked that. I liked that. I almost like a re experienced my excitement. Yeah. All over again.

Jason Connell:

I like it. Yeah. You're recommitted? And I appreciate that. So yes, indeed, next bit of business. As you all know, as you know, so I have launched the doggone podcast, and now that things have stabilized. And I'm back and we're in the new year, more episodes coming, working on having lots of people come on and share their stories. It's going to be wonderful. But out of nowhere. I learned about a movie on Netflix called

Sal Rodriguez:

Dog on with Rob Lowe. Yes, the beloved robber,

Jason Connell:

but it's not about losing a dog who has passed away. No, it's about a dog who's lost. And there is I seen the trailer in it. And it looks like there's a real you know, they reunite which looks good. And well, I just looks that way. I just watched the trailer. I'm gonna watch it. I may cover it on let's talk movies. very meta. It's a nice little hybrid. But I just saw that as like, of course. And I like how our logo, the oh, you know, a dog has a dog looking up into the sky. It's very fitting their logo, the OH is a dog print. So it's funny how we both chose to emphasize that letter. And it hasn't representation. So really cool. So at first, I was like, What's this? In our investment? Like a series? I prefer it to be a movie. But yeah, I may explore that on Let's Talk movies. So I just wanted to throw that out there. So, but I had to name first. Sorry.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, no, that's true. That's true. You've had that name for a long time. Long. You have had it for a long time. And then you finally launched. But the good news is and because I like to always look at the silver silver lining, you know? Absolutely. And that is you know, it's that old story of you open up a bar on this side of the street and then across the street. They opened up a bar you're like, hey, wait a second. Yeah, I opened up my bar. But really what that does is it validates the area right in that bar will help your bar. Yeah, so it becomes actually symbiotic.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry opened up a spike coffee shop. A lot.

Sal Rodriguez:

I haven't seen that season yet.

Jason Connell:

It was next door. Classic, nice. But no, I think it's a good thing. I think good things can come from this and the word of mouth. Hey, have you seen God? God? No, I heard the podcast. And there's this something like I feel like I'm I usually luckily, in my career. It's like I fit my fingers on the pulse lightly on a pulse. And I really am excited to get this show to the next level. So next bit of news, which we couldn't have covered had we done our episode as we had originally planned, but a big shout out to one of our actors on Cobra Kai. Yeah, Raymond Sting Ray Porter, played by Paul Walter Hauser. Golden Globe winner for Blackbird. Yeah, holy

Sal Rodriguez:

cow. I didn't know that. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

he just wanted so he has. He keeps stepping Not man that guy he is a legit legit actor. Kudos to you Mr. Houser. And also

Sal Rodriguez:

well I don't know is that even blowing up? Is he done blowed up? He's

Jason Connell:

hidden blowed up. So not just nominated but he wants so I'm very I haven't seen Blackbird I guess it's a new show. I'm not seeing it I will seek this out. I do think he's got dramatic chops in a lot of comics can do that right. Lot of comics can quickly turn that corner and be very serious. And so I definitely the dark side, the dark side. So that's good news. And now under the Cobra Kai Karate Kid universe news before we jump into the episode, so as we had this time off, and I was kind of like doing some things, checking some episodes doing my notes for eight, nine, I have to say something that we did not get into on an earlier episode. And it has a Karate Kid three times in, one of our fans actually pointed this out to me don't have the name in front of me, so shout out to you. But in this scene, when Amanda and the kids go visit, cousin Jessica, right. And the Ohio bar, the leader of the mean, girls remember the mean girls, and we're just starting to fight and they finally got theirs. Her name was Elizabeth and Rooney. And I remember thinking at the time when that name is so specific, well in the Karate Kid three because I was actually looking through the Karate Kid through their day. That is the character name that actually hooks up with Jessica's boyfriend soon to be ex boyfriend. And while she was living in Los Angeles hiding out from Ohio, it was the same Yeah, of course, the show would do that. Call it back. And that just kind of connects that because that way just breezed right through that fact. I just want to throw that out there.

Sal Rodriguez:

But wait, so she heard her name was mentioned we never saw her right? No, she

Jason Connell:

was the main mean girl. Oh, and credit card. Part Three. You did not see her name was just to hear

Sal Rodriguez:

the nature. Yes. Okay. I got it. So she she takes on that role. And Lady nice. I like it. That's cool. And you know what, leave it to one of our listeners to point I gotta tell you, Jason, you are usually on top of thing. Hey, well hang on. Some of our listeners are like way like diligent and

Jason Connell:

it was good. And I no excuses. I didn't get that one. And another problem is sometimes we go on deep, deep deep dives on other things. And so and it's like so much to consume because as soon as he pointed out, I was like, of course that name was so blatantly like Elizabeth Ann Rooney, my radar is usually up and I just blew right by me. The more we take on the more rabbit holes, the more fun facts side stories. So we're gonna miss things. And I love that people bring them to the forefront. In fact, if you didn't know something that we dropped on, you tell us that too. No,

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm just kidding. That's okay. Elizabeth and Rooney to Gucci

Jason Connell:

to Gucci. So also when I was revisiting the credit card, part three. And I knew this, we even talked about it on our breakdown of the movie, but it's just fun to bring it up here now because so much has happened in the Cobra Kai universe as far as its growth, right? Take it over the valley. And the movie silver tails crease. He's already secured 20 locations. Now I know we've said it before, but think about that now. Now. There's 20 Whatever locations happening, but my mind is like wait a second. Whatever happened to those locations? Did they have branding? Like I know we just

Sal Rodriguez:

became what the hell became spirit no spirit Halloween store

Jason Connell:

that's it the spirit Halloween is that was all over the valley sounds there's just too many of those.

Sal Rodriguez:

That's yeah, all the empty storefronts are all spirit

Jason Connell:

Halloween. Wow, I wish there was some deleted scenes and the Karate Kid part three where it's like, Hey, Chris, this is one of our new dojos like I just crack up because he was it was mainly are there.

Sal Rodriguez:

Hang on Jason, are there Deleted Scenes of all the movies?

Jason Connell:

Well, I mean, Amundson has released things on his YouTube channel as far as like rehearsals and things like that. And then there are some scenes that this show puts in remember that cafeterias? Yes. So I don't know if there was they probably would have already used some of that. But I like to think that there are or they thought about shooting something. But anyway, kind of neat that he really did tell him he secured 20 It's probably just like, a contract. They probably had no

Sal Rodriguez:

idea. Yeah. And yeah, they didn't have the locations yet. They had the signatures. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

Lastly, in this episode, we're about to break down lots of movie references.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, again, this is where you're on top of things. So in hindsight, I'm like, oh, yeah, but I didn't get it. You got it, and you're gonna lead us through that. So that's cool.

Jason Connell:

Absolutely. So So let's jump in. entire season and series brought to you by Netflix. If it was released, like all episodes in the season, September 9 2022. This again is season five, episode nine survivors. rating 8.4 on IMDb. Pretty good. I'd say hi everybody pretty good.

Sal Rodriguez:

I would say Hi, this one was a lot. I know I've said this before, but this one was a real ride. It was. I had a good time. I had a real good time watching this one.

Jason Connell:

The synopsis for this episode, Tori pays a price for defiance. Stingray does battle with his conscience. A celebratory night on the town takes a turn for Johnny Daniel and shows. Oh, yes, it does. Lots of jerks. So so if you're ready with your cab for our scene by scene breakdown. Yeah, you're right over the top.

Sal Rodriguez:

Is this we are overdue.

Jason Connell:

Okay. So we started the receita apartments, where we left off episode eight post makeout for Miguel. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And Miguel looks for Sam. You know, he saw he was busted. But you know, not really busted because he's single. But you know what I mean? Officially. Yeah, officially Sure. It's still not good optics. And Hawk is playing beer pong. Lots of fun love that game. And Sal we here Fight, fight. Start to ruin you know how teams get what is taking place? Exactly.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, first of all, I've been there. I've been I told us a story and a fight I was it's pretty exciting. It's actually I think I sort of a highlight reel, more highlight highlight people are still telling the story. I hope so. I hope so. Yeah. People yelling fight fight. We see now tamarins in STEM. Sam and Tori new cast member Tammen. Sorry, Sam and Tory. Sam screaming pushing, kicking. Tories holding her back though. And Robbie and Miguel step up Tory leaves. Just he just takes off. Yeah, I wanted her to stick around a little while longer but she did just take the stance very hysterical she stayed

Jason Connell:

calm because she's there to share she's there to admit what took place but Sam was

Sal Rodriguez:

just wasn't there to fight.

Jason Connell:

She was news to her. Sam

Sal Rodriguez:

was hot from and she's already upset. Yep, yep. Yeah. And

Jason Connell:

so she's about to she's trying to fight but I'm so glad Tory just wasn't in the mood. You don't want to fight someone who's ready to fight and you're not and she just backed away and leaves and but it was all about all Valley. She'd never heard this news, all this trauma that she's dealing with. And it was tough, but I'm glad she left but I also love that Robyn Miguel, this didn't separate them somehow fact that you nine of them. Like do you know about this? No, I didn't know about this. But the brothers at Arms not here we go again. Like you know, I read the waterpark, and it's just

Sal Rodriguez:

exactly in previous seasons, they would have started getting in. Totally, it would

Jason Connell:

have been kung fu fighting everybody. So now we're at the hospital. And so I wonder if this is the same hospital in which Samantha Magallon Sting Ray have all spent time in?

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm gonna assume it's the same hospital in every season. Okay. Was it like maybe like Van Nuys? Presbyterian, I think. Yeah, maybe.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, there are some hospitals in the valley. In fact, my hospital when I lived in the Valley for the tail end of my time in Los Angeles was West Hills Hospital, which, oddly enough, just recently, a famous celebrity just passed away. They're right after the Golden Globes. Yeah. Elvis, his daughter. What?

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, I didn't know she was here. She was at

Jason Connell:

the vet. I think she lived in Calabasas. And I think they were she died in that hospital. I was just like, oh my god, I used to go there for my annual physical. And oh, yeah, that was sad deal. Sad, sad, sad deal. But anyway, you're just kind of brings to mind. But back to the show. Could be the same hospital? I think so. But this time, so it's not there to go recover from an injury. Johnny and Carmen are there and get an ultrasound. And so I love how to Johnny is

Sal Rodriguez:

there being a good a good part Good,

Jason Connell:

good partner, not like he was before with Robbie's mom. And he's also convinced the baby is already kicking. Yeah. Which is hilarious.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, the nurse says, well, they don't kick this earth. And Johnny says, Yeah, my boy is a kicker. Just like his old man.

Jason Connell:

So good. So Johnny. And we also learn no twins, because we kind of talked about that. Like, wouldn't that be wild as to whether it'd be too much the dispute too much

Sal Rodriguez:

fraternal twins that would be nice.

Jason Connell:

But we are I also don't know the sex yet. And sound. I also love on the way out, you know, this is a good reason to go to the hospital. Him and Carmen are in lockstep they're really getting along great. We love this. But I love how he has to remember where he parked because it's easy to forget it especially in Los Angeles. There's like you go like, you know, so many floors down, but he punches twice p to punch twice. Do you have any tricks of the trade like That sounds so you don't get lost?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, it took me a long time to finally figure out that I can take a picture of the if there's any numbers on the on the wall or any letters on the wall, such as P two. Yeah, I can go ahead and just snap a quick picture of that before I head into the movies or whatever.

Jason Connell:

I started doing that a long time ago. Get that shot. Yeah, for sure. Because somebody's parking lots are full. And if you don't make a note, just take a quick photo you don't think about it. I have been there. I had one scare one time well, when a scare but just took me a long time you were lost two years ago I was like, and it turns out there was an identical parking garage next to it. And the security guard came and took mercy on me and took me in his golf cart. It was late at night and rescued. But speaking of which P two punch twice. Also was a movie a horror movie. P two came out in 2007. Wes Bentley was the villain in that movie. Pretty good horror movie. Now I know Wes Bentley, we used to play on my soccer team in Los Angeles. Shout Out West Bend Lee. He's in tons of movies from American Beauty. And he's also on Yellowstone which is blowing up so but yeah, check that one out. And I like horror movies. Pretty interesting. He plays a really good creepy guy. Someone who's I do goes down late at night a girl and then she's met my creepy Knight security guard. Be on the lookout.

Sal Rodriguez:

Jason, if you may indulge me, please. You mentioned P to me. I piggyback that with p 22. The local Cougar local Los Angeles as well. They say he was euthanized but I don't want to go on. That's a whole nother podcast but rest in peace. P 22. of Los Angeles.

Jason Connell:

What podcast is that? Exactly? I want to tune in

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, yeah. Oh. Animal affairs, you know, a animal affairs podcast.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, I didn't see the news. And it was very sad because I've heard of p 22. For years.

Sal Rodriguez:

Sure. He's been around 12 years. Yeah, it's amazing.

Jason Connell:

Well, the elevator stops on three before they get to P two and Sal who enters.

Sal Rodriguez:

This was a surprise. Yeah. Terry silver enters. congratulates Johnny on being able to make it or Congratulations on making it into the Sekai Tai Chi. Yep. Then for the baby. And then he warns Johnny though it gives and you see, here's a good example. John is not a small guy. No. And you see how big Terry Silver's now how tall is Terry silver? He's got to be like 6465

Jason Connell:

I think he's 6364 Yeah. Then

Sal Rodriguez:

how tall okay, then that kid Johnny Lawrence is like six six or six one?

Jason Connell:

Yeah, I don't know. William Zabka is probably 661 Okay, he's got a little height on him. You know, but definitely

Sal Rodriguez:

Terry silver is huge in this elevator for sure. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, cuz he's congratulating him on one thing and then realizes what is taking place and you know, and his way his sly way. congratulates them them the both of them but then warns them. Yeah, you're absolutely right. And now we're at LORUSSO Otto post exchange here. And Johnny is telling Daniel, Amanda, who should be there, the risotto and of course, chose it is there because he's on security detail. And Louis, we haven't seen cousin Lou in a while. And there he is. Yes. And he's explaining the whole encounter with silver and South Daniels not shocked silver was at the hospital like you and I are like, what's silver doing there but Daniels not because? Yeah, he's

Sal Rodriguez:

like, he's probably attending the board meeting or selling black market kidneys.

Jason Connell:

And that's not too far off. That is the rail which put

Sal Rodriguez:

us over. Yeah, that's something like when you think about the old, you know, yeah, getting sliced up and left in a bathtub of ice. Terry silver would probably be involved in some sort of shenanigans like that.

Jason Connell:

And he'd be cutting the ribbon on a new hospital. You know, he'd be one of the board.

Sal Rodriguez:

Exactly, exactly. Totally evil two faced.

Jason Connell:

Evil to evil two faced. So now Daniel and Amanda believe that they should just have the night off. It's been a lot of stress. I need to like let some steam off. And then Johnny does what?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, he doesn't say that Carmen is pregnant, but he kind of all because they offer drinks and he goes well. Yeah, so he Yeah, he drops the ball. On that, I think, and they all figured, oh my god, Carmen is pregnant, and they go into celebration mode. Now, right away, I do have an issue with the fact that aren't they in the middle of a war? Really? I mean, they're in the middle of a war with against Terry silver. Remember everything that's just happened this season? And I don't know. I mean, are we just supposed to automatically celebrate that somebody's pregnant? I mean, I would be like, could you have waited? Could you have waited until the war was when babies could bring peace? Okay, well, anyway, every movie we ever see a horror movie Walking Dead. It could be hell on earth, and people are gonna still have baby so great. It happens. What do I know? What do I know? But hey, congratulations, Carmen.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, absolutely. Carmen and Johnny. So naturally, they all prepare to hit the club, hit the town, painted red, and celebrate and have some fun and cousin Louis is planning everything because of course he blew up Johnny's car, but you know him planning it sound you just know that. It's not gonna go perfect. It's Louie. Right? It's gonna have Louie stamp all over it.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, you know that if Louie plans an outing, it's going to involve a polyester shirts. Yeah. Probably. Like Like he's not going to take you to like a hatchet throwing weekend.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, and of course they do invite a newish but he's busy he's got a day yes

Sal Rodriguez:

I always I do you know man, can we just tell our show runners more news more Louis? More news more minutia, Louis please. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

if I see Louis I need a news if I see a news I need Louis they just you know Tam and cheese, peanut butter and jelly. So now what Miyagi dough and everyone is learning the truth about what Silva has done paid off the RAF at all valley and frame crease for a crime that crease did not commit. So all that's coming to light here right now. And Sal Demetri is fired up and makes a Game of Thrones reference about silver.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, he calls him sensei. Targaryen. To guardian.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. From to guard guard. Of course. To okay.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, so unfortunately I have not seen game for I forgot I have. I do have some action figures. Of course. You do. Turkey Tyrion Lannister. Yeah, well, can my Tyrion Lannister is my favorite game of thrones action figure. So I got to look into Target, Target, Target target.

Jason Connell:

off its target area. You threw me off. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done any of that one. You're not a fan. But you're a fan of the collectibles I should say. Oh yeah. And then Burt mentions that he's still friends with Stingray because they know that Stingray, you know, know something, and he can get him to talk. So everyone loves that. And they head out except for Sam and Miguel. And Sal. Sam is not interested in talking about last night.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, no, no. Yeah. Miguel wants to talk about the girl. And by the way, just a shout out to that actress who played the girl in that scene. She did a phenomenal job. So you know Rough night for shallow mighty Dwayne. Yeah, that night. Having to make out with a girl the cats right.

Jason Connell:

But coincidentally, about last night was a romantic comedy from 1986. Rob Lowe, there is a girl and more. And Jim Belushi and many others but very good. Don't know if you've seen it. I've seen it. I mean, I think I did know I think Oh, you forgot to put him in Asia.

Sal Rodriguez:

Cinema in Asia, but I think I did see that when it came out. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

Very good film. But there's another reference. They said it very blatantly I don't want to talk about last night. You know the beats were there. So now we're at Cobra Kai. And the students are training per usual. And Silva and Kim talk and he's agitated sow with Daniel Gianni and chosen but then who arrives?

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, pretty ballsy. Robbie walks in the door. He stands before the class he makes an impassioned plea to try and convince the the students especially Torian. Kenny, we see a lot of camera time on tour and Kenny, he tries to convince them to leave the dojo. And I was surprised that Terry and Kim let

Jason Connell:

him let this play out. Yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

I was surprised but Robbie says there is pain in this dojo, and it's built upon fear. Because this man is not your sensei. He is your enemy. But it's not too late. You're not past the point of no return. And I promise there's still another way

Jason Connell:

funny thing point of no return is an action three reg and find this. I was like are you kidding me with these things? But it's a great speech. Robbie kills it. He really there's actually more to it, but he stood his ground. I gotta give him credit. Nothing scares Robbie. You know nothing. He's had Well,

Sal Rodriguez:

look, look who is dead is Johnny Lawrence does not scary. Oh,

Jason Connell:

He nothing, nothing scares him he'll walk into a hornet's nest knowing the odds are against him like yeah, whatever those guys in Mexico, I'll take you guys along. But he has a lot of that. Although I think he's got more wits about him. Right, more, more street smarts. But anyway, great speech. And you know, I think it resonates a little bit with Kenny and then you can kind of tell like it's lost on him. But Tori who knows what's going on with her as a lot she's she's got a lot going on. getting pulled away.

Sal Rodriguez:

For Kenny, he is past the point of no return.

Jason Connell:

At least currently, you know, because yeah, he kind of so naturally, it fails and South silver gives a lesson to Robbie on being heard. Verse being listened to. That's pretty interesting.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Yeah, I can appreciate that. His moral there. I can appreciate it. Sure. Yeah. So therefore they listen to you. But yeah, they they heard you but they didn't listen.

Jason Connell:

It was like he's pulling a Jerry Maguire. And this is my own movie reference here. You know who's coming with me, Robbie does this big thing. It's like crickets and then silver steps up. Because what are they going to leave? Robbie's got nothing. He's given some wisdom, but when you don't want to hear it, you know, whatever. I'm not I'm not tuned into that channel right now.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, also at this moment in time, Robbie is not in a dojo right?

Jason Connell:

I don't know. Yeah, it's tough sometimes he's there sometimes he's not right because he's off on his little missions.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, there's been a few of these you know, unification and then break up and then unification that breakup so at this moment, in time and space and time, Robbie is now down with everyone else

Jason Connell:

seems like it yeah, I mean, yeah, okay. But it's not like he's at practice today. And everyone's meeting talking about the situation we're staying right Robbie still got Robbie stuff to take care of. Right get it off his chest, whatever that is. He's trying to save people he's trying to say friends you know, I get it. You know.

Sal Rodriguez:

So big picture take them out of the darkness. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

So therefore a Cobra Kai will be showing no mercy today. And Kim notices a connection though before between Robin toward because there was you'd look at her and then she would look and so she's picking up on that. That energy.

Sal Rodriguez:

Kim saw that she saw those little glances,

Jason Connell:

glances. So now what the nightclub? Yeah, Reggie's drive or die. Limo pulls up and our crew exits the limo. Have you ever ridden Reggie's drive or die? Limo?

Sal Rodriguez:

You know what, for the first time only recently? Was I on a party bus? Oh, yeah. I've never been on a party bus. And they are fun as hell, man. Oh my God, I need to get on a party bus more often.

Jason Connell:

Wow. I'm glad you had to get you been on party bus. We rented a bus for prom. And I've been in a big limo like Humvee Hummer limo is like 12 people. So no, never party. Yeah, well, one party bus. I take that back, but it was kind of a LAN party. So yeah, yeah. I think I missed that window. Party. Every weekend.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, no, I found myself at a party bus. And I was like, this is really cool. I'd like to do this again. So yeah, these guys are having a good time. This like stretch Hummer. Right. It's like I said,

Jason Connell:

I've been in one of these. I've been and so I love what chosen brings with him to the club.

Sal Rodriguez:

Nice. Yeah. He's uh, what is it? The weapon these are? These are make no mistakes. Folks in Los Angeles are probably anywhere else. These would be illegal for sure. These would be a concealed weapon. You cannot legally walk around with those sighs hidden under your jacket like that. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

but he does. And the bouncers Yeah, I'll take those. Okay. And it's retro night and we here gonna make you sweat.

Sal Rodriguez:

Now in and yes, I love that.

Jason Connell:

I'm brought back to see Music Factory. Incredible. Song was always at the club back in the day when I would visit the club in the night.

Sal Rodriguez:

They still might play that. Oh, no, we were to go to a club.

Jason Connell:

Mix. It's in the mix. And I love that Johnny goes off script and orders what?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, he happens to see a white claw there. Yeah, a white claw hard seltzer. Yeah, he's like, Yeah, I'll take one of those. He drinks it spits it out immediately says tastes like a watermelon took a piss. Yeah. Now let me just say this folks. I have had a lot of experience with white claw in recent months. I do like them. I do like your white coat. They are only like a watermelon. Yeah, they're only what I do. I'll take some watermelon, but they're only 5% Alcohol. So to me, they're really for kids. Okay, but, but they are pretty pretty good after a workout. I'll say

Jason Connell:

I've not had one. But then Johnny just gives up and drinks it which is funny. So

Sal Rodriguez:

I missed that. Nice

Jason Connell:

and then Daniel orders Amanda a

Sal Rodriguez:

kettle Martini straight up

Jason Connell:

himself. A MacAllan

Sal Rodriguez:

18 Neat. I'm this is what I had been the last few years now again haven't had a MacAllan 18 have not had. I think I had a McKellan in the last couple of years, but it wasn't on my calendar, a team. And I did have it neat, of course in honor of Daniel Russo

Jason Connell:

and then shows and gets a classic

Sal Rodriguez:

Long Island Iced Tea. It was very surprising.

Jason Connell:

I was talking to Sofia when we watched this episode, like, I used to make those when I was bartending and I could do it in my sleep. And now it's like, what's in that again?

Sal Rodriguez:

It is so good. A second. I didn't know you bartender. When was this? Back in

Jason Connell:

the day, man, college post college just a little bit. It was fun. It was a good time and you can learn how to make all the drinks but now I get what's

Sal Rodriguez:

your then you'll always take that skill with you forever.

Jason Connell:

20 years later, you tend to forget some of the drinks.

Sal Rodriguez:

Now, you wait could you make so you're saying you couldn't make Long Island Iced Tea then

Jason Connell:

I could that had to look it up. Yeah, I forget what's in okay. I'm more into what we're into. You know, give me an old fashioned give me a MacAllan neat game, you know, like, but back then in those days, it was like Long Island Iced Tea and all these funky Colorado bulldog and a Manhattan. Lots of cool drink. Anyway, Louis also goes on to get everybody shots. Except Carmen.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, she's worth Kayla shots.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, I'm not exactly sure. So I don't think

Sal Rodriguez:

there were whiskey shots. I think these were Yeah, probably tequila shots of tequila shots. That's one thing you know, speaking of like, let's just for the record. I'll take tequila, of course. It's course. A don't always drink tequila, but when I do, no, but um, I don't mix though. I don't mix. Usually I'll choose what I'm going to have at night and I'll write at home. I usually won't won't do a lot of like, I'll take this and I'll take that. Yeah,

Jason Connell:

no, that's good. So now we're at Ramin, Sting rays apartment. And he's wearing a Legend of Zelda shirt, which is great. And he's playing d&d with friends. I don't know how close they are when there's a knock on the door. And so he assumed it's a pizza delivery guy showing up right? But not so much. Who is know

Sal Rodriguez:

while we have our gang a Bert, followed by the rest of the crew.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, and some other d&d errs are coming in as well. Well, that's

Sal Rodriguez:

what he thought right?

Jason Connell:

I know. There were some more Dungeons and Dragons friends coming in. They came in with burden him a little bit. Yeah, I knew I knew crew came in but no pizza. But continue. Sorry.

Sal Rodriguez:

Why didn't I see that? Why am I so blind? Sometimes I missed that. I saw our our gang. Yeah. Oh, God. They're

Jason Connell:

more important. I get it.

Sal Rodriguez:

I didn't see them. Yeah, yeah. So he makes a reference. You're going he makes a reference from a Star Wars

Jason Connell:

he does when he first he calls them Miyagi fangs. Which I love the combo because we were talking about like combos a while back a few episodes ago, maybe even last night like that one, actually. And he does make a Star Wars reference. To be specific, though. It's a Return of the Jedi reference. And do you remember this line? I'm going to let you take it? Oh,

Sal Rodriguez:

this is a trap. You Admiral Ackbar DMY.

Jason Connell:

Amazing line from Return of the Jedi. Admiral Ackbar figures out that the Empire is on to the Jedi you know onslaught and says it's a trap. And it's just a great moment in the movie. And I love that

Sal Rodriguez:

here. Jason also a GIF. A very Oh, yeah. Popular. Great, Jeff. To you.

Jason Connell:

Do you have Akbar behind you? Somewhere? It's a great, thank you. I used to have it.

Sal Rodriguez:

He's in he's in front of me. I do have some Star Wars characters. On a case in the opposite direction.

Jason Connell:

What you have Akbar? Yeah, well, yeah. Oh, man. You should have got that queued up tonight. I had no idea. That's awesome. Next time, I don't have time. So great reference. And then Bert and Sam. However, it's you know, their focus, laser focused. And they confront Stingray and sound. They want answers.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, yeah. They well. Well, they wanted to go to the police ultimately,

Jason Connell:

right? Yeah, they want him to admit things. Something's amiss here. You live here now. They've seen sting rays. You know, he's working at Home Depot. He now sudden he's living here living the high life. So they want answers and they know he knows something. But we cut away back to the nightclub. And Daniel Amanda Gianni Carmen anchos and reminisce about the past and I love these scenes sow and Daniel unchosen share the villagers vegetable scam from the crowd. could point to and which

Sal Rodriguez:

Nice. Yeah, he scammed a chosen scams himself with fake weights making the villagers profits actually higher. Is this is this what they call revisionist history? Right? In other words, they made an error. I think in Karateka, too, they made an actual error. And then now they can rectify it by just calling it a chosen error. Right?

Jason Connell:

They could I'm assuming that somebody on set was like, Hey, this is wouldn't be the opposite. But then what are you going to do? Is he gonna hold up is Daniel get a hold up super heavy weights. You know, like, this is so heavy. I mean, you could have it was funnier to have him snap the weight. You know, it's like this fake weight. And maybe it just shows how just dense that chosen was and his thugs that they can't even get a scam right. I think that was more apt No way. This made it by everybody. And we even talked about it when our break down and was like, Was that was that a mistake? But anyway, I love that Harmon points it out. And chosen goes with it. Like yeah, not one of my fighter things. I mean, chosen his just, he's the best. Right? In lieu of Mr. Miyagi. It'd be like Mr. Miyagi being the same age as everybody and hanging out with him. But it's like we've chosen and he's been, you know, reimagined. And and we love him. And that's really funny. Same, and then it's refill time. And Daniel is gonna go to the bar, but he says, I will get it. And you remember that?

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, yeah. So from season

Jason Connell:

one, they go to Okinawa season three and four, three. Yeah, I'd have to look back. I had to be season three. Pretty sure. Okay. So yeah, he gets up to get him a drink. unchosen is playing that like stiff cold stone walls and, and fantastic episode, but yeah, love that. He throws it back. So, so meta, we're like, we're, you know, stealing from ourselves just a few seasons ago. And then Amanda and Carmen, they're gonna hit the dance floor. So which gives Johnny and chosen a chance to talk and anytime they're talking, I like that same because they're going to talk about Daniel are just certain things, little nuances. And it's a great moment. And I love what we learn. Which is

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, well, this was a surprise. Yeah. That chosen as had his eyes on a woman from back home. And chosen says, There is one woman very special.

Jason Connell:

And we know who he's talking about, right? Like you knew right away.

Sal Rodriguez:

The only woman we've ever known to be in chosen his life.

Jason Connell:

Besides the groin. Daniel rescued from

Sal Rodriguez:

okay besides her? Yes. Besides her. Yeah, there's only one woman we've ever seen chosen associate with from Karateka to? Yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah. So I thought Oh, wow. What? Okay, interesting.

Jason Connell:

So, now we're back at Cobra Kai and class ends and Silva and Kim have Tory stay. And Sal, what happens?

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, this was horrible. This was so horrible. harkening back to Karate Kid three. When Daniel had to punch Terry silver had Daniel punch that wooden dummy. It was horrible. And now this one's even worse. They put a wooden dummy in front of Tori. It's made of stone not even wood. But stone. How the hell are you gonna break this?

Jason Connell:

Yeah, this is pretty nasty stuff here. And she has to do it. They let everyone else leave. And then she tries to leave. And then the other you know, senseis getting away and like, what are they gonna do kill?

Sal Rodriguez:

Including Tyron Woodley. Tyron Woodley. How could you? All right.

Jason Connell:

So Kim provokes Tory, and won't let her leave until the lesson is over. And Tory gives in and shows her rage, I guess you would say towards Kim and says


well also pain, right? Oh, yeah. She's

Jason Connell:

got lots of pain. Yeah, absolutely.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. So what Kim is is just like poking her raw pain is what is what she's doing. Yeah. And, and she she hits the stones,

Jason Connell:

because she's even mentioning Robbie. Canvas putt? Yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

Robbie her knuckles are bloody just the one just to write right yeah, just for right. Finally breaks the stone falls the grasses I broke up with him because of this dojo ubitx

Jason Connell:


Sal Rodriguez:

Salad surprise she talked to

Jason Connell:

like that. And she liked it. And so did silver. But I guess you could also say bloody nickels. One could say that now.

Sal Rodriguez:

Good night Encino.

Jason Connell:

So she does break this down and injured her hand badly much like Daniel injured his much like crease injury in his hands fighting Miyagi and missing and hitting car windows, lot of bloody knuckles and the Cobra Kai Karate Kid world. So now we're back at stingrays apartment and he's still disappointed in Burke for the Akbar is still just like I can't believe it. But that's enough they're tired of this act. And the others want answers and this leads to a great and I mean, that great scene and a creative way for Stingray to bring DND into play

Sal Rodriguez:

and sound cool little figurines they very cool to show as well.

Jason Connell:

And he gets the you want to take it. How does he What does he do? No, no. What is he grabbing? No, no, you're you have you have the collectibles what

Sal Rodriguez:

explain Wait a second. Hang on. Just just to be clear. I don't have any d&d. Oh, okay. Okay. I know that I don't have but apparently they use little figurines to represent a character.

Jason Connell:

I'm learning d&d through the show. So I don't know Well,

Sal Rodriguez:

I folks, I may collect toys, but I'm not a nerd.

Jason Connell:

You are a nerd. So he has a he mentions a dwarven monk, which is Stingray kind of looks like Stingray. Then there's a leader which represents crease. And then there is a silver haired King representing silver Of course, and then tells the story of what really happened and just how scared the monk is of the power hungry silver haired king, and he does a fantastic job. And so there is plenty to say here. So please give us stingrays lines.

Sal Rodriguez:

I think the monk just the monk just wanted reentry into the guild because he thought that he could be like a like a proud and noble warrior. Just like you, Hawk. Samantha all you guys. But he's neither proud nor noble. Definitely not a warrior. He just sits around playing with him all day. The monks just scared. I just can't. I'm sorry.

Jason Connell:

And delivered by our Golden Globe winner. He kills Golden Globe. Golden Globes soon to be Oscar this guy.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, probably.

Jason Connell:

It's fantastic. I loved it. This this scene alone really excites me that Stingray came back because they've really just made his role. So understated. He's wounded. Right? But this is a chance for him as an actor to shine. Yeah,

Sal Rodriguez:

he's not he's not as wacky as he was.

Jason Connell:

Gopher from Caddyshack. I'm all right.


I'm all right. down about a worry about me.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, when we meet him in that hardware store. He's fantastic. Yeah, he's old kid. Right. And just a middle aged kid. But a good hard boy, man, boy. But I really loved it. And Samantha is not impressed with this speech. You know, of all the people you ain't trying to hear that she's not here. She's not showing her about last night. And she doesn't want to hear stingrays speech. And she storms out of the apartment. Yeah. And what happens is,

Sal Rodriguez:

Miguel follows her. And Sam does share that she's upset with Tori and Miguel. Yeah, but Miguel make some points and shares how hard it is to be in Cobra Kai. Yeah. And how hard it must have been for Tori, to even say the things that she said and admit something. So he admitted

Jason Connell:

to come over there and admit it because Sam that something is lost on her. It's like, oh, Tori, this Tory that was like, No, you don't have you have no idea what it's like not to mention where you want to break. So I give you a break. And then you're mad. We're on a break. And I'm doing something else. So he made some really good points. And she's like, oh, yeah, probably been projecting. And I liked that. She took that in and didn't debate him on it because his points were valid. And I think she learned something in that moment. And speaking of great acting in this same Show Low Maddie Dwayne Yeah.

Sal Rodriguez:

Kill. Yes. I was thinking that to amaze thinking that watching the scene like wow, he's, he's a really good, he's very believable. In fact, he's one of those actors who's so believable. You're like, is he acting? Yeah, he's not act. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

That's just how he really is he Miguel? That's Miguel.

Sal Rodriguez:

Right. Yeah. That's, that's his real name as we go. Yeah, he's very good. Because, you know, in the world of acting, there's something called where someone says, I saw them acting. Right. When you see an actor, you don't want to see them acting. That's fine. You just want to see the character doing their thing. You want to see the character emoting and all that. You don't want to see acting when I see a show low. Yeah, I don't see acting there. No, he's doing a great job.

Jason Connell:

Very good. So Now we're back at the nightclub and Johnny shares with Daniel which is great.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, Johnny says, Yeah, too bad that Kokomo chick lives a million miles away. And Daniel says, Wait, you mean Kumiko so Wow. So now we learn that Chosun has had a decade's long crush on Kumiko but don't bury the lead. No one. He says no wonder why he says Coco. What did I say?

Jason Connell:

No, that's right. But come on. Please give me your rendition or Beach Boys.


Oh, Aruba, Jamaica, who want to take your Bermuda Bahama calm I'm pretty mama Key Largo Montego baby, why don't we go Bermuda now?

Jason Connell:

Then you got to do the big coastal that you're gonna hit that


way down in coke. Wait, no, no, I'm starting to get

Jason Connell:

back to one. All right.

Sal Rodriguez:

I said everything but

Jason Connell:

I like it. No chorus, maybe half the course. Anyway, no course for you. It's great that he says Kokomo it's great that Dan is like one on what? And who knows when this happened. But there's more to come when another scene. I don't want to get ahead of myself. But I do love that we're learning that our guy chosen who's been rehabilitated has feelings for someone else that we really cared for, and was just taken away. And they brought her back for that great episode Miyagi dough, which was in season three, which means that whole thing that Daniel isn't, you know, I'll get it was in season three. But I love that we're kind of talking about that bringing that to the forefront. And then Carmen takes Gianni to the dance floor and chosen and Daniel chat and sound. This is what I love. But before we get into the serious stuff, another way I did jump the gun. I love it. Another Karate Kid reference part two blocks of ice. I love he's drunk. He's feeling good. He's bragging about Daniel to the staff. Dan is like, I don't even have blocks of ice here. But I just I love it. I love it there champion each other now like that's where we're at. Johnny Daniel unchosen are this. Now it's not just Tango and Cash. It's a threesome. And I love

Sal Rodriguez:

it's the Three Amigos

Jason Connell:

so good. But this leads to Chozen opening up about his feelings for Kokomo. Can we go?


Way down in Kogi.

Jason Connell:

So this is a very touching scene. And please, what is the start to share?

Sal Rodriguez:

Oh, this is where Wait a second.

Jason Connell:

Well, he started talking about him and Kimiko as they were children, and running and playing hide and seek. I don't know if you remember that same. And they used to run around King show how she's castle. Oh, so the things that Daniel did with her and their teens, obviously they had a history as kids they grew up together as little islands little village

Sal Rodriguez:

right? One on one or chosen Hey to Daniel, then he's coming in.

Jason Connell:

Always taking girls away man

Sal Rodriguez:

is he is? In fact we may get into learning that he took Amanda from somebody. He he jacked Amanda from somebody I bet

Jason Connell:

maybe. But it's wonderful to hear that. Because he's sharing that she was always there. I would hide. She would find me. Can we go and find me. And this led up to when he was disgraced at the bone dance and tried to kill everybody.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, wait a second. Hang on. See, see this is what we make it into if they ever have the Miyagi spin off because there was that gap between him and Kumiko as kids, you know, having a great time. And then he became evil. And then he became disgraced and dishonored. But that was what the hell happened. Yeah, you know, between those years

Jason Connell:

the early teens angst those the t shirt or wearing the shirts that were like way unbuttoned and he had the

Sal Rodriguez:

polyester shirts. Polyester. That's why I like cotton. Polyester thuggish gives you attitude. Yeah, it gives you attitude.

Jason Connell:

And these are hanging out in the thugs and he started like, screwing over the villagers. But after let's go post Karate Kid to right. Yeah, in fact, this could be during Karate Kid part three because we don't know chosen story. So let's just say that timeline, right. So he's disgraced. Nobody in the village will talk to him. It sounds like Miko would go to him.

Sal Rodriguez:

Wow, she forgave him. She was probably the first

Jason Connell:

to forgive him. And that's incredible. Like, wow, we've never heard that and that's good stuff. And he probably has a you know, big heart for her. And she helped bring him back.

Sal Rodriguez:

I mean, I love her, let alone if I were chosen, I would love her, you know what I mean?

Jason Connell:

And then Daniel encourages him to stop punishing himself because he is doing that. He's like, I what I did to her, you know, he can't end Daniel, but he needs to forgive himself and go to her, which he needed to hear.

Sal Rodriguez:

I think he knew well, yeah. Because I think for a moment, you're there's a little moment you're like, Well, what's Dan, you're gonna think of this, but he's moved on. He's married. He has a family. I mean, he has no, no, you know, romantic tomatoes.

Jason Connell:

It didn't know that at first. He didn't want Johnny's Italian, but then he realizes because he knows Daniel and Kimiko have a great, you know, platonic relationship. And they mean a lot to me. Sure. But that aside, that's been dealt with and now it's like, yeah, it's okay. You have my blessing. And sometimes people don't know that they deserve to be happy. That's a lot of people.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, you know, there was a time I had a friend. He had a girlfriend. It was short lived. They broke up. Very soon thereafter, her and I started Jessie's Girl. Yeah, no, I saw my friend. Well, I said, Hey, is it alright? Like, would you be upset because this was a good friend of mine. I was like, Would you be okay, would you be cool with this? He's like, Yeah, man. Go ahead. You go ahead. And then her I dated for like five years. Oh, so what? Yeah, we did we did. We dated for me and him. Yeah. We kind of drifted. It wasn't anything about that. Yeah. We just kind of drifted. Yeah, but they always had

Jason Connell:

an aftershock. Sisters.

Sal Rodriguez:

You didn't have a cute sister. I should have decided

Jason Connell:

me to continue.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, no, that's it. That's it. I forgot what my point was.

Jason Connell:

Well, great, same. Love it anytime we can go back in time and add little layers and Kumiko is still alive in this universe. I love it. So now we're on the dance floor. Because after all that talk, we gotta dance. And Daniel unchosen join the others and we hear You spin me


right round baby right around like a record baby ride Round Round Round. Oh, yeah.

Jason Connell:

By dead or alive. I had this on CDs for so long. Maybe tape before they had such a good song. Always at the club. Probably still to this day.

Sal Rodriguez:

I think unfortunately dead or alive. We're a one hit wonder would you say? Oh, yeah, lots of them. Yeah, but that was a massive

Jason Connell:

hit. Huge. Still works. Yeah. And South still played still play? Everyone's having a great time. I mean, a great time until Yeah, they are. What happens

Sal Rodriguez:

yeah. Louie looks over. sees a noose there. You know what? I'm seriously I thought about a new Shapiro. I did because I was like, remember he said he's gonna say where I? I did kind of forecast this. So yeah, Louis spots a newish dancing. We turn the grill around because there was like, hey, who you who you want to date with? And it's Louie sister Vanessa, who in real life? Rough mochilas daughter Julia much? Yes.

Jason Connell:

She's been on episode. She was fantastic.

Sal Rodriguez:

By the way, why haven't we seen more of her? I mean, Asian macho daughter that should give you a pass. And and b She's fantastic. Fantastic. She's really good. Anyway, I want to see more of her. But But Louis flips out. He does not take this well that that Anoosh is on a date with his sister. No. And he punches a noose. I was surprised to see that

Jason Connell:

they see it into a fistfight.

Sal Rodriguez:

I wanted the it goes to the ground though. I wanted Anoosh maybe he's been like training in MMA. And like I wanted to see like some groundwork maybe get him in and well, he did

Jason Connell:

go out so a noose gets hit and he tackles loose quite large compared to him. He does

Sal Rodriguez:

go in for takedowns in his MMA on that move. It's a successful takedown. It is

Jason Connell:

and Daniel and Amanda are a not surprised, and b Don't even try to intervene it which is great. That's like, Oh, what are you gonna do? It's Louisiana

Sal Rodriguez:

news. That's what they do.

Jason Connell:

So now we're outside the nightclub and chosen calls. Kumiko. And Sal, he's been drinking and this typically isn't ever a good idea.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Usually not to drink and call or even nowadays drink and text. Yeah, you gotta be careful. You got to be careful. I will say though, I was a little. I don't know. Disappointed. I don't know if that's the word. Okay. I wanted him to call and leave a message for Kumiko which ends up happening. He loves what she's doing

Jason Connell:

that would tell us what happens here. Well,

Sal Rodriguez:

I wanted it to be in Japanese. I was I was thinking why wasn't it Japanese? Japanese? I don't. Yes. You know what, we've never had subtitles. Japanese to English subtitles on the show. I don't think ever have We don't think we have

Jason Connell:

Okay, well, maybe I would have been a good one. But so one of our listeners will correct What does not correct?

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, he leaves a sweet message for her sakes. We'd like to see her when he returns. And then he made one mistake, which is he should have taken her with him, which is a callback all back to when Mr. Miyagi says to you Ka and then we hear the Karate Kid score in the background.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. And that he says that to her, we hear it just a little bit play comes up and then just fades away again. Yeah, he told that to UK. So great job show nailing it as per usual, great callbacks here. And now sow Do you think that chosen got his weapons back from the bouncer? I didn't? They didn't show us.

Sal Rodriguez:

I'm gonna say no. Let me tell you this. I used to go to a lot of clubs and parties in my late teens, early 20s. And I generally, and party buses, and I generally would carry a knife. And what I would usually do is hide the knife before going into the Don't Ask, Don't ask. I would like to I would hide the knife before going in. One night. I said I'm gonna just I forgot. I just forgot about the knife. Anyway, the bouncer is like, Hey, you can't have this. And he says what's holding it for you? He says he Yeah, it was He says I'll hold it for you and give it to you at the end of the night? No.

Jason Connell:

Did you say Microsoft again?

Sal Rodriguez:

No, everybody, the end of the night. Everybody's gone. He's gotten home. He's gone. Everybody's gone. He takes my

Jason Connell:

show. So what am I gonna have his size?

Sal Rodriguez:

Okay, I bet you that the bouncer stole his drunk because they're gonna quite quite valuable, quite valuable.

Jason Connell:

So now Amanda and Carmen are calling in tonight. And they're gonna get an Uber and I love that Johnny insist on an Uber Black. Because he knows that there's a lot of sketchy Uber drivers out there, himself among them. So

Sal Rodriguez:

Uber Black is like the highest

Jason Connell:

level high level like look classy. Alright, because he's obviously

Sal Rodriguez:

taking it now. I want like the compact. What's the cheapest compact, that's what I'm looking at?

Jason Connell:

Well, it's kind of like that old Groucho Marx joke. I don't want to be part of a club, or I don't want to be part of any club that would have me as a member. It's so true. It's like Johnny's like I'm in this but it's you're too good for it. I do love it.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Those drivers probably drink and drive

Jason Connell:

and drive in. Pee in in there. You know, they're urinating.


Oh my God into a

Jason Connell:

cab, not like a big mouth. So the guys then pile in the limo, and chosen seeing the couple's kiss. Goodnight says what? Which is great.

Sal Rodriguez:

All right, SUCK FACE later.

Jason Connell:

And this of course, brings to mind On Golden Pond, the 1981 drama Jane Fonda Henry Fonda. Dabney Coleman. And in the movie, they're asking the young boy Hey, so what do you do when you hook up with a girl? I don't know. We hang out a SUCK FACE. And later in the movie. Henry Fonda Norman's his character says to his wife, right to his wife. Want to dance? Or would you rather just SUCK FACE famous line? I'd never heard SUCK FACE I've heard something else face before rhymes with SUCK FACE but worry we won't get into that now. But yeah, I was like this is so funny. That was a deliberate drop.

Sal Rodriguez:

You think so? Oh, yeah.

Jason Connell:

No one says SUCK FACE Come on. chosen is a big On Golden Pond fan.

Sal Rodriguez:

I only saw that movie myself recently. And then they were they had an up on stage that a stage production of On Golden Pond here recently that unfortunately I missed but yeah, the movie was really good and endearing.

Jason Connell:

Well speaking it was Katharine Hepburn was the wife and amazing. The Oscars flew around. But that movie so let us not forget. We screened it at the Los Angeles United Film Festival. And we had the director Mark ryedale out Dabney Coleman out handprints in front of the VISTA theater, played it on 35 millimeter. So at the VISTA at the Vista you were actually I wasn't aware that down the street at the lowest police three that night doing other screenings. So it was one of our special events. And I grew up loving that movie. And here I am part of this collective honoring the director honoring one of the stars. So I'm very fond of that movie. So I was all over that man. Anyway. Very funny.

Sal Rodriguez:

Wait, see? Well, you might say you're fond of that movie.

Jason Connell:

Oh, god. Okay, good night. Good night Rhode Island. So that's two flats taking it too far. So now we're at Tory's apartment, no mother or brother to speak of. So many mothers bedridden, we just don't know we haven't had any updates. And she's got an injured hand and what she needs is that stuff that Mr. Miyagi made for Daniel in the car It could Part Three that he just Yeah, but that's not around. She just has

Sal Rodriguez:

ice No. And then which which doesn't

Jason Connell:

that's total you know it's just the swelling might come down and that's

Sal Rodriguez:

it just to reduce swelling reduce pain, it does not ice doesn't really heal. Whereas Miyagi had the stuff that can help to heal. Yeah.

Jason Connell:

But then who arrives?

Sal Rodriguez:

Again, another surprise. I'm always surprised when people just arrive at people's places, you know? Yeah. All my life growing up. You did nobody had access to our front door. Yeah. We had a gate and 90% of the time the gate was locked. So nobody was just coming to our door. The fact that anybody could just walk up to somebody's door is still a foreign concept to me. It really is. Well, I have.

Jason Connell:

Yes, so no,

Sal Rodriguez:

you have a moat.

Jason Connell:

Loaded with crocodile hungry crocodile.

Sal Rodriguez:

So at Tori's apartment, Sam arrives and she offers to help offers to listen. Yeah, she looks around now think about this for a second. How, how and where Sam lives and look like Johnny's place. It looks okay. Versus how and where Tori lives. I mean, there's cereal boxes. You know what, five miles apart? Five miles apart yet different worlds? Yeah. different worlds but five miles apart.

Jason Connell:

And she's in pain. Like not just physical pain. But like, inside, you know, mental and

Sal Rodriguez:

remember we're starting to feel for Tori. Tori. We like Tory now right? Pro Tory we yeah, we are pro Tory. She She is no longer the the villain. She's no longer one of the villains of Cobra Kai.

Jason Connell:

No. So then Tory shares how much it hurt to learn the truth about all Valley. And that she's been working with Chris to get back at Silver but didn't know everything didn't know the extent of things. And then Sam shares it, Stingray admitted silver essentially admitted that silver assaulted him, but wouldn't go public with it. Because of his fear. And then Sal Torre has an idea.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, we see that invisible light bulb above her head. Yeah, because she asked like, see if something occurs to her about, especially if it's the old Cobra Kai dojo. It could be something

Jason Connell:

evidence there. Yeah. In the cobra, Kai dojo,

Sal Rodriguez:

possibly visual evidence.

Jason Connell:

Well, which is kind of a nice cut, because now we're at Silver's house, and we're seeing a security camera. So it's like, maybe that's what she's talking about. But great.

Sal Rodriguez:

They used to call it. I'm sorry, Jason, do they still call it a closed circuit?

Jason Connell:

Is that still an expression of closed circuit circuit? Yeah, this closed closed circuit.

Sal Rodriguez:

Okay. I don't hear that expression.

Jason Connell:

But He's entertaining since a cam and they're having a drink and just kind of thinking, Well, I'm now I'm not taking any further than that. It's out. What are they discussing?

Sal Rodriguez:

While they're talking about their evil plans? Yeah. Silva thinks Kim was tough on Tori, but she feels that Devin has a lot of potential. We haven't been given much camera time to Devin in this episode. No, no, I think we I think we should have considering Kim's point. But yeah, Kim does think highly of Devin at this point and wants to give her more prominence. And silver says you really think Devon Lee has a shot at winning the Sakai Tocai. And Kim says youth is not a liability. It has the greatest power. Hmm.

Jason Connell:

Interesting. They really kind of work well together. She's Yeah, they're

Sal Rodriguez:

wicked. wicked evil team.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, absolutely. And it's a shame because we saw a young camera she seemed so sweet. Right innocent. What? Well, she get corrupted.

Sal Rodriguez:

Hang on though. Remember when we first meet her as a young girl she's basically breaking the rules.

Jason Connell:

Oh, okay. Well, she's breaking the law but why wouldn't she was watching them watching crease you the same will say but you're right. breaking the rules. Much they've chosen was breaking the rules with the pillows and whatnot.

Sal Rodriguez:

Wait, no wait, that was chosen who was doing that? Yeah. And she was observing. Yeah, you're right. No, you're right. She

Jason Connell:

was right that she's something else. But yeah, it was it. She's no, no, no. I right. I'm right.

Sal Rodriguez:

No, no, you're right. I got scenes mixed up is what I did.

Jason Connell:

So now we're back in the limo. And Daniel Gianni and chosen are rocking out to


Yes. I have the Tiger by survivor. It's the Eye of the Tiger recently in the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rivals.

Jason Connell:

Oh my gosh.

Sal Rodriguez:

I saw rocky I didn't say

Jason Connell:

rocky three. He's training to fight Clubber Lang, played by

Sal Rodriguez:

Mr. T foo. I pity the food on on Mr. T.

Jason Connell:

pineal loves his mother loves his mother loves it loves your mother loves mothers we've talked. So you've met Sal Rodriguez has met Mr. T at the gym back in the day. So I'm

Sal Rodriguez:

going to tell ya I used to work at various gyms in Los Angeles and would talk to many a celebrity they are fond memories of meeting various celebrities in this instance, Mr. T. And just recently, by the way, since we're talking, they recently released a Mr. T action figure from his appearances in the WWE. Oh, I loved him recently. Mr. T. Yeah, it was when he was paired up with Hulk Hogan. Oh, yeah. Mr. Tiefe action, junkyard

Jason Connell:

dog. He was in the mix.

Sal Rodriguez:

God Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I love all those guys. That was my era. You sound like No, no, I was a kid.

Jason Connell:

I am

Sal Rodriguez:

watching wrestling. You're a nerd. Jason Connell is a nerd.

Jason Connell:

Also a tough guy. Also an athlete, but a nerd. For sure. Tough guy. Listen to me. I'm not a tough guy. Anyway, so now we're back at the nightclub kind of ping pong game back and forth. We're in the car with them the limo with them and they're rocking out and then we see Louie and Anushka hugging making up. No Vanessa are nessa as a news calls her. Not only is she not around that much. She's not even in the scene after they fight. Maybe she was so pissed that her brother's fighting her date or boyfriend whatever that she did, she took off. So then we go back to the limo. And we come back to them or kind of like I said, we're going back and forth. And I am telling you so I've said this once. I've said it twice. I've said it several times. Spin Off. Luna Nish first spin off. Miyagi Miyagi dough. That's spin off one spin off over here the light version. LEWIN finish I'm telling you it would be a hit because you could take it any which way it's like Laverne and Shirley spin off a happy days you ever wants to while the world would inner mingle and kind of see each other every once in a while they might go down to and see oh my God bring it full circle. Maybe Pat Marita at Arnold's maybe like sometimes Laverne and Shirley but sometimes they would kind of connect and then they would disappear again much like Mork and Mindy. That was a spin off of Happy Days. Yeah, he was at Arnold's I don't know if Arnold was still running it. Or if it was Pat Maria's character owl. Our owl owl Arnold was patent Raider owl was there. I don't know who was running the restaurant. But that's a spin off and then they never see them again. Right. Frasier every once a while would pop into cheers, but like cheers is off the air. So So I think you're gonna have a spin off that could be loosely tied. And it says these guys being these guys. They're funny. They interact with each other. They are the new Odd Couple. Thank you.

Sal Rodriguez:

And I really got ahead. Thank you, Jason. I really appreciate more and more I the more that I think about it. Anoosh. During that takedown, he went in for that time, and he was straight in there. I gotta hand it to a man. I do. You wouldn't you wouldn't expect that have a notion. Yeah, yeah, there he goes.

Jason Connell:

Yeah. So as we go back and forth. This is great. We realize that in the limo, our trio, a they're reliving their childhood survivor, they're rocking out all that. And our guys are odd couples bonding. But we also realize the limo driver comes up to Louie and is a bit perplexed.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah, yeah, your limo driver comes up to you like, Hey, you seen this dilemma? Yeah, that's not a good thing. You want to hear from your limo driver. Where's the limo?

Jason Connell:

We don't know anything's wrong yet. But as we cut back to the team in the limo, it is taking a long time to get wherever they were going. Now I understand this. Yeah, you and I know Los Angeles. And if you're gonna go from the valley and maybe take, you know the Mulholland and dropped in on Hollywood, it could take some time. But it seems like more than more time than it should have. Because they're probably staying in the valley most likely.

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, not to mention, not only time they start to be like, Hey, this is I think is Daniel. This was like, hey, this has taken a long time. But then the driving starts to become erratic,

Jason Connell:

and they can't roll on the window, and the doors are locked. So then you know we're in trouble. Well, of course, you know, where they're in trouble when the limo driver comes up. It's like, Hey, what happened? And all this is going on why the tiger continues to play, which is fantastic. But the driving does get more dangerous. And we have to assume that one of Silver's goons is driving.

Sal Rodriguez:

Okay, honestly, I do not know who that was driving. I was thinking I'm right there with everybody. Anybody who was sitting there thinking Who the heck is driving? That's where I was. I did not know who the hell was.

Jason Connell:

I assumed it was one of his goons. And then it ends it is literally a cliff hanger. End Ain't no reference to the Stallone movie there. That's that's not Oh, no. We're not going there. But cliffhanger ending is like that's like, you know, a real soap opera like, tune in next, the Dukes of Hazzard would have frozen belly. You know, that's hotter than a fox in the henhouse and we'll come right back. But now it's like

Sal Rodriguez:

no, it was kind of silly Cobra Kai. They haven't had an ending such as this have no no right in the thick of things right. They should probably

Jason Connell:

just kept going and episode 10 should have been a double episode and just said I screw it but now they do. Because I know you can go on if it was a show that had like yet a wait a week that would have been too much. Like come on with that.

Sal Rodriguez:

But anyway, I don't know man, what the way they released these shows they released them all at once. Okay, it when they dropped 10 episodes of Cobra Kai all at once. Why not just make a 10 hour movie? Just make it a 10 hour movie. Why not? It's

Jason Connell:

a lot to buy. It is one thing to say, Hey, I just watched this movie. Oh, yeah. How long is it 10 hours. It's another to say I just watched the most badass season 10 episodes. You'll love it. It's like we trick ourselves. Right? If I say to you, I said he saw come visit me. And I'm saying this to you. It's only it's not a 10 hour flight. You're like, oh my god, a 10 hour flight. It's only a five hour flight. But it's so it's a big number. You've gotta you gotta chop that up.

Sal Rodriguez:

So I could take the 10 hour flight in Florida and

Jason Connell:

watch that movie. Put on a movie. Yeah. Anyway, that's the ending. It's great. This is not an 8.4 This is a 9.4 it's a great episode. It really hearken back to karate kid to

Sal Rodriguez:

Well, no, they went all over the place karate get to Karate Kid three. And yes, that cliffhanger ending? They have not done anything like that before. So that that adds to the excitement and the wackiness.

Jason Connell:

Yeah, totally lacking. But fantastic. It's fantastic that we did it. We revisited this episode. I'm glad we did. By the time we get to Episode 10, season six will be upon us.

Sal Rodriguez:

We've rolled this out. We don't have news on season six. I

Jason Connell:

just know they're they're doing it or they've already done it. So that's good news. And when we do wrap season five, Episode 10. You and I will be doing a fan appreciation episode much overdue, it might even be a few. So and just a few updates a few more updates as we sign off. If you go to the just curious media websites, tell them what you can see now, which is been added for all of the shows.

Sal Rodriguez:

But does it sound kind of braggadocious? No,

Jason Connell:

this is not braggadocious. This is if you want to see your own review, and it might might inspire others that it's also it's just a link. I didn't go crazy with it. When you looked at it, though you did say it looked like what like press clippings or what were you saying?

Sal Rodriguez:

Like varieties? Okay, yeah, variety.

Jason Connell:

I'm not this is not bragging. I am beyond humble. I think it's great to share with our fans, especially our fans that have put it out there. But yeah,

Sal Rodriguez:

I know what I said. And this is total honesty. When I saw it. I said, Well, this looks really nice. It looks it looks great. It's it's a wall and the just curious media site of our five star reviews. And everybody's name is there. The quotes are there. The stars are there. It's a beautiful page. It looks really great. I'm quite honored. And I think all of you I really do. I mean, really, it means a lot. Each show has its own list. So yeah, it is almost, it's not just like this page is a tribute to us. It's a tribute to everybody who left a review. It's a tribute to everybody who left the five stars.

Jason Connell:

That's not why that's not why I did it. And I can only update it so often. So if you've added one recently, it will go to the wall it will and if you ever have to Forestar and you felt like bumping it up. Five gets you on the wall. But no, it's really cool. It has the person's handle, and the quote, and I kind of made a collage. And I liked it. I thought it was visually stimulating. It does it looks nice, because if I left one, I wouldn't mind being honored somewhere like, oh, there it is. So it's up there. And I hope to add like a wall of fame, right? It's like, it's our wall of fame. And we might even pick some of them some of those great fans out and have them on future episodes, which we've done with Patreon we have. So there's that. And that's all I got my friend. We covered it. We covered head to toe, head to toe. And by the way, I didn't say her name earlier, and I wanted to but it was Lisa Marie Presley. I thought you were gonna chime in, but rest in peace, rest in peace, anybody and everybody who we touch with our show. Thanks for hanging in there with us. We have another one coming out next week. And then it's what we always call special

Sal Rodriguez:

Are you sure we're having another episode and he's going out of town? Are you sure?

Jason Connell:

No, I'm putting I'm throwing the gauntlet down. And then a lot of special episodes to carry us all the way to season six wherever that may be. I do not know.

Sal Rodriguez:

Yeah. Jason, I have had a lot of discussions in recent weeks about the special episode season if you will, when that season is upon us all the wonderful things and there's no end the universe only gets bigger and bigger and bigger. So yeah, there's no end in sight for the Cobra Kai and Karate Kid universe.

Jason Connell:

We might even just talk about martial arts movies hilarious once who knows who knows what it can we can go Any Which Way But Loose. Another reference a Clint Eastwood movie, but Every Which Way But Loose.

Sal Rodriguez:

Right turn Clyde.

Jason Connell:

So thank you so much for listening and please be sure to subscribe to the let's talk Cobra Kai podcast as well as the let's talk Cobra Kai YouTube Live Channel. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast and winding up on the wall of fame.

Sal Rodriguez:

And for all your listeners and enjoy sharing your thoughts. You can leave us a review on Apple podcasts, send us a direct message or post a comment on any let's talk Cobra Kai social media platform.

Jason Connell:

And if you're a dedicated listener or viewer of Let's Talk Cobra Kai, please consider supporting the show on Patreon. We also highly recommend checking out our other podcast and visiting just curious media.com

Sal Rodriguez:

No Mercy

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